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Pakistan’s Increasing Nuclear Stockpile: India the only Threat Factor?


Apr 28, 2011
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In 2014, the Council of Foreign Relations reported that Pakistan now has the fastest growing nuclear program in the world, and estimates that by 2020, Islamabad could have as many as 200 nuclear weapons. Gregory Koblentz, an expert on arms control, has termed this development as “aggressive.” In 2011, reports suggested that Pakistan could overtake Britain as the fifth largest nuclear weapon state in the world. While a report published in August 2015 by Michael Krepon and Toby Dalton, predicts that Pakistan could exceed the nuclear weapons capabilities of France and China, making it the third largest nuclear weapon state.

Krepon and Dalton further suggest that Pakistan should shift its focus from full spectrum deterrence to strategic deterrence. However, as recent as in September 2015, the National Command Authority on the other hand, made clear that Pakistan is working towards maintaining ‘full spectrum deterrence.’ Pakistan aspires to achieve ‘full spectrum deterrence’ and would potentially increase its nuclear stockpile as a road towards achieving this capability. In addition to this, is the issue of a possible nuclear deal between the U.S. and Pakistan, which further raises concerns. While it is being assumed that the deal, if fructifies, may check Pakistan’s growing fissile material, Pakistan could divert its nuclear program towards nuclear weapons.

Pakistan cites its nuclear weapons development “solely aimed at India”. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on the other hand, claimed in September 2015 that Pakistan’s nuclear weapons are not aimed at any state. There are, however, several other factors that probably have motivated Pakistan to continue increasing its fissile material stockpile. This article therefore, analyses the trends in Pakistan’s nuclear weapons capability and the possible factors that has played in Pakistan’s desire to continue increasing its fissile material stockpile.

Several trends in nuclear weapons capability built up increasing global concerns:

1. Islamabad refuses to join the Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty (FMCT). Pakistan is the only state opposing the FMCT, which bans the production of highly enriched uranium (HEU) and plutonium, the two main components of making nuclear weapons.

2. In 2013, according to SIPRI reports, Pakistan was estimated to have three tons of HEU. Currently, Pakistan is believed to be using enrichment facilities in Kahuta, and in Gadwal in Punjab to develop nuclear warheads. Islamabad, however, is giving equal importance to developing plutonium warheads.

3. The cooling capacities in the reactors at the Khushab nuclear site have also been increased, thereby enabling Islamabad to produce even more plutonium than previously estimated, according to the 2014 Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) Report.

4. Islamabad is constructing heavy water reactors (HWRs) at Khushab, the Khushab IV reactors that were also operational in January 2015.

In addition, Pakistan has sought to develop Multiple Independently Targetable Re-entry Vehicles (MIRVs) for its Shaheen category ballistic missiles; its tactical nuclear weapons (TNWs), called the Nasr, and its nuclear-capable cruise Ra’ad missiles and submarine-launched missiles, which require nuclear warhead miniaturisation. Plutonium warheads, more powerful yet lighter, are capable of being easily miniaturised. The aircraft and land-based missile systems strengthen Pakistan’s ‘first-use’ posture. Islamabad is also aspires to develop sea-based nuclear deterrent capability to strengthen its second-strike capability. As Pakistan develops TNWs, there would be a requirement to deploy many of them in the forward posts during conflict times which would require increased number of TNWs in the nuclear arsenal.

It is unclear whether this rapid increase in a nuclear stockpile is to cater only to Pakistan’s own security challenges, or to Saudi Arabia’s nuclear ambitions as well. Reports in 2013 were already claiming that Pakistan’s nuclear weapons program was being funded by Riyadh. This was so that Saudi Arabia could possibly avail itself of Islamabad’s technology if the need for such weapons arose.

It would be also hard to believe that Pakistan is not weary of Israel’s nuclear weapons capabilities. Pakistan’s newest Shaheen version, the Shaheen 3 with a range of 2750 kms can strike targets in West Asia. In 1980s and 1990s, Israel planned a raid on Pakistan’s nuclear facilities which was stalled. Therefore, the existential threat from Israel remains intact.

While the United States and the P4+1 states have been busy trying to curb Iran’s nuclear ambitions, limited effort is being made to curb the nuclear weapons stockpile of Pakistan. Pakistan’s nuclear weapons could fall into the hands of asymmetric organizations. Although Islamabad claims to have worked on safety and security of its nuclear weapons, the introduction of TNWs could defy security measures; these weapons could fall into the hands of terrorist organizations when deployed in times of crisis.

According to Shyam Saran, post 2011, U.S. raids in Abbotabad to kill Osama Bin Laden, Pakistan has been apprehensive of U.S. intentions in Global War on Terror. Pakistan is concerned of America’s drone attacks on Pakistani territory and their capacity to wipe out Pakistan’s nuclear capability. According to Saran, “the Pakistani military and civilian elite is convinced that the United States has also become a dangerous adversary, which seeks to disable, disarm or take forcible possession of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons.”

In addition, the US Nuclear Supplier’s Group (NSG) waiver on India has been criticised by Pakistan and they believe that Pakistan deserves similar treatment as well. However, India has earned its NSG waiver due to its persistence as a responsible nuclear weapon state. India’s adoption of a ‘no-first use’ doctrine, its firm opposition to TNWs, its efforts on building nuclear proliferation resistant technologies for peaceful nuclear energy and its ratifying of the Additional Protocol, has earned it the NSG waiver.

Although the Obama Administration seems to be obsessed solely with courting Iran, the increase in Islamabad’s fissile material is a threat to global security. Therefore, such threats need to be addressed.

America could persuade Pakistan to consider signing onto the FMCT. As of now, Pakistan is the only country opposing the Treaty. Therefore, Pakistan’s acceptance of the Treaty would hasten the negotiating process of the FMCT. If Islamabad’s nuclear weapons program is aimed only at India or like it would be conducive for it to sign the FMCT: the Treaty would curb India’s future fissile material as well as Pakistan’s. Pakistan, whose fissile material stockpile exceeds that of India’s, with the Treaty being imposed would be at an advantage. While it could be believed that such an arrangement could create destabilization, it would prevent Islamabad from continuing to build its stockpile of nuclear weapons, and would greatly help regional stability. As far as India is concerned, India’s nuclear posturing is premised on ‘credible minimum deterrence’, which focuses on survivability of the nuclear arsenal than merely increasing stockpile.

It is a known fact that Pakistan has also been demanding of similar nuclear deal as the Indo-US 123 deal. It only remains to be seen if the U.S. provides Pakistan of a similar deal with a condition to limit Pakistan’s fissile material stockpile.

Debalina Ghoshal is Research Associate at the Delhi Policy Group, New Delhi, India

Pakistan’s Increasing Nuclear Stockpile: India the only threat factor? — Initiative on India and Globalization
Good...so Pakistan is increasing its nukes for Saudi Arabia and against Israel. Making new enemies seem a favorite past time of Pakistan.
Good...so Pakistan is increasing its nukes for Saudi Arabia and against Israel. Making new enemies seem a favorite past time of Pakistan.
If you cared to comprehend what the article actually said, which you didn't since you are most likely mentally impaired like most of your countrymen, you would have understood that Pakistan's reaction (IF any at all) is to the israeli attempt at attacking our nuclear sites in the 80's, which was no minor threat.

Though, our Shaheen 3 missile is specifically meant for indian military islands of Andaman and Nicobar. Above Pakistan vs. israel scenario is just journalist sensationalism. Our military planners and policy makers aren't idiots to pick fights with big fish, though we won't hesitate to defend our sovereignty from any foreign act of aggression, just as im sure any state would.

@Psychic @DESERT FIGHTER @DesertFox97 @Shamain @Hiptullah
If you cared to comprehend what the article actually said, which you didn't since you are most likely mentally impaired like most of your countrymen, you would have understood that Pakistan's reaction (IF any at all) is to the israeli attempt at attacking our nuclear sites in the 80's, which was no minor threat.

Though, our Shaheen 3 missile is specifically meant for indian military islands of Andaman and Nicobar. Above Pakistan vs. israel scenario is just journalist sensationalism. Our military planners and policy makers aren't idiots to pick fights with big fish, though we won't hesitate to defend our sovereignty from any foreign act of aggression, just as im sure any state would.

@Psychic @DESERT FIGHTER @DesertFox97 @Shamain @Hiptullah

Even a mentally impaired person can dissect Pakistan's foreign and defense policy accurately. You need not need a PhD. The problem is only Pakistanis think they are masters in manipulating others. But the truth is the way Pakistan is manipulated by others and willingness of gullible Pakistan to submit itself to others should not surprise if it offers nukes to KSA. I believe in the veracity of the news above.
Good...so Pakistan is increasing its nukes for Saudi Arabia and against Israel. Making new enemies seem a favorite past time of Pakistan.
Sir ji, here is a piece from the OP

"In 1980s and 1990s, Israel planned a raid on Pakistan’s nuclear facilities which was stalled. Therefore, the existential threat from Israel remains intact."

Pakistan never planned to attack Israel, on the other hand, Israel did plan to attack Pakistan (attack on a country's facilities is considered as an attack on the country's sovereignty). Pakistan is not picking a fight, it is just plugging the few holes in it's defence.

Pakistan to submit itself to others
Syria - Pakistan did not indulge itself on KSA's behalf.
Yemen - Pakistan did not indulge itself on KSA's behalf.

Too much BS-itting and generalizing is bad for intellectual health.
@Desert Fox
Good...so Pakistan is increasing its nukes for Saudi Arabia and against Israel. Making new enemies seem a favorite past time of Pakistan.
we would have never resorted to stockpiling nuclear weapons had your own country not decided to engage in a massive conventional arms race.
Even a mentally impaired person can dissect Pakistan's foreign and defense policy accurately. You need not need a PhD. The problem is only Pakistanis think they are masters in manipulating others. But the truth is the way Pakistan is manipulated by others and willingness of gullible Pakistan to submit itself to others should not surprise if it offers nukes to KSA. I believe in the veracity of the news above.

To protect Saudia we dont have to keep nuclear in KSA, we can do it from here.. Muslims only submit to Allah... rest is just shameful act like every other person does like Mody have to go to Kashmir submit himself to them for sake of power in Gujrat he is killing and in Kashmir 12 billions offer...
India is the most muniplated stat since its birth.. didnt give Pakistan's its resource land money and since playing dirty tricks the party who kills its own Maha Atma Gandhi now in Power, Terrorist is PM in world biggest democrasy its really shame now people from there give a lecture on dignity.
the US will destroy Pak if they ever threaten Israel with nukes, not with war but DPRK style sanctions and international isolation which will make life hell no matter how much the Saudis and Chinese try and prop them.
Even a mentally impaired person can dissect Pakistan's foreign and defense policy accurately. You need not need a PhD. The problem is only Pakistanis think they are masters in manipulating others. But the truth is the way Pakistan is manipulated by others and willingness of gullible Pakistan to submit itself to others should not surprise if it offers nukes to KSA. I believe in the veracity of the news above.

Aren't you the same guy who claimed Indians,Balinese,Vietnamese are descendants of IVC?

As for Paks foriegn policy yeah sure.. That's why (according to India) Pak has been "isolated"?

As for Saudis.. And why would Pak transfer nukes to them? Coz "itto- buto" thinks so!
the US will destroy Pak if they ever threaten Israel with nukes, not with war but DPRK style sanctions and international isolation which will make life hell no matter how much the Saudis and Chinese try and prop them.

Pakistan havent bomb india why would to israel when we dont have any problem with each other.. but israel and US sud be careful from india cuz india has tendency to stab on back!
Pakistan havent bomb india why would to israel when we dont have any problem with each other.. but israel and US sud be careful from india cuz india has tendency to stab on back!
I said it in response to someone who mentioned Israel and how they'll have to be contained by Pakistan when they try to expand their borders to the "biblical" ones, post deleted I think.

and why back, US, Israel or anyone else who lays claim to Indian land can expect to be kicked in the balls stabbed in the eye.
The success of the Iran nuclear deal has given american analysts the impression that with persistence and sanctions other nations can be brought to terms.... The thing america must realize is that Pakistan and Iran are two very different cases where one was building nuclear capability while the other has built and streghtening it not too mention the other also has relations with various nations meaning that it won't bend so easily...

Rather than blindly pushing Pakistan to contain its nuclear program, which will result in only animosity and bitterness between the two nations, America must realize why pakistan is building such capability. If parity with Indian conventional forces is the concern than america must offer a deal to equalize the conventional forces so that the nuclear capability which is used as a filler to create parity is no longer required. Pakistan has also been working on creating sophisticated ballistic missile to avoid the threats of detection and ABM.
As for Israel. Yes they made the plans which is why Pakistanis vary of them and is making sure its ready in case of a let's saybwhat if scenario .. It doesn't mean that we are willing to go fight with Israel. It means that to keep Israel at bay we are simply making sure we are protected.

As for SA. We didn't join the Yemen nor the Syrian war which means that we are not as readily available tonne mercenaries as thought which also means that we won't be selling Arabia nuclear capability and besides its not like they need it... Arabia is the worlds largest oil exporter and every super power in the world will come to Its defense. Doesn't the US have ships stationed in the strait of Hormuz.. They don't need nuclear bombs.

Lastly such arm twisting tactics will only create more rifts between the two nations and US must see this. Pakistan is not going to compromise its nuclear program.
the US will destroy Pak if they ever threaten Israel with nukes, not with war but DPRK style sanctions and international isolation which will make life hell no matter how much the Saudis and Chinese try and prop them.


US could barely strangle Iran, let alone "destroy" it, with all the sanctions in the world (with even Chinese, Europeans, and Russians being on board with sanctions).

Pakistan is much more an important player, especially for China and Arab World. Stop living in fool's paradise.

And Pakistan won't ever threaten Israel with nukes unless Israel does something extremely insane---in which case, Israelis will be responded in same mannerism and not f*cks would be given to U.S or anybody else---just like no fucks were given to U.S when we followed our nuclear policy or Afghan policy for that matter.
Gauging from the location of the "research group", anyone can expect this type of rhetoric. And either the Indian members here are trolling for their own amusement by pretending to take Ghoshal seriously, or they are letting their emotions get the better of them.
Anyone who knows anything about Pakistan's foreign policy and military doctrine knows that it is limited to its neighbours. If broken down, this article is based upon a number of far-reaching assumptions in an attempt to stitch up a picture that paints Pakistan as some Bond villain who is aiming for the age-old agenda of either global domination or world destruction, make your pick.
the US will destroy Pak if they ever threaten Israel with nukes, not with war but DPRK style sanctions and international isolation which will make life hell no matter how much the Saudis and Chinese try and prop them.

Ha ha ha
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