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Pakistan's minorities minister Shahbaz Bhatti assassinated

Developer is right it is the absence of the law and order and the faliour of the gov and has nothing to do with the religion. Religion is used as an excuse to get away with things but that is the mistake of the people who use it, and not the religion its self. So stop dragging it in please.
It has every thing to do with his religion and his portfolio representing religious minorities of Pakistan. Please do not try to obfuscate the real issue, blasphemy laws and exploitation of those laws to beat down religious minorities to submission.
who gave u the right to come here & lecture us? i've been going thru ur posts & u got nothing positive or constructive to say all what ur doing is flaming & trolling... let us PAKISTANIS solve this issue, its our worry not yours, its our home & its our responsibility to put our home in order, so take a chill pill & stop lecturing us... PEACE

This is a forum, where all nationalities debate. If you are so insecure about your internal affairs, you should not comment about minority issues in India, be it Gujarat or Babri Masjid.
This is a forum, where all nationalities debate. If you are so insecure about your internal affairs, you should not comment about minority issues in India, be it Gujarat or Babri Masjid.

and i DON'T ... i'll be HONEST .. i dont give a DAM .. what happens in ur india.. its your home ur people, ur problem ... :azn:
The blasphemy law is just one issue; tomorrow it will be some other issue.

No other issue excites public opinion like this one which appeals to religious sensitivities. This one carries an inbuilt death sentence that more & more people end up justifying.

The larger problem is the breakdown of law and order and the impunity with which criminals mock the justice system. We can have all kinds of controversies in Pakistan, as long as people debate them with words and not guns.

Nothing ends up silencing an opponent quicker in a debate than a bullet. These guys aren't interested in debating anything, something that I think that people who consider themselves as moderately religious are going to find to their disadvantage. There is no middle way possible when a bullet with one's name on it is a serious possibility.
Civil society of Pakistan should not deter from its goal of repealing this crazy and disgusting law...they should show the terror-hate mongers(fundamentalists)..that the more they attack liberals..the stronger the liberals should respond..
because now if u back down..the fundamentalists will see this as a sign of weakness..and they will think that everytime they need to force the government into doing something..1)use the religion card 2)kill one of the opponents-which will scare them..
look for a major operation and a drone response to be followed by a "sure it's true" story about how Western forces are promoting alternate confessions - helter skelter - Pakistanis will eat it up
some comments in ET from readers after the news broke out.

What a shame … This is what we muslims are showing to the world, that 1400 years ago, non muslims use to seek refuge under the patronage of muslims, as those muslims were known to be the most JUST people amongst the humanity that existed, and now today we muslims are worse than the animals in the jungle. Bravo muslims of Pakistan!

What ever happened to the rights of Christian and other minorities – every time a Mullah tries to convert a Christian by saying that Jesus is not the son of God, they are committing blasphemy – why are not these Mullah’s and other Muslims being put on trial for blasphemy???? This country and it’s one-sided laws which protect only MUSLIMS is sickening! BTW – I am a Muslim and this blasphemy law has to change otherwise this senseless killing will never end. It only takes one generation to change things – as it only took one generation to change things for the worse when Zia came in. REFORM NEEDS TO BE MADE NOW!!!

There isn’t much hope for a country where an opposing point of view cannot be just listened to but instead has to be silenced with guns. People who surround themselves with “yes” men, getting rid of all contradictory views will never realize their own faults. They are doomed.

Sad, I ask all my countrymen, now in light of this incident what do they think the world will think of us & our religion?

These Animals (Talibans) have destroyed the image of Islam & the reputation of Pakistan.

Now I ask Mr. Imran Khan & people from Jamaat-E-Islami & ofcourse the insane Qazi Hussain Ahmed to defend this act. Please gentlemen come & justify these animals (snakes) called Talibans.

These people kill innocent men, women, children in the name of Allah & our prophet’s (PBUH) teachings.

Let Haimd Mir, Ansar Abbasi & other like them glorify these animals & defend today’s incident.

Most of the comments are one-liners expressing anger and disgust over this incident..

and some have again jumped to conspiracy theories pointing India/US/Israel etc..
The TTP just won themselves a lot of supporters in Pakistan, I believe.
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