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Pakistan's ISI plans to expand Bangladesh's border to weaken India

You mean they take DGFI seriously? ;)

I never heard the name before. I guess if they are trying anything funny, they are over-reaching themselves.

The only hope for Bangladesh is in maintaining good relations with India. To try anything funny can bite back severely aside from making them the most ungrateful people ever.

Kind of like the Afghanis. We gave them a place to stay, hosted millions of them and yet they ***** about us. Their President lived and studied in Pakistan for many years and yet not a week goes by where he dosen't blame Pakistan unfairly for his own problems.

People seeem to have short memories.
The only hope for Bangladesh is in maintaining good relations with India. To try anything funny can bite back severely aside from making them the most ungrateful people ever.
like I said statements such as stated in the starting post came from Indians not Bangladeshis(except maybe the thread opener).BD has enough problems of its own.
The usual Indian allegations are(they have kind of toned it down recently though) that the ISI with the help of DGFI are helping rebels in the NE Indian states.

You mean they take DGFI seriously?
by they you mean who?
like I said statements such as stated in the starting post came from Indians not Bangladeshis(except maybe the thread opener).BD has enough problems of its own.
The usual Indian allegations are(they have kind of toned it down recently though) that the ISI with the help of DGFI are helping rebels in the NE Indian states.

Well, why don't you tell us, why so many Bangladeshis politicians are anti-Indians? They are harboring the ULFA leaders in Dhaka. Not true? The NE rebel support claim is commonly believed in India. I feel that the Khalida Zia government was too anti India and beholden to Islamic parties and that led to an increase in these activities.

by they you mean who?

Indians posting in those forums.
Ex-rebel spills Dhaka beans

Shillong, Dec. 18: The surrendered chairman of a separatist group has revealed that he lived in Dhaka for several years, possibly the first time a militant leader has publicly contested Bangladesh’s claim that it does not host rebels.

Julius Dorphang, the head of a group fighting for over a decade for an independent nation Khasiland carved out of Meghalaya, told The Telegraph in an exclusive interview that top leaders of many Northeast militant groups lived in Dhaka.

“It is true that for better communication with other militant groups and also with others, we, the top leaders, used to stay in Dhaka,” he said at the Mawiong rehabilitation camp, 7km from Shillong.

Dorphang, 44, who headed the Hynniewtrep National Liberation Council (HNLC) for several years, surrendered on July 23 after what he describes as ideological differences with his colleagues.

He gave the name of one apartment building where he had lived — Banani — “in Dhaka, close to the airport”. Meghalaya police have cross-checked that there is a building by this name.

“However, we used to change places every now and then. Maybe six months in one place and another six months somewhere else,” he said.

Dorphang did not identify any other militant leader who lived in Dhaka. “We used to see each other either in hotels or other rented places.”

But he did say that like the HNLC, the NSCN(I-M) and the National Liberation Front of Tripura have camps in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. “I came to know that the National Democratic Front of Boroland (NDFB) had to disband a camp because of a misunderstanding with the locals,” he said.

“We had relations with NSCN and other top militant groups. But we did not have any connection with the Ulfa.”

Although Northeast militants have spoken about acquiring training in Bangladesh at surrender ceremonies, Dorphang is the first top leader to say he lived there. “Why should I hide it? It is a fact,” he said.

Ulfa’s Paresh Barua and Arabinda Rajkhowa, NDFB’s Ranjan Daimary, All Tripura Tiger Force’s Ranjit Debbarma and National Liberation Front of Tripura’s Biswamohan Debbarma are said to be holed up in Bangladesh.

Other top leaders of Dorphang’s own group, HNLC, are also there.

Bangladesh officially denies the presence of Indian militants or their camps on its soil. But privately, it has been making positive gestures to India on several issues, including fugitive insurgents, ever since the military-backed regime took over in Dhaka.

The Telegraph - Archives

Some insight.

Last paragraphs is what is important.
Kind of like the Afghanis. We gave them a place to stay, hosted millions of them and yet they ***** about us. Their President lived and studied in Pakistan for many years and yet not a week goes by where he dosen't blame Pakistan unfairly for his own problems.

People seeem to have short memories.

You left something very important out. That is that we feed them. Afghanistan has no resources it cant grow its food so the food goes from Pakistan. If we cut of the food supply to Afghanistan they will starve to death and in our country we wont have these food shortages. I think we should do that, make them beg at our keens.
A land embargo is an interesting option.

However, the embargo on food will create a humanitarian crisis.

No country in the world will endorse a humanitarian crisis and in turn, may put sanctions and embargoes on Pakistan itself to pressurise Pakistan. This is more so what will happen because Afghanistan is now an area of intense western interest and the West, whether we like it or not, seem to be calling the shots in the international field.

China, which is in the run to be a global leader, too, would not like to support such a move for an embargo since to appear as heartless would go against their aim of being a responsible, fair and trustworthy nation of the world, of which they are trying to be one of the lead players.

Therefore, while it is a good weapon to use, it becomes double edged!
:lol: :lol:

i failed to understand why some people dont have guts to register with name of their origional country. hmmmm

get a life man

Bangladesh is my original country.

Oh yes they are working together .. lol what are you ? a gossip monger neighbourhood aunti

Why would I gossip? I'm asking a question because I keep on reading it on rediff.com and other Indian news sites. You just assume something negative from me just because I'm a Bengali. Hain na?

Jana, if you had read his other posts, you would have an idea of his real identity.

Really what is my real identity....oh yeah I'm MUSLIM.


Get his IP checked and one will know what country he is from.

He claims his grandfather knocked out a whole lot of Indian soldiers having hid under a tank during the Liberation of Bangladesh!

He also abuses Bhutto and Yahyah for dividing Pakistan.

At best, he loves his Bangladesh and yet hates that Pakistan broke up.

Schizophrenic at best!

But not an agent provocateur!

You're a LIAR! It was before 1971, NOT IN THE LIBERATION. You're lying just to give yourself credibility. aBesides, I favor Muslim Unity, I love Bangladesh because that's where I'm from buddy.

lol Why would Pakistan waste it's time trying to weaken the eastern part of India? There is nothing of importance there.
I'm asking the question, I never claimed Pakistan is involved.

You mean they take DGFI seriously? ;)

I never heard the name before. I guess if they are trying anything funny, they are over-reaching themselves.

The only hope for Bangladesh is in maintaining good relations with India. To try anything funny can bite back severely aside from making them the most ungrateful people ever.

Bangladesh wants good relations with India but India is starving Bangladesh; therefore, Bangladeshis have a bad image of India.
^^^India is starving Bangladesh? Ridiculous.

Why don't you stop ranting about India, and start reading up about global warming instead, which is going to rob B'desh of half her land in the next 50 years?

Bangladesh exposed to global warming, Annan

How the World Works: Globalization, Globalization Blogs - Salon.com

In Flood-Prone Bangladesh, a Future That Floats - washingtonpost.com

Your time would be much more productively spent in thinking about how to save your country from a watery future, to say the least.
The future of Bangladesh is mass migrations out of the country. Where will these peple go?

Will Pakistan take in the bengalis? or India? China? Burma?
Bangladesh wants good relations with India but India is starving Bangladesh; therefore, Bangladeshis have a bad image of India.

and how is india starving bangladesh? we are not destroying any crops grown in bangladesh. we are not preventing bangladesh from producing food. if your country is not producing enough food to feed its people, then blame the govt, not India.

Now if you are going to bring up the issue of river linking, i should remind you that bangladesh recieves more than enough rain, and water is not an issue. if the government cant plan for the floods and build water storage facilities like dams and reservoirs, then whose fault it it?

Dont blame India for the failures of your govt. Its not India's duty to feed bangladesh.
Thank you India, for 1971. Were it not for that, Pakistan today would be twice as poor, with twice the population and without any real natural resources to speak of in Bangladesh.

Separation was inevitable, but I'm glad it happened in 71. Were it still a part of us, there would have been mass migrations to Karachi.
I think we should visit the azmax’s home page he is a Bangladeshi and its good that they want friendship with us we should respect their views.
Thank you India, for 1971. Were it not for that, Pakistan today would be twice as poor, with twice the population and without any real natural resources to speak of in Bangladesh.

Separation was inevitable, but I'm glad it happened in 71. Were it still a part of us, there would have been mass migrations to Karachi.

kool so you are thanking them for killing millions of Pakistanis?
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