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Pakistan's high court acquits Nawaz Sharif

I dont know why I like you. Your views and mine are so different but I just cant hate you.

I wish you were a 20 year old blonde from California :cheers:

I hope one day Pakistanis in Pakistan can also talk to each other with so much tolerance.
I don't remember the use of the word 'dictator' was ever banned it was the use of abusive words. Dictator is an abusive word? If you dont like it, I'll not use it.

Dictator has a certain negative connotation and I think you know that and that is why you use it. There are certain tendencies in dictators that I honestly believe were not present in Musharraf. He certainly did not rule like a dictator (I wish against some vested interests he had). Many would argue that the last rule of NS was just as dictatorial as any other dictator's rule, since he made the other two pillars subservient to himself (Judiciary and the parliament).

You can continue to use it but then are other titles with negative connotations ok for NS and the CJP?
I am not sure who is hiding anything. All I know is that Musharraf is no longer ruling. So maybe the case would have been better served if it was taken up after all of the necessary evidence was acquired through whatever means necessary. I am sure nobody is putting roadblocks in defence of Musharraf.

In your Amreeka, a jury is thrown out just on the basis of any indirect bias shown toward or against the parties. Here we have a bench full of judges who obviously have been helped by the party petitioning (NS) against a judgment in favor of a party (Musharraf) that ousted most of them.

I don't know about you, however had I been kicked out of work for whatever reasons without a salary and govt housing for a while, I would have had a few things on my mind about the person responsible. Hardly a composition for a balanced and fair judgment. Maybe our SC bench is comprised of individuals who demonstrate "aala zareefi" and can keep their personal biases and feelings in check, however knowing human nature, I suspect that to be the case greatly.
I fully agree with you. But as I said we should discuss the merit of the case or the verdict based on the arguments, the counter arguments and the evidence presented to the bench. What you are suggesting is an ideal situation and I wish if that was the case.
I do not think this can be settled at least by me. I will bow out of this debate (until I see something really interesting again ;-) It was good to see the various points of view from across the board here.
I do not think this can be settled at least by me. I will bow out of this debate (until I see something really interesting again ;-) It was good to see the various points of view from across the board here.

I agree ... I hope to catch you folks in another thread soon ...

take care and Allah Hafiz.

Justice Choudhry was a shrewd guy. He took the oath under the PCO because he believed in “live today, fight tomorrow’. Could he have done what he did if he had taken the retirement like some of the other Justices? Basically Justice Choudhry out maneuvered General Musharraf.

You call it shrewdness. i call it hypocrisy!
Blain, answers are present in the detailed Jurisdiction for all the questions you have. PLEASE read the full Jurisdiction, and than discuss the issue. General Jahangir Karamat was not involved in Kargil-like misadventure and had nothing to fear about. On the other hand Musharraf and other two renegade Generals were playing a different game. Musharraf had even changed the command of the 111 Brigade with one of his loyal guy (whom he promoted to Maj. General soon after the successful coup) without bringing this into the notice of the PM. PM was aware from his own sources that Musharraf was planning to take over the Government in order to avoid a potential inquiry on Kargil misadventure. Hence it was not possible for the PM to call Musharraf into his office and ask for the resignation. Again, these details are present in the Jurisdiction, and please read it.

What?! What are you talking about?

NS had sources, impressive. Ok, if he knew that Musharraf was planning to take over the govt why on earth he gave him an excuse to actually execute his so called plan? Another Lohari dumbness i guess!

why would Musharraf TAKE OVER the govt to save him the Kargil inquiry? You mean that the sitting didnt have the guts or i must say balls to call the COAS and tell him: 'hey dude you are a gone case, get ready to be hanged on Kargil and here you go i want your resignation on my table ASAP!' i dont jnow why NS was pissing in his pants? Chor ki dhari mai tinka i guess. If he could throw out Jahagir Karamat he could do the same with Musharraf, why the drama then. It's like i am afraid to make use of my authority.

NS appointed Musharraf the COAS to be his Yes Man, but when it didnt actually occur he wanted to get him removed.

As for the 111 brigade commander i never knew that you still are living in illusions. Posting of Army Officers is done by the MS Branch of the Army NOT by the PM Secretariat! Musharraf appointed a new Brigade Commander and that was his domain and authority, what the PM has to do with it...fear i suppose, fear disillusions! Musharraf didnt appoint a new COAS in his place without the consent of the PM that you seem to be so upset on the appointment of new 111 Brigade Commander, what he did was his right. But oh now o got it, you are the one who supports that postings and appointments of Officers in the Army must be controlled by the Ministers, MNAs and MPAs (as done in the Police Department) so that soon the Army should also come down to the Policing standards! Sorry sir, that ain't happening!
Xeric, find the mistakes in the jurisdiction if you can. Don’t talk non issues. They way you are talking no-issues it looks like it is you who is acting on 'chor ki darhi mein tinka'.

That is why I and many other responsible Pakistanis want the Nuclear proliferation issue, the Kargil issue, the rigging of 2001 polls issue etc. to be brought into the court. So we and the rest of the world know who did what.
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This is only a propaganda in order to justify the unconstitutional actions of Musharraf.
Yeah right!
Musharraf ordered the pilot to lie to the control tower about the fuel.
That's new!
Even than, when Shahid Khaqan Abbasi told NS about the possibility of low fuel, the PM promptly ordered to let the plane land on Nawab Shah and later to Karachi Airport, re-fuel the pane, and take it to Masqat.
Why why why, why on earth did the worthy want to divert the plane!?
It was destined to Karachi, why would the PM wanted it to land at Nawab Shah?

And for the refueling, no sir you are wrong. Why did it come to the point of low fuel at the first place? Why didnt the damn plane just landed at KHI and all went home happily?

Re-fuel and take it to Muscat.WTF! Why would you send someone on a trip to Muscat? That too free of cost! i mean what was wrong, what actually went wrong that the 'contaminated' plane became a threat to the national security and was ordered to go to Muscat? Was it carrying some toxic material or was it going to explode if landed within Pakistan?

NS should be tried first for MISUSING his constitutional authority (of flight diversion) as there was NO war or threat to tranquility at all. i would love to see dictators in the courts but first things first, even before the hearing for plane diversion should have started, NS should be tried for giving an illegal order! The story of low fuel, endangering 200 people, black box, log book comes secondary!
NS actions were pre-meditated. full-stop!
Xeric, find the mistakes in the jurisdiction if you can. Dont talk non issues.

Non issues!?
The jurisdiction itself is a non issue!

As said by Blain: NS has gotten off on a technicality because nobody could directly link him to the entire episode. -this is what a joke is-a non issue!
Non issues!?
The jurisdiction itself is a non issue!

As said by Blain: NS has gotten off on a technicality because nobody could directly link him to the entire episode. -this is what a joke is-a non issue!
Did you read the jurisdiction? Dont quote blain, find the loopholes in the jurisdiction. Even he did not disagree on the lack of the evidence. And Musharraf was seeking death sentence for the PM without having proofs. Do some homework than we will talk.
Keep ranting. Read the verdict, know the law and constitution than come back.

Thank you for reading the rant and raves at the first place.

And you call your arguments logics? Hats off!
. . .

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