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Pakistan's Hindu Population Growth Faster Than National Average

Hmm..a religious community having less or more fertility rate than the other.

Do you have some data to back up your claim ?
A census showed an increased population but, it's rather low compared to the Muslim population. Hindus do better financially in Bangladesh than Muslims due to education. Those that don't in rural areas, would rather leave to India, understandable as rural Bangladesh isn't as friendly as urban Bangladesh.
A census showed an increased population but, it's rather low compared to the Muslim population. Hindus do better financially in Bangladesh than Muslims due to education. Those that don't in rural areas, would rather leave to India, understandable as rural Bangladesh isn't as friendly as urban Bangladesh.

I'm interested in the census reports. Can you provide me a link please ?
I have a Sindhi Hindu friend here in Doha (Pakistani).
1 brother and 4 sisters.
I guess the parents have a lot of time on their hands, eh?
kid, grow up for once. :)

Lol what happened? Don't want to understand lower growth rate of Hindus in your country? :D

Nah! We just want to troll him because of his "in depth" analysis wrt matters related to India and Hindus. He is a true Indophile.

Well you don't troll. You just cry. At least troll, it would look better.
In Bangladesh the Hindus generally have lower fertility rates. Why is it so high in Pakistan?
Also, Hindu rising in Saudi Arabia? That doesn't make any sense.
in bd hindus belong to primarily upper/middle class group, where as in pakistan they are mostly poor. Poorer people breed faster generally.
in bd hindus belong to primarily upper/middle class group, where as in pakistan they are mostly poor. Poorer people breed faster generally.
I'm aware of that, I didn't think Pakistan hindu population would actually be poor though.
It was mentioned by another person. I admit I don't have the census report my self. But, I think he does.

Do you mean about this census?


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