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Pakistan’s external debt set to grow to whopping $90b

We have history's most corrupt and incompetent people in govt so it is no wonder the debt is growing
Have you been to Greece ? I have been there. The situation is extremely bad and unemployment is visible on the roads itself. The cities are extremely dirty and situation is gonna get worse before it improves.

E.g. In major parts of Athens, the roads extremely narrow. They should have invested in small public buses whose operational costs are low. Rather they spent the entire budget meant for roads & Infrastructure in one go and that too on big Volvo buses. Budgeting is extremely bad.

If it hadn't been in euro zone no one would have lent a penny to them.

As American I can understand what you say. I have been to Athens and far from being home of Western Civilization most of it could be some Middle East city minus the wars.

We get these poverty reports in UK. I ran into a charity trying raise money for homeless couple of days ago. The lady was firing off figures and I was like "lady you don't know what poverty is" Just go to Pakistan.

On that score trust me the Greeks are living it compared to Pakistan or India. You want the truth? Go visit and your going to be blown away with what you see as opposed to numbers you read and cherrypicking. Any country should be gauged by what exists on the ground.

Given that lets look at some reports.


India - Destitution


Pakistan - Destitution


Global MPI Interactive Databank - Country Briefings

This Oxford study is the most thorough report you will find out there. The approach is academic and uses multi dimentional variables to arrive at the final product.

People have no idea what "destitution" means. Notwithstanding the bluster and dazzle you hear and see the reality on the ground is terrible. That includes Pakistan. However if you think Pakistan is bad then you better get ready for India because it sets the gold standards for destitution. Hunger and lack of sanitation are the norm. So please do not compare with Greece.

Example of Pakistani slum - Karachi. All of sudden Greece does not look bad?


Example of Indian slum - Mumbai. Suddenly Pakistan does not look too bad.


So I never bother with these doom and gloom reports. Borrow as much as you can get. All I hope is some of that some of this borrowed money gets used in building infrastructure etc rather then all getting pocketed as we know some will.

Pakistan will never go the way Somalia went. It is too developed and too influencial in the world for that. Have you seen Mogadishu and compared it to Islamabad?

And finally observe this scene below. I want to people to think why would a person do this for a living? What sort of economic pulls and pushes force him to do this? What desperation drives him to this? What if you find out he is not alone but there are over 2 million like him?

Then you would have to question the society that forces so many to earn bread by working in this manner. You would have to question a economy that finds man cheaper then donkey. Well this economy is India. This society is India. This country is India.

And these are not some selective example of destitution but as common as 2 million times. This visible big Indian cities like in Delhi and Kolkata etc.


Man as Beast - India
As American I can understand what you say. I have been to Athens and far from being home of Western Civilization most of it could be some Middle East city minus the wars.

We get these poverty reports in UK. I ran into a charity trying raise money for homeless couple of days ago. The lady was firing off figures and I was like "lady you don't know what poverty is" Just go to Pakistan.

On that score trust me the Greeks are living it compared to Pakistan or India. You want the truth? Go visit and your going to be blown away with what you see as opposed to numbers you read and cherrypicking. Any country should be gauged by what exists on the ground.

Given that lets look at some reports.


India - Destitution


Pakistan - Destitution


Global MPI Interactive Databank - Country Briefings

This Oxford study is the most thorough report you will find out there. The approach is academic and uses multi dimentional variables to arrive at the final product.

People have no idea what "destitution" means. Notwithstanding the bluster and dazzle you hear and see the reality on the ground is terrible. That includes Pakistan. However if you think Pakistan is bad then you better get ready for India because it sets the gold standards for destitution. Hunger and lack of sanitation are the norm. So please do not compare with Greece.

Example of Pakistani slum - Karachi. All of sudden Greece does not look bad?


Example of Indian slum - Mumbai. Suddenly Pakistan does not look too bad.


So I never bother with these doom and gloom reports. Borrow as much as you can get. All I hope is some of that some of this borrowed money gets used in building infrastructure etc rather then all getting pocketed as we know some will.

Pakistan will never go the way Somalia went. It is too developed and too influencial in the world for that. Have you seen Mogadishu and compared it to Islamabad?

And finally observe this scene below. I want to people to think why would a person do this for a living? What sort of economic pulls and pushes force him to do this? What desperation drives him to this? What if you find out he is not alone but there are over 2 million like him?

Then you would have to question the society that forces so many to earn bread by working in this manner. You would have to question a economy that finds man cheaper then donkey. Well this economy is India. This society is India. This country is India.

And these are not some selective example of destitution but as common as 2 million times. This visible big Indian cities like in Delhi and Kolkata etc.


Man as Beast - India

What you are saying is totally valid but we should judge Greece based on where they are and where they think they belong. You get vibes during small chats that "they belong to a developed economy which is europe".

In that aspect, all I have seen is every damn city-center being full of unemployed young people and they aren't even trying to get employed. All they do from morning to night is enjoy music, smoke up and talking shit about the government.

The gen Y milked the govt. coupons, retired early, worked less but that level of personal expenditure is simply unsustainable. The Gen X have to bite the bullet. They gotta change their attitude.
where economy is going how experience team is dealing total assets selling, like PIA, WAPDA, STATLIFE, TOOL FACTORY, OGDCL what else will remain for future? they will sell people?
we should judge Greece based on where they are and where they think they belong

Well if you judge them by where they are then I am agraid they are big waste of space. Ever since the end of the classical age they have been living on their laurels. What you saw was a boat floating in pond that is kept filled by mostly hard working North Western Europeans. Rest of EU is a drag. Greece is the biggest drag of them all.

The only thing they have going for them is they are on the "correct" side of Mediteranean. If they had been on the other side they would have been starving and recieving UN food rations.
Any country should be gauged by what exists on the ground.
:lol: very convenient, this applies only to pakistan but not india ? please apply the same thing to india.
You cannot match those numbers unless you factor in their cost of financing. E.g. To United States, it costs practically nothing to service their debt.

To a country like Tanzania or Chile it would be very very high.
Not even talking about US. There are other 56 countries above.

Most African countries are on bottom. As I said I don't know how it works. If we go just by numbers 90bn is not bad compared with others.
Not even talking about US. There are other 56 countries above.

Most African countries are on bottom. As I said I don't know how it works. If we go just by numbers 90bn is not bad compared with others.

LOL frankly even I didn't understand the metric which was used.
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