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Pakistan’s Increasing Nuclear Stockpile: India the only Threat Factor?

If the pakistani nuclear build up is indian specific they must very scared and worried about india because its a lot missles for one country.

But it could be that the saudis have funded the whole programme and half belong to them...
Pakistan had put all its eggs in to the American basket. There were aids rolling in, Americans helping Pakistan to build industries, friendship taller than mountain, deeper than ocean, SEATO, CENTO etc.
What's the point? Non alignment did not suit our interests....Soviets were worse than Americans....
For the Arabs ? They never cared about you!
Which Arab country?
KSA cares for us a lot, what can other Arab countries do for us? Mow our lawns?
And Israel does play tricks with you and you could not do anything about it. For example, who do you think supplied Indian with the Litening pods during Kargil war ? You think it started and ended there ?
Cannot disagree with that... Another fact is that those tricks are nowhere close to an air attack on our nuclear facilities.
Why did your leaders have to pick up a fight in the very first place any way
We supported Palestine cause and will continue to do so as it is our moral responsibility to take the side of the oppressed. Whatever the consequences are, we have dealt with them quite effectively in the past and I can say the same for the future.
Pakistan should decide a CAP for its nuclear stockpile and call it a day after reaching it. Developing large number of nukes is not a solution for all problems. It will create new ones instead.


US could barely strangle Iran, let alone "destroy" it, with all the sanctions in the world (with even Chinese, Europeans, and Russians being on board with sanctions).

Pakistan is much more an important player, especially for China and Arab World. Stop living in fool's paradise.

And Pakistan won't ever threaten Israel with nukes unless Israel does something extremely insane---in which case, Israelis will be responded in same mannerism and not f*cks would be given to U.S or anybody else---just like no fucks were given to U.S when we followed our nuclear policy or Afghan policy for that matter.
Iran managed to sustain its economic activity under sanctions because it is one of the largest oil producing countries in the world. Pakistan does not have the same luxury.

And a single nuke would mean all of Israel is finished. Pakistan is too big to destroy with nukes. Nuking a significant portion of Pakistan or India would mean a nuclear winter that could destroy all life, which is why neither country could ever be fully destroyed.

Israel can easily be destroyed.
A regional nuclear conflict will not destroy all life on Earth. Let us be realistic.

At maximum, it will render targeted regions inhabitable and negatively influence climatic conditions for a while.

They asked for our troops, we refused to provide our troops....Ask Saudis why they wanted our troops.
Pakistan dispatched troops for the defense of holy cities in Saudi Arabia (only). Pakistan did not had the military capability and resources to tackle Iraq back then, plain and simple. Even an Islamic coalition force could not stop Saddam Hussein back then.
Pakistan dispatched troops for the defense of holy cities in Saudi Arabia (only). Pakistan did not had the military capability and resources to tackle Iraq back then, plain and simple. Even an Islamic coalition force could not stop Saddam Hussein back then.
I know. As for Saddam Hussein, the vastly outnumbered Kuwaitis gave him a lot of tough time.
I was talking about Yemen. Saudis wanted to utilize the vast experience of our troops in COIN and LIC.
Very nicely author has moved article where all of sudden Israel gets threatened ,We dont have any fight with Israel at the moment however in secrecy Zionist has always tries to arm our arch rival to its teeth but we dont do that .KSA is over Nucleur umbrella just as Nato is under USA umbrella ,So piss off
India is not only the threat factor there are always others as well.
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