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Pakistan's Intelligence Agencies have failed to protect its citizens

Bomb blasts in 2009

link Bomb blasts in Pakistan 2009

456 uptil Nov 27, 2009

You can link the blasts in 80s with and specially just before Russia announced to leave Afghanistan.

The death toll from big bomb blasts at that time was 3750 and biggest ones were 48 killed in Peshawar, 56 in Karachi and similar about 50 or so in Lahore.

Same is the situation now. Our enemies will try to do as much damage as they can before leaving.
Please listen to what the likes of Jamaat Islami have to say on media and you will appreciate that there is a very venomous and dangerous element which is the mouthpiece of TTP and actually supports their projected point of view and offers them all sorts of alibis, who is to say they do not covertly provide support?
These same champions of Islam had no qualms about destroying the environment of top class colleges and universities for decades through their violence...they have all the germs to be in cahoots with these rascals...they have always been implementing their own petty agenda via guns and violence...i dare say they are the fifth column support for this terrorism!

Many countless attacks have been foiled and hundreds of terrorists have been captured even before they tried to do anything, however the sheer numbers indicate that these people have a lots of funding and are able to mobilize a large number of fighters and suicide bombers, they have been literally buying children off the poor and using them in attacks. The enemy is quite dangerous and well financed. To use tons of high grade explosives and plan well coordinated attacks is not something an average anti state rebel can do...this is not some rebellion...the intent from day one has been terrorism.

Army cannot do law enforcement and that is what we have to understand. If it is martial law then Army can do this but it is not and nobody wants us to go down that road...
So it is the interior ministry which has failed the most and to say that they cannot do anything or are not capable is quite a childish assumption, it is their job and they have the means...if they are not devising a coherent strategy then all the efforts are being wasted.
We need a sweep up operation in all areas of Pakistan via the police and not military, policing is the most critical aspect of defense against the terrorists whereas Army is the offensive punch against the terrorist safe havens...you cannot ignore either one.
The trouble with intelligence is that due to a massive space given to the terrorists in the past and the promotion of violent and extremist groups like Lashkar e jhangvi etc. and lack of decisive actions by all concerned including the democratic governments of PPP and PML-N in the last two decades, the terrorists are not in embryonic stage but are rather in very advanced stage where they have penetrated many areas successfully.

Too long have the police been subject to the whims of every tom, dick and harry...with such a setup in which there are whirlwind transfers and suspensions and the requirement to do the bidding of all politicians that practically the Police has become ill equipped to handle such an assigment while maintaing its routine activities of serving the elite...
No doubt the police is showing bravery and it has to be appreciated that even despite being the ridicule of our society and subject to all sorts of unprofessional handling of their affairs, the police still has people who sacrifice their lives.
The emphasis has to be on police reforms, practical anti terrorist laws and swift court proceedings against terrorists.
Police has to be made very strong as an institution.
Terrorists are not your regular criminals and special process has to be established to nab such terrorists and provide swift punishment to make an example of such rascals.
The system has to be fair but more importantly it has to become practical, jailing a terrorist for indefinite time is not an option...the risks are far too great...

Army too has its problems in changing gears and facing a group which uses the name of Islam and claims to be part of those Mujahideen whom we supported in Afghanistan long time ago, this is the reason why our COAS also has to emphasize to his troops that we are fighting for Islam and Pakistan...it takes time to turn around such things but it is not impossible...no matter what the former allegiance be...if someone is committing terrorism...he is our enemy, whether he is a former Afghan war veteran or prays 50 times a day does not and should not matter to us.
The resolve of Military is quite solid and even the sacrifices of the police shows that they are not simply running for their lives but are fighting...however as far as a grand strategy is concerned i am not satisfied with what the GOP has so far come up with and also what additional checks and balances have been created to monitor those who are supporting terrorists against Pakistan...be it our own residents or those foreign nationals who are acting funny...

The losses suffered are terrible and makes me very sad but the terrorists will not go down without doing such damage...that is the bitter fallout.
I hope that the people start rejecting the likes of Jamat Islami and shun such people who use Islam as a weapon and are willing to side with the enemies of Pakistan.
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You can link the blasts in 80s with and specially just before Russia announced to leave Afghanistan.

The death toll from big bomb blasts at that time was 3750 and biggest ones were 48 killed in Peshawar, 56 in Karachi and similar about 50 or so in Lahore.

Same is the situation now. Our enemies will try to do as much damage as they can before leaving.

Very True Jana...the KHAD was the main culprit and it was trained by KGB...the only reason the young ones do not know that much about those events is that in Zia era the media was very controlled and to prevent the fear from spreading the coverage was minimal and controlled.
Just for consumption of the members this same KHAD hierarchy was part of Northern Alliance and has been reinstated.
No wonder that our government and agencies have severe mistrust of current Afghan regime...knowing the tactics...KHAD is a primary suspect in backing the TTP.
As I see you are quite new to the forum. For the sake of humanity I request you, please don't try to turn this tread into a :flame:. That was absolutely not required. It hurts when you lose your loved ones. So respect that and please be on topic.

I may be quite new but I've known this forum for a long time.
Don't be presumptuous, I hope you read the title of this thread & what I've written is not off topic to say the least. Moreover the quoted part of my post was merely supplying "factual" evidence to support a staff member's post before me. Regarding flaming comments, see my other posts and then come back and comment about my intentions. If I were a Pakistani, for the sake of debate, does that picture not raise questions about the competence & will power of political/military leadership in the last 4 years in protecting the national interests such as the economy, security & the civil society at large. That picture was not meant to put down/belittle some body as you have interpreted it to be, rather it was merely a reflection, albeit not cast in stone at that, of the current & last 4 years of conditions of the civil society. Just a few questions,
1. Does this picture not inspire you (as a Pakistani citizen) to do more in your capacity to constructively take your country forward to those days when it and its people enjoyed relatively better days?
2. If you have read the profile given in the link along with the picture, does it not hit home the fact that so many innocent people are losing their lives for no fault of their's.
3. Does it not tell you that political leadership do not know the value of human life, let alone Pakistan, SE Asia is notorious for it.

And as I have noticed that the picture has been taken down, I would assume that moderators agree with your point of view, sadly and failed to see the other side of it.
Very True Jana...the KHAD was the main culprit and it was trained by KGB...the only reason the young ones do not know that much about those events is that in Zia era the media was very controlled and to prevent the fear from spreading the coverage was minimal and controlled.
Just for consumption of the members this same KHAD hierarchy was part of Northern Alliance and has been reinstated.
No wonder that our government and agencies have severe mistrust of current Afghan regime...knowing the tactics...KHAD is a primary suspect in backing the TTP.

I wasnt in the world at that time but by studying i had just came to know the tactics of KHAD, KGB and RAW they were doing the same and it was aimed at before leaving create as much fear and mess as they can.

The same is going on now the only difference is at that time they were planting bombs through locals as well as some of their own agents and now they are hiring local suicide bombers.
At that time they were using only money while now they are not only using money but also exploiting the ideology by brainwashing our locals.

Currently the newly made RAMA (the indian brainchild) though not much active but it is getting benefited by CIA, RAW collaboration though again the Bhartayas are not having much beef to involve directly but doing so indirectly through funding and sheltering terrorists in Afghanistan against Pakistan.

I feel Pakistan should start formulating a strategy to play its role along with Iran in the post-US withdrawal scenario. The policy should be balanced one and should be taking all sides on board.
Suffice to mention Israel here, at one time the effect of Suicide attacks was such that streets in down town Tel Aviv were deserted, Bars, Restaurants and other thoroughfares were forced to pulling their shutters down. This in a country where no one could go undetected, where unlike Pakistan, there are no common borders while others are fenced off. Even here in UK, which is virtually an island, human smuggling, drugs and gun related crimes are proving challenging for the authorities.
It's all convinent to point the finger at the intelligentsia, but has it also dawned upon anyone that while one Islamic scholar was quick to condemn and issue a "Fatwa", while the other belt busting Maulanas, Muftis and Qazis are still tossing and turning.!!!!
What does RAMA stand for? First time I heard this word in this context.

New Afghan Intelligence agency created by India. The observation of name of this agency is RAM but interestingly an extra "A" has been added at the end to do away with any impression which could implicate India :)

The main aim is of this agency is to destabilise Pakistan just like KHAD was doing at the behest of RAW.
I think we should also look into the attacks foiled by the army. How many attacks where foiled, and it is logical army's hands cannot reach everywhere, it is the common citizen who have to be alert and on their toes, they should be the eyes of the security forces. Then i am sure there will be much bigger success rate. However it seems there are still some sympathisers left for these terrorists in pakistan, its only a matter of time before they are exposed before the pakistani public.
Till then god bless pakistan, god bless india and god bless the world.
we dont know how many terrorist and suiciders ISI is intercepting everyday. So saying they failed is not right. And for Lahore attack. There was information about such attack. But our democratically elected govts put all the forces on high alert near there buildings to protect them. So its not our intelligence or security forces its the Govt.
NO, Pakistan's Intelligence Agencies have not failed in protecting its citizens. I has just learned the ways that are unsuccessful
New Afghan Intelligence agency created by India. The observation of name of this agency is RAM but interestingly an extra "A" has been added at the end to do away with any impression which could implicate India :)

The main aim is of this agency is to destabilise Pakistan just like KHAD was doing at the behest of RAW.
Oh dear!, by changing the name from RAM to RAMA, they even more exacerbated the impression which could implicate India, thus making it explicit rather than implicit that it is Indian/Indian origin.:hitwall:
FYI, Ram & Rama can be used interchangeably in India, it is just a North(Ram)-South(Rama) divide.

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