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Pakistan's F-16, AMRAAM Missiles Were Real Threat to Us - Ex-Indian Air Marshal


Apr 24, 2007
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Pakistan's F-16, AMRAAM Missiles Were Real Threat to Us - Ex-Indian Air Marshal
11:06 04.04.2019Get short URL
Conflict Between India, Pakistan Escalates Over Exchange of Airstrikes in Kashmir
India’s armed forces previously showed parts of an AMRAAM medium-range missile allegedly launched from a Pakistani Air Force F-16 that was recovered in the Indian-administered part of Kashmir following a dogfight on 27 February. Islamabad has consistently denied having either scrambled or lost US-built fighter jets in the aerial combat.

Simhakutty Varthaman, retired Indian air marshal and father of Wing Commander Abhinandan who was briefly held in custody in Pakistan, claimed that Pakistan’s F-16 purportedly deployed in a 27 February dogfight and its AMRAAM missiles were a “real threat” to New Delhi, The Times of Indiareported.

“The Indian Air Force strike happened when the maximum targets were inside the camp. The structural damage might be limited, but the fuse of the bomb is delayed to ensure maximum casualties. Pakistan’s F-16s and AMRAAM missiles were the real threat to us. We had to first get F-16s off our back by making sure they were headed to some other direction when we were going to Balakot”.

Speaking at the Indian Institute of Technology Madras on Wednesday, he said that the laser-guided smart bombs used to attack a suspected Jaish-e Mohammad camp at Balakot could have killed 250 to 300 terrorists.

READ MORE: Pakistani Military Says It's 'Immaterial' Whether F-16 Was Used in India Clash

Varthaman then added that India had launched seven aircraft towards Bahawalpur, which he claimed was the “headquarters” of Jaish-e Mohammad.

Pakistan thought we were on the way to attack Bahawalpur and sent F-16s to engage with our fighter aircraft. Simultaneously, we launched aircraft to attack Balakot. In a nutshell, the Pakistan Air Force was deceived completely. Pakistan was in a total state of alert, they knew an attack from India was imminent. However, they did not realise that we got into their territory”, he said.

The Times of India cited Varthaman as saying that the Balakot strike was the first time that IAF aircraft had crossed the Line of Control (de facto border) since the 1971 war with Pakistan.

“When fighter aircraft fly 10 km within the border, radars alert us to turn back. If a pilot goes within 8 km of the border, he faces a lot of questions and inquiry. As a nation, we decided to violate this huge thumb rule and went inside Pakistan. But, the government clearly mentioned that it was a non-military, pre-emptive strike”, he said.

Varthaman went on to say that the choice of the target had been stipulated by the desire to “avoid civilian casualties”:

“The facility was located in a thick forest on a hilltop far away from civilian presence”.

Escalation of Tensions

Relations between India and Pakistan further deteriorated after a suicide attack allegedly claimed by Pakistan-based terrorist group Jaish-e Mohammad that killed over 40 Indian soldiers on 14 February. Following the attack, New Delhi accused Islamabad of supporting terrorists – a claim, flatly denied by Pakistan as “unsubstantiated”.

Pakistan Deploys Entire F-16 Squadron on Indian Border - Report
In response to the attack, the Indian Air Force carried out airstrikes on a suspected terror camp in Balakot, Pakistan on 26 February, later claiming it had killed 300 terrorists.

Islamabad has denied the existence of any such camps in the area, with local media citing locals as saying that besides hitting some 15 pine trees, only one elderly villager was hurt in the attack.

The following day, the two countries' aircraft engaged in aerial combat over Kashmir, with Islamabad alleging it had shot down two Indian aircraft and captured Abhinandan. New Delhi, in turn, admitted to the loss of only one of its MiG-21s and claimed that it had destroyed a Pakistani F-16, having displayed parts of an AMRAAM medium-range missile that was recovered in Indian-administered Kashmir.

The missile is said to have been fired by a US-made jet, with India alleging that Islamabad could have violated the fighter jet's sale deal with the United States. In the meantime, Pakistan has flatly denied that US-made F-16s were either deployed or lost.

READ MORE: Pakistan: India Claims F-16 Was Downed for Political Gains as Election Looms

Indian pilot Abhinandan Varthaman and his MiG-21 plane were downed during aerial combat over the disputed region of Kashmir on 27 February. The Indian side claims that Varthaman managed to destroy a Pakistani F-16 fighter jet before being brought down himself and forced to eject from the aircraft.

US Takes Claims of Pakistan's 'Misuse' of F-16 in Dogfight With Indian MIG Seriously
Shortly after landing in the Pakistani-administered part of Kashmir, he was captured, with a video circulating on social media allegedly showing Pakistani troops protecting him for a furious mob that purportedly demanded that the pilot be handed over to them.

After spending two days in Pakistani custody, Islamabad released the pilot as a gesture of goodwill. Moments before his release, a video emerged showing Abhinandan heaping praise on the Pakistani army for saving him from the mob and expressing “regret over the role of Indian media for creating war hysteria”.

Some local media later suggested that the video had been recorded under duress and was allegedly heavily edited.
Conflict Between India, Pakistan Escalates Over Exchange of Airstrikes in Kashmir (104)
Pakistan Forces Remain on Alert Amid Escalation With India, Border Trade on Hold
Pakistan Warns India’s Anti-Satellite Weapon Threatens Regional Security
India Sends Note Verbale to Pakistan for Release of Indian Prisoners - Source
aircraft, warplanes, aerial combat, dogfight, pilot, tensions, missile, fighter jet, MiG-21, F-16, military, Indian Air Force (IAF), Abhinandan Varthaman, Kashmir, Balakot, Pakistan, India


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We have got no issue with US in any shape or form. We may not agree with US and can be at odds on many aspect of issues but US and Pakistan have got no enmity. We don't have got any land border or any border dispute with US. Despite of India trying its best to stoke fires between us our relationship is actually improving so for India tough luck. US priorities may have changed with us due to China rise but still our friendship is still on going even in different spheres.:cheesy: We wish US good luck with his new found friend India and we are not jealous just want us to be left alone by uncle sam. so we can get on with our own life and interests. :pakistan:
Funny how all pro India outlets forget to mention why the air skirmish happened the next day?

Very careful to mention Balakot airstrike and claim 300 killed when international outlets have questioned and debunked it completely. Even thewire.in debunked it!

They forget to mention Pakistan carried out airstrikes in Indian occcupied Kashmir. This is why the air skirmish happened that took out Abhinandan and the big fat bogie, Su-30MKI.
Pakistan's F-16, AMRAAM Missiles Were Real Threat to Us - Ex-Indian Air Marshal
11:06 04.04.2019Get short URL
Conflict Between India, Pakistan Escalates Over Exchange of Airstrikes in Kashmir
India’s armed forces previously showed parts of an AMRAAM medium-range missile allegedly launched from a Pakistani Air Force F-16 that was recovered in the Indian-administered part of Kashmir following a dogfight on 27 February. Islamabad has consistently denied having either scrambled or lost US-built fighter jets in the aerial combat.

Simhakutty Varthaman, retired Indian air marshal and father of Wing Commander Abhinandan who was briefly held in custody in Pakistan, claimed that Pakistan’s F-16 purportedly deployed in a 27 February dogfight and its AMRAAM missiles were a “real threat” to New Delhi, The Times of Indiareported.

“The Indian Air Force strike happened when the maximum targets were inside the camp. The structural damage might be limited, but the fuse of the bomb is delayed to ensure maximum casualties. Pakistan’s F-16s and AMRAAM missiles were the real threat to us. We had to first get F-16s off our back by making sure they were headed to some other direction when we were going to Balakot”.

Speaking at the Indian Institute of Technology Madras on Wednesday, he said that the laser-guided smart bombs used to attack a suspected Jaish-e Mohammad camp at Balakot could have killed 250 to 300 terrorists.

READ MORE: Pakistani Military Says It's 'Immaterial' Whether F-16 Was Used in India Clash

Varthaman then added that India had launched seven aircraft towards Bahawalpur, which he claimed was the “headquarters” of Jaish-e Mohammad.

Pakistan thought we were on the way to attack Bahawalpur and sent F-16s to engage with our fighter aircraft. Simultaneously, we launched aircraft to attack Balakot. In a nutshell, the Pakistan Air Force was deceived completely. Pakistan was in a total state of alert, they knew an attack from India was imminent. However, they did not realise that we got into their territory”, he said.

The Times of India cited Varthaman as saying that the Balakot strike was the first time that IAF aircraft had crossed the Line of Control (de facto border) since the 1971 war with Pakistan.

“When fighter aircraft fly 10 km within the border, radars alert us to turn back. If a pilot goes within 8 km of the border, he faces a lot of questions and inquiry. As a nation, we decided to violate this huge thumb rule and went inside Pakistan. But, the government clearly mentioned that it was a non-military, pre-emptive strike”, he said.

Varthaman went on to say that the choice of the target had been stipulated by the desire to “avoid civilian casualties”:

“The facility was located in a thick forest on a hilltop far away from civilian presence”.

Escalation of Tensions

Relations between India and Pakistan further deteriorated after a suicide attack allegedly claimed by Pakistan-based terrorist group Jaish-e Mohammad that killed over 40 Indian soldiers on 14 February. Following the attack, New Delhi accused Islamabad of supporting terrorists – a claim, flatly denied by Pakistan as “unsubstantiated”.

Pakistan Deploys Entire F-16 Squadron on Indian Border - Report
In response to the attack, the Indian Air Force carried out airstrikes on a suspected terror camp in Balakot, Pakistan on 26 February, later claiming it had killed 300 terrorists.

Islamabad has denied the existence of any such camps in the area, with local media citing locals as saying that besides hitting some 15 pine trees, only one elderly villager was hurt in the attack.

The following day, the two countries' aircraft engaged in aerial combat over Kashmir, with Islamabad alleging it had shot down two Indian aircraft and captured Abhinandan. New Delhi, in turn, admitted to the loss of only one of its MiG-21s and claimed that it had destroyed a Pakistani F-16, having displayed parts of an AMRAAM medium-range missile that was recovered in Indian-administered Kashmir.

The missile is said to have been fired by a US-made jet, with India alleging that Islamabad could have violated the fighter jet's sale deal with the United States. In the meantime, Pakistan has flatly denied that US-made F-16s were either deployed or lost.

READ MORE: Pakistan: India Claims F-16 Was Downed for Political Gains as Election Looms

Indian pilot Abhinandan Varthaman and his MiG-21 plane were downed during aerial combat over the disputed region of Kashmir on 27 February. The Indian side claims that Varthaman managed to destroy a Pakistani F-16 fighter jet before being brought down himself and forced to eject from the aircraft.

US Takes Claims of Pakistan's 'Misuse' of F-16 in Dogfight With Indian MIG Seriously
Shortly after landing in the Pakistani-administered part of Kashmir, he was captured, with a video circulating on social media allegedly showing Pakistani troops protecting him for a furious mob that purportedly demanded that the pilot be handed over to them.

After spending two days in Pakistani custody, Islamabad released the pilot as a gesture of goodwill. Moments before his release, a video emerged showing Abhinandan heaping praise on the Pakistani army for saving him from the mob and expressing “regret over the role of Indian media for creating war hysteria”.

Some local media later suggested that the video had been recorded under duress and was allegedly heavily edited.
Conflict Between India, Pakistan Escalates Over Exchange of Airstrikes in Kashmir (104)
Pakistan Forces Remain on Alert Amid Escalation With India, Border Trade on Hold
Pakistan Warns India’s Anti-Satellite Weapon Threatens Regional Security
India Sends Note Verbale to Pakistan for Release of Indian Prisoners - Source
aircraft, warplanes, aerial combat, dogfight, pilot, tensions, missile, fighter jet, MiG-21, F-16, military, Indian Air Force (IAF), Abhinandan Varthaman, Kashmir, Balakot, Pakistan, India
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Also, they look like rape victims in that image carrying the exploded AMRAAM.
Pakistan's F-16, AMRAAM Missiles Were Real Threat to Us - Ex-Indian Air Marshal
11:06 04.04.2019Get short URL
Conflict Between India, Pakistan Escalates Over Exchange of Airstrikes in Kashmir
India’s armed forces previously showed parts of an AMRAAM medium-range missile allegedly launched from a Pakistani Air Force F-16 that was recovered in the Indian-administered part of Kashmir following a dogfight on 27 February. Islamabad has consistently denied having either scrambled or lost US-built fighter jets in the aerial combat.

Simhakutty Varthaman, retired Indian air marshal and father of Wing Commander Abhinandan who was briefly held in custody in Pakistan, claimed that Pakistan’s F-16 purportedly deployed in a 27 February dogfight and its AMRAAM missiles were a “real threat” to New Delhi, The Times of Indiareported.

“The Indian Air Force strike happened when the maximum targets were inside the camp. The structural damage might be limited, but the fuse of the bomb is delayed to ensure maximum casualties. Pakistan’s F-16s and AMRAAM missiles were the real threat to us. We had to first get F-16s off our back by making sure they were headed to some other direction when we were going to Balakot”.

Speaking at the Indian Institute of Technology Madras on Wednesday, he said that the laser-guided smart bombs used to attack a suspected Jaish-e Mohammad camp at Balakot could have killed 250 to 300 terrorists.

READ MORE: Pakistani Military Says It's 'Immaterial' Whether F-16 Was Used in India Clash

Varthaman then added that India had launched seven aircraft towards Bahawalpur, which he claimed was the “headquarters” of Jaish-e Mohammad.

Pakistan thought we were on the way to attack Bahawalpur and sent F-16s to engage with our fighter aircraft. Simultaneously, we launched aircraft to attack Balakot. In a nutshell, the Pakistan Air Force was deceived completely. Pakistan was in a total state of alert, they knew an attack from India was imminent. However, they did not realise that we got into their territory”, he said.

The Times of India cited Varthaman as saying that the Balakot strike was the first time that IAF aircraft had crossed the Line of Control (de facto border) since the 1971 war with Pakistan.

“When fighter aircraft fly 10 km within the border, radars alert us to turn back. If a pilot goes within 8 km of the border, he faces a lot of questions and inquiry. As a nation, we decided to violate this huge thumb rule and went inside Pakistan. But, the government clearly mentioned that it was a non-military, pre-emptive strike”, he said.

Varthaman went on to say that the choice of the target had been stipulated by the desire to “avoid civilian casualties”:

“The facility was located in a thick forest on a hilltop far away from civilian presence”.

Escalation of Tensions

Relations between India and Pakistan further deteriorated after a suicide attack allegedly claimed by Pakistan-based terrorist group Jaish-e Mohammad that killed over 40 Indian soldiers on 14 February. Following the attack, New Delhi accused Islamabad of supporting terrorists – a claim, flatly denied by Pakistan as “unsubstantiated”.

Pakistan Deploys Entire F-16 Squadron on Indian Border - Report
In response to the attack, the Indian Air Force carried out airstrikes on a suspected terror camp in Balakot, Pakistan on 26 February, later claiming it had killed 300 terrorists.

Islamabad has denied the existence of any such camps in the area, with local media citing locals as saying that besides hitting some 15 pine trees, only one elderly villager was hurt in the attack.

The following day, the two countries' aircraft engaged in aerial combat over Kashmir, with Islamabad alleging it had shot down two Indian aircraft and captured Abhinandan. New Delhi, in turn, admitted to the loss of only one of its MiG-21s and claimed that it had destroyed a Pakistani F-16, having displayed parts of an AMRAAM medium-range missile that was recovered in Indian-administered Kashmir.

The missile is said to have been fired by a US-made jet, with India alleging that Islamabad could have violated the fighter jet's sale deal with the United States. In the meantime, Pakistan has flatly denied that US-made F-16s were either deployed or lost.

READ MORE: Pakistan: India Claims F-16 Was Downed for Political Gains as Election Looms

Indian pilot Abhinandan Varthaman and his MiG-21 plane were downed during aerial combat over the disputed region of Kashmir on 27 February. The Indian side claims that Varthaman managed to destroy a Pakistani F-16 fighter jet before being brought down himself and forced to eject from the aircraft.

US Takes Claims of Pakistan's 'Misuse' of F-16 in Dogfight With Indian MIG Seriously
Shortly after landing in the Pakistani-administered part of Kashmir, he was captured, with a video circulating on social media allegedly showing Pakistani troops protecting him for a furious mob that purportedly demanded that the pilot be handed over to them.

After spending two days in Pakistani custody, Islamabad released the pilot as a gesture of goodwill. Moments before his release, a video emerged showing Abhinandan heaping praise on the Pakistani army for saving him from the mob and expressing “regret over the role of Indian media for creating war hysteria”.

Some local media later suggested that the video had been recorded under duress and was allegedly heavily edited.
Conflict Between India, Pakistan Escalates Over Exchange of Airstrikes in Kashmir (104)
Pakistan Forces Remain on Alert Amid Escalation With India, Border Trade on Hold
Pakistan Warns India’s Anti-Satellite Weapon Threatens Regional Security
India Sends Note Verbale to Pakistan for Release of Indian Prisoners - Source
aircraft, warplanes, aerial combat, dogfight, pilot, tensions, missile, fighter jet, MiG-21, F-16, military, Indian Air Force (IAF), Abhinandan Varthaman, Kashmir, Balakot, Pakistan, India
Advantages of Being Mobile: 40 Years of Cell Phone Technology


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F-16 lolipop still doing wonders.
We got these birds n missiles during bushy days.
as far as I remember the 550 or 500 AMRAAM were delivered to pak during Obama tenure.. when they were just keeping them in AFG and were not using them ???

may be you are right...
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