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Pakistan’s Coming Collapse Should Worry the World

I think Pakistan elite would give up their nukes for a few high back handed deals from u.s and west. These people don't really care and are actually Indian at heart.
My friend used to watch a Garbage dump outside his office. He told me that the garbage dump had an owner and none of the boys could pick anything from it without his permission (meaning without paying him).
Similar is the case with Pakistan. If it disintegrates there will be a garbage dump owner of every area, It can be a Corps Commander or powerful politician or someone else. The garbage dump owner will collect taxes from the people in his region.
Ive been hearing these brain farts for the past two decades. We are still here more powerfull then ever before.
This article is a planted hit piece. Pakistan is in safe hands right now. The economic crisis was already dealt with through the IMF deal. Admittedly, the climate change induced floods have complicated the recovery temporarily. But the global community and especially friendly countries will rally behind Pakistan. :cheers:
I think Pakistan elite would give up their nukes for a few high back handed deals from u.s and west. These people don't really care and are actually Indian at heart.

No doubt. Indians after all.
I think Pakistan elite would give up their nukes for a few high back handed deals from u.s and west. These people don't really care and are actually Indian at heart.

as long as the Pakistani elite believe they can make money milking US and West with their nukes they are not going to give it up. they might not care about average Pakistani. they care for their bank balances. the bar is kinda high here.
The irony I see here is how the Pakistanis who talk about wiping out other countries are now talking about their own country's disintegration without putting up a fight.
Let me repeat it again, the only danger to Pakistan's existence is found within Pakistan itself and Pakistanis.

Dissatisfaction is prevalent when injustice, lack of accountability, lack of progress, corruption, ineffective public sector, inadequate education sector is present. All this breeds anger and disunity. In such an environment when people are trying to survive, small differences can turn into huge differences and everything gets amplified.

We also need to realize that a lot of our cultural practices are rotten to the core. I won't mention many of them or any at all not to offend people (last time I did it my entire thread was deleted even though it was meant as internal reflection) which is not exclusive to Pakistanis but most cultures of the world. Some more than others.

We also need to realize that our Pakistani elites/those in power did not jump down from the sky. They came from within our society and are sons (mostly) and daughters of our soil. We thus need to correct some of our ills because nobody else is going to do it for us. No amount of outside investment is going to do it.

Pakistan is what we Pakistanis make it to be. Without it it is just land like any other on this planet. We, the people, make it stick together and make it either work or fail.

We need a serious look at ourselves in the mirror and try to find solutions to our problems. We all have different ideas, backgrounds, histories, symphonies, political views etc. but we should all strive to be as productive citizens as possible for the greater good.

And the easiest solution for this is education and more education. It is the only thing that will cure illiteracy, ignorance, primitive practices etc. An educated person that for instance is well aware of Pakistani history or even something as Pakistani DNA will realize that ethnic hatred within Pakistan is a idiotic thing to engage in. Just to mention an example.
There should be no real issue that is un-discussable if discussed with civil language.

IK will be back after these upcoming elections.

Talks are already in the works. Bajra getting a safe exit is the main condition. :coffee:
Who is Imran Khan to forgive treasonous generals?
Why the so-called neutrals will not let a Pakistani government run the full term ? What do they expect from the government in less than 4 years ? Solve all the issues in a whim of 4 years ?
Baluchistan will actually be the ones most worse off. They are the people that have the biggest problem with sardars. Not only that they would not be able to survive on their own as they inhabit the largest province of Pakistan but also the by far least populated one. Most of their land is barren/extremely arid which makes the little agriculture difficult to sustain. This is why Baloch emigrated to Arabia next door in such large numbers in search of a better life. Or to Sindh next door.

No province in Pakistan can thrive and survive on their own. Even the most populous one (Punjab) would fail due to being landlocked and open for grabs for Indians. No natural geographic barriers mostly either to protect it. Take Lahore as an example. At least Sindh has the Thar desert.

All this is daydreaming by ethnic chauvinist. Which sane nationalistic Pakistani Pashtun is going to want to join/merge with Afghanistan when 10.000's of Afghans (each day) are crossing the border into Pakistan due to the miserable condition of Afghanistan?

It does not even make sense to discuss such topics, it only happens online and only a tiny amount of Pashtuns and Baloch even want such a thing to happen.
The problem with tribal societies like Balochistan and KP is they switch loyalties when they find a new stronger backer. For this reason they are never loyal to any nationality. This has been a major cause of instability in Pakistan.
Pakistani state never established a strong moral authority to eradicate this tribalism due to being dominated by Punjabis and Sindhis whose cultures themselves are devoid of any moral standing.

If Pakistan has to dis-integrate then it cannot be easy for any ethnic group. Balochistan and KP will be the hardest hit as they are geographically important for regional and global powers due to being a route to China and central Asia. They will not be able to decide their fate. Punjab and Sindh are only important to India.

Iran has occupied and ruled Balochistan and other parts of Pakistan longer than any other nation and will definitely try to take control through militias like they do elsewhere. Arabs will also get involved with full backing of west. With the absence of Pakistan, Iran will also project itself into Afghanistan and KP which they have ruled in the past for long periods of time. Chinese, Indians, West and Arabs will not stand by. The situation will be ugly.

What is certain is that no ethnic group will be able to live on their own and have their chosen identity. It will be decided for them by other countries.
I doubt it shouls trouble anyone.

Anyone that comes next will be sane enough to not pick random wars or throwing nukes randomly.

Just look at Taliban, since they got into power they have been calm and making up with everyone not throwing scuds at Americans, same should happen with Pakistan.
This article is a planted hit piece. Pakistan is in safe hands right now. The economic crisis was already dealt with through the IMF deal. Admittedly, the climate change induced floods have complicated the recovery temporarily. But the global community and especially friendly countries will rally behind Pakistan. :cheers:
For how long, Pakistan doesn't export anything meaning full in numbers other than in one or two sectors, economy cannot be recovered with it, borrowing is a temporary solution and next time when the issue arrives it will be even Harder. Again in a year or two Pakistan will need another program from IMF.
The army that was suppose to be the defender of Pakistan is officially and single handedly responsible for the destruction of Pakistan. They have been eating Pakistan slowly from the inside. Their greed and lust for power knows no bounds.
For how long, Pakistan doesn't export anything meaning full in numbers other than in one or two sectors, economy cannot be recovered with it, borrowing is a temporary solution and next time when the issue arrives it will be even Harder. Again in a year or two Pakistan will need another program from IMF.
I think foreign aid for flood relief along with preferential tariff free trade access to western markets over next decade will help weather the storm. For starters, more categories could be added to Pakistan's GSP+ and GSP privileges in EU and US respectively.

IMF will be required when Pakistan is expected to pay back a large amount of borrowed loans - as was the case this year. That could be 3 years away after this round of deferrals.
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