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Pakistan's minorities minister Shahbaz Bhatti assassinated

All Pakistanis who want blasphemy/hudood laws removed should pick up their guns. Moral superiority won't work, on tactics they can get lots of help from China. Infact they should set up a communist party too

(I'm serious)

Two words.
YOU ARE THE BEST! (Oops. They aren't two.. My bad. :-s)

:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo: Communism Communism Communism Communism Communism Communism Communism Communism Communism Communism Communism Communism:yahoo::woot::woot::woot::yahoo:
The Hadith is about prophet saying one should love me more than his parents is 100%. Authentic and I fully agree with vesper in all the things he has said these liberal Fascists are taking over our country by manipulating the actions of criminal talibans they use it as a justification to find faults in Islam and no font insult alike because Islam reached to us through them after prophet Mohammad P.B.U.H sahaba karaam tabern tabs tabern and then alike and to the poster who doubted the validity of the Hadith it's in sahiyeh sitta and no anyother religion might be a private matter but Islam is not it's our collective obligation to defend Islam and Abu zolfikar "wa anzuru eleha wajeehiyin Aliya ibada " tell me honestly your name is Abu zolfikar but did u know it don't insult your name by saying these things ok

FINALLY! SOMEONE'S GOT MY BACK! :D :pakistan::yahoo::yahoo::woot:
I always got your back my brother in Islam!!!!! Let's not liberals get away they blame every thing on our religion in this godless society !!!! Implement Islam and if then someone is treated badly then come and talk to us they are Al very impressed with western life styles most of them I shud say and now trying to be very sensitive My foot
Well a repressive communist regime probably won't work in Pakistan. But it's a powerful ideology, leftist parties IMHO would add much vibrance to Pakistani politics.

Or maybe militant secularism (like Ataturk) is needed, but Ataturk was a famous leader and the Turks are a mono-ethnic/cultural people, this probably won't work for multi-ethnic Pakistan
Don't give examples of turkey they are the only Muslim country producing commerical **** and indians please stay away from this we don't need your ideas
I always got your back my brother in Islam!!!!! Let's not liberals get away they blame every thing on our religion in this godless society !!!! Implement Islam and if then someone is treated badly then come and talk to us they are Al very impressed with western life styles most of them I shud say and now trying to be very sensitive My foot

Yeah. There's charm. There's pleasure. There's luxury. There's the best thing in the world (apparently) women. :P and There's...well, I dont nkow, everything, that 'you think' can give you peace. Its amazing isn't it how they made their society. And our generation is just scared of how the media has portrayed the future of Islamic nature, controlled by evil Mullahs who wont allow us to do anything and force us to do things we dont want to and blah blah. Its just what they want us to think. And if you say that why was there no need for this law back in the start of Muslim era? Because that kingdom had Islam as its foundations. It stood on the pillars of Islam. Thats why there was no need for it in the first place. No one dared. Today, everyone knows how easily we can do anything for money or any other greed. Some of us even sell their faith and all. Hmm. Alas.
Well a repressive communist regime probably won't work in Pakistan. But it's a powerful ideology, leftist parties IMHO would add much vibrance to Pakistani politics.

Or maybe militant secularism (like Ataturk) is needed, but Ataturk was a famous leader and the Turks are a mono-ethnic/cultural people, this probably won't work for multi-ethnic Pakistan

I was joking. Pakistan doesnt need capitalism or communism or any other -ism. Islam provides this -ism of its own. We just need to go get it and deploy it.
Very true intact go on twitter see what liberals are saying against our religion it's a fashion for them now the more they bad mouth Islam the more bigger a scholar they become it's a routine now you know the it thing to do Now I want to change Pakistan enough is enough we are held hostage by Islam we can't progress because of Islam and blah blah and now this is becoming routine on pak defense as well
Aren't you saddened when foreigners kill innocent Muslim women and children ?
All Pakistanis who want blasphemy/hudood laws removed should pick up their guns. Moral superiority won't work, on tactics they can get lots of help from China. Infact they should set up a communist party too

(I'm serious)

how about you and your countrymen stay out of our internal business. I'm serious.
how about you and your countrymen stay out of our internal business. I'm serious.

Then tell your countrymen to do the same also. We are here to debate and no one can stop that, the internet is a free medium of speech unlike other places.
Then tell your countrymen to do the same also. We are here to debate and no one can stop that, the internet is a free medium of speech unlike other places.

well right now it's your side that's meddling in our business. A healthy debate is always welcome as long as it doesn't turn into a troll and cheap shot fest, something your side truly excels in, as quiet evident during these crisis.
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