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Mar 9, 2014
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PRESIDENT OBAMA was right when he said" Pakistan and Afghanistan will stay destabilized for decades to come". Call it a warning or White house policy statement but Pakistani government misread and took a serious offense to it. Prime Ministers adviser on foreign affairs Sartaj Aziz gave a fierce response "Whatever the US president said about instability in Pakistan and Afghanistan are his predictions and have nothing to do with ground realities", he added.

Predictions? really !!! For Mr. Sartaj Aziz, Obama maybe a palmist, fortune teller or Tarot card reader but for rest of the world Obama is The President of the United States, a leader of the only super power, who listens to his advisers and policy makers before saying anything publicly especially to the joint session of the US house. Contrarily, PM Nawaz Sherif listens to Mr.Sartaj Aziz with stale thinking and policies. Pakistan however has finest foreign affair bureaucrats with western policy experience ( and I can name a few)but Sartaj Aziz stays the star in the eyes of the Pakistani PM. Sad for Pakistan and its future, if Mr. Aziz stays as adviser to PM Nawaz Sherif, Pakistan surely will see the inescapable outcome of its own war on terror..

May be unknown to Mr. Aziz, Indian lobby have secretly convinced the US administration for its lead role in Afghanistan since 2001 when Pakistani regime of Gen Parvez Musharraf was seeking right to governance and cash assistance in return for Pakistan's assistance in US led Afghanistan war. Slowly but surely, Indian lobby in US achieved success by changing the AFPAK strategy into INAFPAK (India, Afghanistan and Pakistan)policy. India, after securing green signal from US administration became the sixth largest donor to Afghanistan, providing the country with some $2 billion in aid to rebuild its fatally bruised infrastructure.

Since 2001, more than 10,000 Afghan students have studied in India, returning back with an education and technical skills, much needed for Afghanistan’s stabilization and development. India also invested in targets projects like Afghan parliament in Kabul and the Salma Dam in Herat to name a few. India has also lobbied corrupt Afghan leaders with US dollars to gain their support and protect Indian interests for decades to come.

Despicable it may sound, Pakistan policy on Afghanistan relies on its post Russian war relationships with some Taliban armed groups and its historic ties with its neighbor. This primitive approach of Foreign policy is making Afghanistan play in the hands of India while Pakistan has most definitely lost its grip on Afghanistan. Why shouldn't Pakistan lose? when Pakistan Foreign Policy adviser is claiming what Obama said are so called " Predictions".

Like British left disputed Kashmir region for India and Pakistan to fight over, US will leave Afghanistan for both countries to have a proxy war for decades to come. Its not merely a prediction but reality. Pakistan Armed Forces war on TTP terrorist groups in North and South Wazirastan will never bare fruit as long as Afghanistan is standing with India, providing refuge, training and much needed arms to destabilise Pakistan.

How far Pakistan's foreign policy is from reality is visible with latest visit of Indian PM Modi to Afghanistan. Prime Minister Modi received a warm embrace and welcome by Afghan president Ashraf Ghani who called Indian Afghan relationship as “bound by a thousand ties”, Indian PM inaugurated Afghan Parliament building constructed by India at a cost of USD 90 million. With another India foreign affair "victory" in his pocket, Modi spontaneously and sarcastically visited PM Nawaz Sherif with his delegation, on Christmas day, at his residence in Raiwind. Rest assure, the Pakistani PM and his adviser Sartaj Aziz naively claimed it as a great foreign affair victory for themselves.

Soon after, 2 January 2016, a heavily armed group attacked the Pathankot Air Force in India. After 80 hours of military operation, premises were cleared with 7 casualties including a colonel of National security guard. The Kashmir council, headed by Syed Salahuddin, who also heads the Hizbul Mujahiddin aclamied responsibility. Regardless, India government claimed this groups affiliation with groups who operates out of Pakistani-administered Kashmir and are Pakistani military assets. Indian PM Modi called his counterpart in Pakistan and was assured a appropriate action.

Behind the scene, India from the strategic point started a proxy war. Indian sponsored ISIS militant group in Afghanistan attacked Pakistani Consulate through suicide bombers on Jan 13th, 2016. Pakistan was again in bloodbath on Jan 16th, 2016 in Quetta Baluchistan where explosion killed one person and injured another 16, including three women and two children. Indian interference in Baluchistan is world known as just few months back Pakistan gave a dosser to UN and US on Indian involvement within its territory.

India made its policy clear when on Jan 20th, 2016, Indian Defense Minister Manohar Parrikar threatened Pakistan, “those who attacked us will also feel the same pain, the place and type of response would be of our choice. “Our patience at Pakistan’s move against terrorists, who carried out Pathankot and Mumbai attacks, was running thin."

The very next day, Jan 21st, 2016, Indian supported TTP group from Afghanistan entered Pakistani territory and attacked Bacha Khan University in Charsadda, slaughtering 21 innocent students and 1 professor. It is reported in media, India consulate paid 3 million rupees to the group.

Although Pakistani Foreign office refrained from implicating India directly to salvage it's new non substantive relationship with Indian leadership but reality is that after Kashmir and Kargil, controlling Afghanistan will be a new bone on contention for India and Pakistan for decades, as stated by President Obama.

Pakistan however in its own interest and stability, must revamp its Afghan policy to bring lasting peace in Pakistan. The policy must consist Carrot and Stick approach. Pakistan should help Afghanistan's development through reconstruction, small loans, Tuition free education programs and TAPI gas pipeline project in return for not letting their land used by Indian sponsored elements on Pakistan.

If the carrot part fails. All Afghan refugees should be sent back and Afghan government should be warned of any further attack by non state actors from Afghan territory into Pakistan will be consider an act of war by Afghanistan against a nuclear Pakistan. Pakistan can then carry out direct operation in Afghanistan and go behind those responsible for such attacks.

With another India foreign affair "victory" in his pocket, Modi spontaneously and sarcastically visited PM Nawaz Sherif with his delegation, on Christmas day, at his residence in Raiwind. Rest assure, the Pakistani PM and his adviser Sartaj Aziz naively claimed it as a great foreign affair victory for themselves.

Sad to see a peace initiative jointly taken by both PM NaMo and PM NS being ridiculed like this.. the use of word sarcastic by the author in the blog Mr Mohsin R Naqvi has presented a very myopic vision of what efforts both sides have made so far...

Pls do not belittle the two governments efforts.. war and battles can be fought many times but initiatives for peace requires a lion heart approach and courage. Both PM NS and PM NaMo should be credited for making an effort to try and resolve all issues and bring about a eternal peace. Howsoever the fragile peace process may be and how much ever the outcomes be immaterial for individual who think all this is just sham, still we must make efforts.. The coming generation in both the nations dont need the hatred and enmity which we have seen in our past and now.. Lets learn from our past, the mistakes we have made and try and correct them for the future generation so that they dont suffer..

ndian sponsored ISIS militant group in Afghanistan attacked Pakistani Consulate through suicide bombers on Jan 13th, 2016

India never has, never will ever support ISIS militant group. This is a distortion of fact written by Mr Mohsin. To India, the threat of ISIS is much higher due to a sizeable population of Muslims in India who may get marginalized and trampled by radicalist ideas and vendetta based outrage from other religion followers.

Just ydy and today a total of 14 ppl are arrested by NIA for suspected ISIS linkage and activities in India.

This India supporting ISIS propaganda is not only a false claim but a big blunder in assessment.

ISIS is a threat not only for India but also for Pakistan and Bangladesh. The South East Asia region is a target for them and efforts must be made to ensure they dont enter these countries and establish a strong foothold.

@molson4u Sir, Since i believe your avatar and blogger Mr Mohsin's avatar are same, i am of the opinion you and Mr Moshin are one and the same person. Your passion for your country versus your assessment are not in sync.

Blaming India is not a solution, nor India and RAW whom you are so over rating here in your assessment has so much capability.

Heck RAW does not even have the capability to eliminate Dawood yet it can keep providing GOI with pictures and news of him doing this and that but all are actually provided by Dawood's rival who is in India's custody recently and was a operative of RAW outside India.

Do not have a tunnel vision. Being a IB you seems to dont see the risk assessment from every angle. The deal always looks good but frankly most times it fails bcz of finer points which proves every statement made is rather an optimistic over estimation far from reality..
Indian involvement in Afghanistan was inevitable post 9/11 war On AQ/terrorism.
Pakistan did not anticipate this change in world order first mistake.
Pakistan gave full access to captured Taliban and AQ to CIA Mistake 2. These terrorists were turned anti Pak.(Gujrat attack on river chenab recovery army team attack prime example)

Musharaf era was by for most blunderous era. He either did not anticipate the rise of TTP or maybe let them group to create a Boogeyman effect.

Hussein Haqqani, Rehman Malik and zardari trioka and rise of Mossad in Pakistan specially Baluchistan.

This is the summary why Afghan Pak policy was affected not failed. If it had failed Pakistan would not have been the main force behind the Afghan peace initiative. Pakistan lost many battles but War may still be won.
Close the border the afghans had refuge here for alone time now. Let us deal with it this way.
History stands witness to the fact that who so ever has invested in man and material in Afghanistan for personal gains against any other country, finally had to lose not only all its investment but had to sort of run away badly bruised and damaged with the same Afghanistan turning over against them and abusing them openly. May it be Britain, Russia or USA. Having said so we sincerely wish that India should invest Billions of dollars more in Afghanistan and be involved more and more there. U want to change the history? Good luck with that.
History stands witness to the fact that who so ever has invested in man and material in Afghanistan for personal gains against any other country, finally had to lose not only all its investment but had to sort of run away badly bruised and damaged with the same Afghanistan turning over against them and abusing them openly. May it be Britain, Russia or USA. Having said so we sincerely wish that India should invest Billions of dollars more in Afghanistan and be involved more and more there. U want to change the history? Good luck with that.
You missed out the name of Pakistan in the list of countries who got battered due to their interference in Afghanistan, which is ironic since the countries you listed suffered mostly economic losses with some random terror hits, unlike pakistan whose socio-economic fiber itself is in tatters (specially in the northwestern areas) due to its hegemonic ambitions in Afg.
You missed out the name of Pakistan in the list of countries who got battered due to their interference in Afghanistan, which is ironic since the countries you listed suffered mostly economic losses with some random terror hits
We are battered due to very presence of Afghanistan as our neighbor. We had never been easy from Afghan side as whenever it has been turmoil (this whenever shud actually be since 1947) and my post actually focused when some other country tries to enter Afghanistan with designs to counter its enemy.

due to its hegemonic ambitions in Afg.
Can U plz elaborate it a bit more plz? All i can see is that everytime we ventured into Afghanistan was only for sake of our survival. We didnt invite Russia but Afghans did, we tried to instill peace by brokering peace treaty between the warlords but they again turned on each other and again threatened Pakistan. We have been harboring Afghans for decades now but we still get blamed?We had to support Talibans as for the first time in the history our western borders were secured plus Northern alliance was anyway against us. So what choices did we have? Do U really think they are your brethern? Let the flow of money from ur side minimize a bit and then see how U are dealt with. I still can hear Karzai blaming USA for all the sufferings in the end of his tenure. So like i said...Good luck with that.
leave other countries headache we are not responsible for other countries problems just keep own country on track of peace, corruption free, criminal free put strict rules and laws and keep cleaning country from foreigner living without any permission or legal documents, secure borders, hang arrested criminals then peace will come in Pakistan. Iran is best example for us iran also has border with afghanistan, due to tuff and strict laws no afghani can live there without any legal document they punish them strictly and throw them back, and irani don't involve themselves with any type of afghan problems just keeping their border secured strict rules and straight foreign policy that's why no suisides there no attacks there but we ourselve engage with afghan problems and facing terrorism.
Sad to see a peace initiative jointly taken by both PM NaMo and PM NS being ridiculed like this.. the use of word sarcastic by the author in the blog Mr Mohsin R Naqvi has presented a very myopic vision of what efforts both sides have made so far...

Pls do not belittle the two governments efforts.. war and battles can be fought many times but initiatives for peace requires a lion heart approach and courage. Both PM NS and PM NaMo should be credited for making an effort to try and resolve all issues and bring about a eternal peace. Howsoever the fragile peace process may be and how much ever the outcomes be immaterial for individual who think all this is just sham, still we must make efforts.. The coming generation in both the nations dont need the hatred and enmity which we have seen in our past and now.. Lets learn from our past, the mistakes we have made and try and correct them for the future generation so that they dont suffer..

India never has, never will ever support ISIS militant group. This is a distortion of fact written by Mr Mohsin. To India, the threat of ISIS is much higher due to a sizeable population of Muslims in India who may get marginalized and trampled by radicalist ideas and vendetta based outrage from other religion followers.

Just ydy and today a total of 14 ppl are arrested by NIA for suspected ISIS linkage and activities in India.

This India supporting ISIS propaganda is not only a false claim but a big blunder in assessment.

ISIS is a threat not only for India but also for Pakistan and Bangladesh. The South East Asia region is a target for them and efforts must be made to ensure they dont enter these countries and establish a strong foothold.

@molson4u Sir, Since i believe your avatar and blogger Mr Mohsin's avatar are same, i am of the opinion you and Mr Moshin are one and the same person. Your passion for your country versus your assessment are not in sync.

Blaming India is not a solution, nor India and RAW whom you are so over rating here in your assessment has so much capability.

Heck RAW does not even have the capability to eliminate Dawood yet it can keep providing GOI with pictures and news of him doing this and that but all are actually provided by Dawood's rival who is in India's custody recently and was a operative of RAW outside India.

Do not have a tunnel vision. Being a IB you seems to dont see the risk assessment from every angle. The deal always looks good but frankly most times it fails bcz of finer points which proves every statement made is rather an optimistic over estimation far from reality..
Sad to see a peace initiative jointly taken by both PM NaMo and PM NS being ridiculed like this.. the use of word sarcastic by the author in the blog Mr Mohsin R Naqvi has presented a very myopic vision of what efforts both sides have made so far...

Pls do not belittle the two governments efforts.. war and battles can be fought many times but initiatives for peace requires a lion heart approach and courage. Both PM NS and PM NaMo should be credited for making an effort to try and resolve all issues and bring about a eternal peace. Howsoever the fragile peace process may be and how much ever the outcomes be immaterial for individual who think all this is just sham, still we must make efforts.. The coming generation in both the nations dont need the hatred and enmity which we have seen in our past and now.. Lets learn from our past, the mistakes we have made and try and correct them for the future generation so that they dont suffer..

India never has, never will ever support ISIS militant group. This is a distortion of fact written by Mr Mohsin. To India, the threat of ISIS is much higher due to a sizeable population of Muslims in India who may get marginalized and trampled by radicalist ideas and vendetta based outrage from other religion followers.

Just ydy and today a total of 14 ppl are arrested by NIA for suspected ISIS linkage and activities in India.

This India supporting ISIS propaganda is not only a false claim but a big blunder in assessment.

ISIS is a threat not only for India but also for Pakistan and Bangladesh. The South East Asia region is a target for them and efforts must be made to ensure they dont enter these countries and establish a strong foothold.

@molson4u Sir, Since i believe your avatar and blogger Mr Mohsin's avatar are same, i am of the opinion you and Mr Moshin are one and the same person. Your passion for your country versus your assessment are not in sync.

Blaming India is not a solution, nor India and RAW whom you are so over rating here in your assessment has so much capability.

Heck RAW does not even have the capability to eliminate Dawood yet it can keep providing GOI with pictures and news of him doing this and that but all are actually provided by Dawood's rival who is in India's custody recently and was a operative of RAW outside India.

Do not have a tunnel vision. Being a IB you seems to dont see the risk assessment from every angle. The deal always looks good but frankly most times it fails bcz of finer points which proves every statement made is rather an optimistic over estimation far from reality..

Thank for your input however non substantive talks on peace are meaningless. Let's talk about Kashmir, Kargil, Water dispute, LOC killings, Indian involvement in Baluchistan, burning of PIA office in India, Samjota Express and insulting of Pakistani artists to name a few.. Having lunch or dinner and exchanging Sari for mothers will not cut it. Let speak on substantive issues. These type of talks started and ended many time in last 68 years.

Gen Parveez Musharaf and PM Monmohan Singh agreed on a Kashmir solution, it should be started from there. India has more than 600,000 military might in Kashmir region killing innocent civilian just because they want to align themselves with Pakistan or seek freedom.

Should I mention MQM members in Karachi gave the statements that RAW trained them to shed blood in Karachi? and what about the dossier Pakistan provided to UN and USA few months ago about RAW's involvement in Baluchistan.List can go on and on. India might not support ISIS but they are murders for hire and India paid them handsomely to get the Charsada University massacre done.

WE want peace forever and that can only be achieve if India accepts Pakistan as a sovereign state. Indian must respect our existence and build relationship on mutual respect. Give and take will solve the underlying issues. Once India psychologically comes to this conclusion to " GIVE" we will have lasting peace.
Can U plz elaborate it a bit more plz? All i can see is that everytime we ventured into Afghanistan was only for sake of our survival. We didnt invite Russia but Afghans did, we tried to instill peace by brokering peace treaty between the warlords but they again turned on each other and again threatened Pakistan. We have been harboring Afghans for decades now but we still get blamed?We had to support Talibans as for the first time in the history our western borders were secured plus Northern alliance was anyway against us. So what choices did we have? Do U really think they are your brethern? Let the flow of money from ur side minimize a bit and then see how U are dealt with. I still can hear Karzai blaming USA for all the sufferings in the end of his tenure. So like i said...Good luck with that.

Looks like you have lapped up all the kool aid that your military has fed you. Pakistan's interest in Afghanistan went way beyond the Russian invasion. After USSR fragmented, USA got out of the mess fast enough, but Pakistan thought of the game taught by USA as a good weapon against India for Kashmir with Afg as the strategic depth that Pak never had. 25 years later, no Kashmir.. no strategic depth but crap load of mess right in the middle of Pakistan.

Frankly, this mess is fairly easy to clean up but wont happen till the time Pak establishment does not get ready to give up this asymmetric weapon it has against India, since you cant achieve one without the other. So till the time, for Pak establishment, the choice of losing that weapon is considered worse that deaths of its kids in schools and colleges and its military men in IED explosions, all this will continue. Once the threshold is breached and the Pak Army is ready to really go after ALL terrorists on its soil, its gonna be a matter of months if not weeks..Till then, all the Zarbs of the world will just be sound bytes and photo ops without any tangible, long term impact except a few hundred killed militants and a few million displaced civilians...
Looks like you have lapped up all the kool aid that your military has fed you. Pakistan's interest in Afghanistan went way beyond the Russian invasion. After USSR fragmented, USA got out of the mess fast enough, but Pakistan thought of the game taught by USA as a good weapon against India for Kashmir with Afg as the strategic depth that Pak never had. 25 years later, no Kashmir.. no strategic depth but crap load of mess right in the middle of Pakistan.

Frankly, this mess is fairly easy to clean up but wont happen till the time Pak establishment does not get ready to give up this asymmetric weapon it has against India, since you cant achieve one without the other. So till the time, for Pak establishment, the choice of losing that weapon is considered worse that deaths of its kids in schools and colleges and its military men in IED explosions, all this will continue. Once the threshold is breached and the Pak Army is ready to really go after ALL terrorists on its soil, its gonna be a matter of months if not weeks..Till then, all the Zarbs of the world will just be sound bytes and photo ops without any tangible, long term impact except a few hundred killed militants and a few million displaced civilians...

Dear Sir let me first introduce myself. I am the very first hand witness of all the Afghan war and post Afghan war scenario coz i am resident of the area which has seen all these things. Id we had not ourselves discovered Indians in garb of talis then yes i would have thought twice on commenting on anything. The Chankya rules are for bad reasons and bad things always have a very teriible end. Like i had already said...Good luck with THAT.
I do not know that why Pakistan has taken the responsibility of the peace talks between Afghan taliban and Afghan govt? Are they started the war on the order of Pak govt? Is Pak govt supports Afghan taliban? Yar! it is their internal issue. Please leave us we are facing our own TTP. We are busy in the controlling of TTP. There is threats between Afghan taliban & northern people of Afghanistan who are the part of Afghan govt. The northern people of Afghanistan had not acknowledge the govt of Afghan taliban, now they are does not acknowledge to exist govt. Where is the character of Pakistan in this matter.
Dear Sir let me first introduce myself. I am the very first hand witness of all the Afghan war and post Afghan war scenario coz i am resident of the area which has seen all these things. Id we had not ourselves discovered Indians in garb of talis then yes i would have thought twice on commenting on anything. The Chankya rules are for bad reasons and bad things always have a very teriible end. Like i had already said...Good luck with THAT.
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