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Pakistan's education emergency


Mar 11, 2011
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Pakistan's education emergency









By Nosheen Abbas

A tiny child looks into the camera and timidly states his plight. "A brick fell on my head," he says, almost whimpering. "What happened then?" the interviewer asks. "I got head injuries," he replies simply, obviously traumatised by the crumbling ceiling in his school.

This video clip was part of a presentation shown during the launch of Pakistan's March for Education Campaign. According to the campaign, 30,000 school buildings in Pakistan are in such a poor state that they pose a threat to the wellbeing of the children being taught in them. A further 21,000 schools have no building whatsoever.

These are just two of the shocking facts revealed by the Emergency Education Pakistan report produced by the Pakistan Education Task Force (ETF), which was created in 2009. The task force, which was set up with the approval of Yousuf Raza Gilani, the prime minister, is a non-partisan body that includes representatives from federal and provincial governments as well as non-governmental experts. It is co-chaired by Pakistani politician Shahnaz Wazir Ali and Sir Michael Barber, an international expert on education reform and former education advisor to Tony Blair during his time as British prime minister.

Throughout the month of March, the task force is working to raise the profile of the plight of Pakistani education in the hope of building popular demand for action.

'A self-inflicted disaster'

To convey the extent of the challenge facing the country, the report has drawn parallels equating the cost of the failure to educate the country's citizens with the cost of enduring one flood each year, adding: "The only difference is that this is a self-inflicted disaster."

Roughly one-in-ten of the world's primary school aged children who are not in school live in Pakistan - placing Pakistan in second position on the global ranking of out-of-school children.

Arshad Bhatti, the task force's political engagement strategist, believes their mission can be broken down into three main steps: Getting every child into school (something they call the retention and learning stage), while simultaneously improving the management and quality of public schooling and establishing some kind of financial commitment from the government.

Since it briefed the media and relevant technocrats on the report on March 9, the ETF has had high profile meetings with the prime minister, Asif Ali Zardari, the president, and Raza Rabbani, the minister for inter-provincial coordination. But, despite the fact that on April 19, 2010, the government passed an amendment to the constitution which included an article stating the constitutional right of every child to receive an education, collective political will remains questionable.

But Bhatti is optimistic. "The prime minister declared 2011 as the year of education, and we are seeing that senior politicians are taking this seriously," he said, adding: "I think there can be an education revolution when the political will is there."

Tazeen Javed, the task force's communications consultant, says the first phase of the British government-backed campaign will run until the end of March, after which "there will be a phase two and we're going to scale up efforts above and beyond approaching technocrats".

Perhaps the most interesting aspect of the campaign is that it was initiated from within the government with the aim of appealing to the government to increase its spending on education. And in the current economic climate, that may be a challenge too far.

Financial obstacles

After the passage of the yearly budget, the Pakistani government decided to increase taxation - in what could be said to have amounted to a 'mini budget'. To meet International Monetary Fund (IMF) conditions, the government is increasing taxation and curbing spending - something that only seems likely to add more rungs to the ladder the ETF must climb if it is to succeed in its aims. In such economic circumstances, it seems unlikely that the education sector will get the share of the budget it both needs and deserves.

"The efforts need to be bipartisan and we want now that if the budget for education can't be increased then they should not decrease it - that is what we have to fight for," says Fasi Zaka, the campaign's spokesman.

The fear that spending on education might, in fact, be cut, is very real; in 2005/2006 the Pakistani government spent 2.5 per cent of its budget on schooling, it now dedicates just 1.5 per cent of its budget to education. That is less than the subsidies given to Pakistan International Airlines (PIA), Pakistan Electric Power Company (PEPCO) and Pakistan Steel.

In addition, when provinces are allocated funds for education they often fail to spend all the money - mainly due to a lack of absorption capacity. The ETF is hoping to combat this via a petition that is being circulated on the internet and which it will eventually present to four provincial chief ministers.

"Education is now a constitutional right and the provinces are in the driving seat," says Bhatti. "They need to be convinced that there is a big demand for this, which there is. We need better political leadership now."

Good news?

Provincial governments are promising to take solid steps towards educational reform - and news of action is emerging much more promptly than is usually the case.

According to Bhatti, Shahbaz Sharif, the chief minister of Punjab, has taken personal responsibility for the campaign in Punjab and is due to announce a far-reaching road map for access to and quality of education. The aim is to accelerate the delivery of the campaign's goals by meeting regularly to keep tabs on the progress of reform. Longer-term trajectories involve real action within the electoral term.

In Balochistan, the chief minister and education secretary have also committed to a plan for the province with a series of immediate steps to be undertaken.

And in the wake of the floods, the planning department of Sindh has realised that it must consolidate smaller schools into larger comprehensive schools and accelerate the delivery of quality education to its residents.

The ETF is working closely with the provincial governments in Sindh, Punjab and Balochistan to push this initiative towards the execution phase.

A media revolution

The ETF has been trying to partner with Pakistani media to raise the profile of their campaign and in the weeks since the Emergency Education Pakistan report was launched there have been 60 news articles, including op-eds, and six television shows on the topic. More are expected in coming weeks.

But with the media frenzy surrounding the Raymond Davis story – the CIA contractor charged with killing two Pakistani men in Lahore – and the cases of two high profile Pakistani politicians who were murdered over their positions on the country's blasphemy law, to say the competition for column inches is intense is an understatement.

And education has traditionally been a near invisible topic in the Pakistani media. "We wanted to make noise about this issue," Tazeen says. And it seems to be working. Zardari was quoted using the term "education emergency" during a meeting with the minister of education and literacy in Sindh on March 15.

The ETF is understandably taking credit for this statement as no political figure in Pakistan has ever previously publicly referred to the deplorable state of Pakistani education as an emergency.

But will the hype the ETF has managed to manufacture last? And will it translate into results?

"Proliferation of the media hasn't been good - for example, as it was on Governor Taseer's assassination. But across the political divide people have gone against news pressure, those who are invested in the good of Pakistan," says Zaka.

He believes that while the hype about education will eventually die down, it will leave a trail behind it. "There's been repetition of information and it'll keep coming up in the future," he says. "It won't be a concentrated effect but the education debate has been reset."

A global dimension?

Despite there being no proven direct correlation between the absence of education and extremism, the ETF feels that all of Pakistan's problems can ultimately be traced - directly or indirectly – back to its public education system.

"It's what we're teaching, the nuanced information, the books, the curriculum or just simply the lack of everything," says Zaka.

But, interestingly, Pakistani higher education was rated extremely highly during a recent 'Going Global' conference in Hong Kong.

"When you are spending and it is working you don't want to touch it," says Zaka. "But when it comes to law and governance issues, primary and secondary education is extremely important."

Looking within

While political will is being nurtured by the ETF, power holders and politicians must begin by improving the state of education in their own constituencies. It is also important to raise the profile of teaching – a profession widely viewed among the general public as a last resort after attempts at pursuing other career paths have failed. The value attributed to academia must also be increased.

The role of women – or rather the lack of it – in the process of national progress is perhaps the most critical element of Pakistan's education challenge. According to the Emergency Education report, in a population of approximately 160 million people, fewer than half of all Pakistani women have ever been to school – a figure that drops to just 35 per cent in rural areas. And, according to the World Bank, educating girls delivers a higher return than any other investment in the developing world.

With at least seven million children out of primary school, the report bursts the myth that there is not a high demand for education from parents, revealing that only four per cent of those whose children are not in school say they have "no use for education".

So far, politicians have made lofty promises to improve education, but they have all too often shown more bark than bite. Only sincere leadership can now stop the country from being swallowed whole by Pakistan's worst emergency to date.

Pakistan's education emergency - Al Jazeera English
My friends and I have started a campaign, The Education Revolution, through which we hope to provide free education to poor children. Initially this campaign is going to work in Lahore and its surrounding areas only but we need people from all over Pakistan to support us.

Please join our official Facebook page, "The Education Revolution - Pakistan" and help spread the word.

We were inspired by the people who started the Education Emergency campaign. We support them fully.
Consensus at Harvard
Zubeida Mustafa
(19 hours ago) Today

OF late, the education sector in Pakistan has come under intense scrutiny abroad. Aid-givers and the so-called partners in the war on terror have belatedly reached the conclusion that at the root of Pakistan’s ills lies the country’s failure to educate its citizens.

Hence the sudden flood of foreign-funded reports and studies on education. It is a different matter that many of their assumptions are wide off the mark and the strategies they suggest display gross ignorance about the conditions on the ground and the local needs of the people. The latest to hit the Web is the consensus statement produced by Harvard University’s South Asia Initiative (SAI). In July the SAI convened a dialogue on education reforms in Pakistan that brought together some 30 high-profile personalities — party representatives, bureaucrats, journalists and academics — to the Kennedy School to work out a reform strategy.

The statement issued spells out the overwhelming consensus that the group arrived at. It defined the foremost goal for education as endowing all Pakistani children with a minimum standard of reading, writing and arithmetic skills. This is to be achieved by introducing standardised testing, measuring and dissemination of learning achievements. Teachers must be recognised as being central to the education system and must be supported and held accountable. The private sector must be acknowledged as an ally in the quest to educate Pakistan and it must be facilitated, provided it meets minimum standards.

The statement also highlighted the problem of parents operating in an information vacuum and the need to empower them by providing them information about school performance, school and teachers’ accountability and learning achievements.

All this sounds very impressive but there are some caveats that can be disregarded at our own peril. Baela Raza Jamil, director, programmes, at a number of education-related NGOs and managing trustee of Sanjan Nagar, who brought this document to my notice, wrote in a note that the recommendations of the Harvard group are “universal recipes for action anywhere in the developed and developing world alike. What distinguishes these for Pakistan specifically?” She noted that the issue of language acquisition as the core for literacy and numeracy competencies did not feature in the Harvard Consensus at all. Jamil called for “indigenous dialogues and activism for serious prioritised education reform”. A very valid comment.

These recipes cannot work in our context even though one cannot fault their underlying principles — making teachers accountable and empowering parents to monitor their children’s education. Let the final arbiter be the results of standardised testing.

Blogger Irfan Muzaffar points to the pitfalls in standardised testing in our context to judge teachers. “Pakistan is afflicted by the worst of inequities in the distribution of capabilities across its population. The contextual factors (both inside and outside the school) that have an effect on learning vary significantly across different groups. So the same test being given to people located at different points on any interpersonal comparison of well-being can potentially produce very different results…. It seems absurd to rely on the test scores to make judgments about accountability and performance of teachers.”

The overarching problem I foresee is in the context of language. It impinges on each and every aspect identified by the Harvard Consensus. Although we have yet to realise it, the fact is that the language in education will determine our success or failure in achieving the goals of education. Reading, writing and numeracy competencies can be achieved faster if children learn in their home language. Attempts to foist on them a language they are not familiar with — be it English or a language they don’t speak at home — only stunts their cognitive development and causes a setback in their natural process of learning as they have to concentrate first on learning a language they do not understand.

To expect teachers who do not know that language very well themselves to create reading and writing competencies in these children is a tall order and very unfair to the teacher. It does not work.

Then there are the parents whose monitoring and supervisory role is now being given some importance, probably for the first time. It is a farce to empower parents with information of a system that is geared to a language they may not be fully familiar with. Would such parents really be able to understand what the child is learning in school? Would they be able to hold the school accountable?

The feasible solution would be to start the child’s education in his own language so that he understands what he is being taught. Gradually, English can be introduced as a subject to equip the child with a tool for the business world.

But can one hope for this approach from the Harvard group? Will the private sector (which was represented by the elitist section at the meeting) agree to drop English as the medium of instruction at the primary level? After all, it is the language of its rich clients.

If English is to be imposed as the medium, the children of the poor will never be able to compete for jobs. According to the British Council’s Euromonitor report The Benefits of the English Language for Individuals and Societies big businesses admit their preference for English-speaking candidates and those who have studied in private institutions.

Does education for the poor stand any chance, trapped as they are between the devil and the deep sea?

The writer is the author of Tyranny of Language in Education: The Problem and its Solution.
Zubeida Mustafa | Official website of Zubeida Mustafa
My friends and I have started a campaign, The Education Revolution, through which we hope to provide free education to poor children. Initially this campaign is going to work in Lahore and its surrounding areas only but we need people from all over Pakistan to support us.

Please join our official Facebook page, "The Education Revolution - Pakistan" and help spread the word.

We were inspired by the people who started the Education Emergency campaign. We support them fully.

get associated with Shehzad Roy.... his organization got really good ideas and they know how to educate kids....
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