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Pakistan’s Coming Collapse Should Worry the World

Pakistan should file the bankruptcy and renegotiate the loans ...to hell with everything and set capital punishment on money laundering.
Pakistan should file the bankruptcy and renegotiate the loans ...to hell with everything and set capital punishment on money laundering.

Well, that would kill half of our population. We need to face the music, most of (all of our ills in fact) are self-imposed and due to our rotten practices and views. If we had an ounce of respect for Pakistan and an ounce of civic duty and patriotism we would never have allowed Pakistan to turn into the mess it currently is.

Most of us can't even pay our taxes. The same people (our own) who work for state institutions, cannot develop even basic health and educational services to our public.

Where do we even begin?
Most of the USSR landmass was barren tundra, ice or desert.

USSR population in 1991: 289 million.

Pakistani population in 2022: 220-230 million.

We live in 2022. Not in 1991. Most people/a lot of people have access to either a mobile phone, a computer or know someone who has. News spreads like wildfire today.

Who in the neighborhood is a military threat for Pakistan other than India? A failed and perpetually unstable Afghanistan is surely not other than small border skirmishes and spread of terrorism. Iran is a joke military speaking and no threat to us and they have plenty on their own plate. Which leaves 1.4 billion big India. Now this is where our nuclear weapons come into play. Any large-scale conflict between Pakistan and India risks a full-scale nuclear war from emerging. Nobody is interesting in that and that is why such a large scale war has never happened since 1947 and is unlikely to happen as long as Pakistan remains a nuclear-armed state.

So the only threat to Pakistan's integrity and survival is our own incompetent elites and internal problems (injustice, poverty, ethnic divisions, corruption etc.). But as I wrote a divided Pakistan into 4-5 separate entities based on ethnicity has no future whatsoever and will not survive. That has mostly always been the case historically speaking. There was always 1 major power keeping it all together. Today this power is the Pakistani military and that has been the case since 1947.

This Indian idea of the demise of Pakistan since 1947 is your guys favorite pastime. The demise of India as a united country is as likely as that of Pakistan. Neither is going to happen thanks to the militaries of both countries (nuclear armed now) that hold it all together. Without this, I doubt that both would have survived in their current shape. In particular India with its enormous ethnic, linguistic and religious diversity not to include the whole ingrained caste system that creates a caste society where people are perpetually born into misery without being able to change this. This creates bitterness and disunity.

you missed my statement

There is a better chance that current crowd in Pakistan pulls a Bangladesh with respect to India and moves on
If not for Arab and Chinese help Pakistan would already have been bankrupt. Did you even read what I wrote earlier? This confirms that the powers that be, are not going to accept the disintegration of the Pakistani state.

The whole coup in April was about US fearing that they would eventually lose the connection to the Pakistani army the longer IK ruled and the more we gravitated towards China.

Pakistani economy needs to restructure itself completely and a total reset and people need to start paying their taxes and the state needs to provide basic services to ALL Pakistani people first.

You are daydreaming if you think that Pakistan is going to turn into another Afghanistan or something similar.

What interest will pakistan serve the Arab if they "save" you. They are already hand in glove with Israel, West and china. You need to remove this misconception. They have not given u money as ur leaders said this time. Chinese they have already given u more than u could afford. CPEC is not "investment" but loan. If ur not able to repay they will take over. China will want pakistan to remain afloat but with its corrupt leaders and western stooges china won't be assisting u as much as pakistan require the effects of which u are already seeing they are giving u loans at higher rates.
You are delusional if you think world wants pakistan, they already broke u in 2 parts. They will do so again. Something that even generals are deluded with.
Pakistan needs complete restructuring, no two opinions on that and there is no other way out.
But it will be over optimistic to think this will happen in the current system given that all the stakeholders want this system to survive. Either the system can be revamped or these groups of people namely generals, beaurocrats, judges or politicians.
If you look at any social or economic indicator can u compare ur self with any of your south Asian counterpart?
Majority of Pakistanis don't care. I think more people came out in the UK to protest against a war in another country, than the number of Paksitanis that came out against the illegal regime change in their own country. Given the much larger population of Pakistan compared to UK, it is really shameful. Pakistanis are responsible, they are lazy and don't want change.
IK will be back after these upcoming elections.

Talks are already in the works. Bajra getting a safe exit is the main condition. :coffee:

I have the same feelings that he might be negotiating his safe exit, He is the sole reason for the destruction of Pakistan.
This article seems to be part of the conspiracy leashed against Pakistan by US and it's local collaborators, lead by Mir Bajwa. First destruct a country and then start crying wolf.
And there is also some butthurt element in that. Like they still can't accept the Chinese authority in the region and the withdrawal of the US.
Pakistan won't collapse. For that to occur Rawalpindi would need to collapse and that will not happen as the army is basically ruling the entire country.

Secondly none of our main patrons (China, Arabs etc.) would allow it. The world community would do everything in its power to prevent the total collapse of a nuclear armed nation too. Everyone of the great powers would unite (for a short while) to prevent such a thing from happening.

The worst thing that can happen is the internal disintegration of Pakistan into pre-1947 ethnic/provincial divisions and the collapse of the current "elites" (status quo).

Punjabis (main ethnic group) have no aspirations of any Greater Punjab entity at the expense of Pakistan. Irredentism within Sindhis and Pashtuns is marginal as well.

The greatest tragedy is that the current and long-standing criminal and toxic status quo (Pakistani "elites") SHOULD have fallen apart long ago (for the benefit of the country and most importantly ordinary Pakistanis) but somehow those haramkhoors are still standing.

Not sure where Iran came int to the picture, they are a complete non-entity here.

Not according to the American Jewish author.

We are fast heading towards disintegration, the rott is on each and every level. I say let it fall down, we can build a new structure only if this mess falls down.

I have said it before. Bajwa is a trojan horse. Until he isn't removed and the F-16 brigade isn't taken care of the rot will remain. People who have the ability to see through BS and interpret things have noticed something sinister. The top layer of the Pakistani army is infiltrated with stooges. This needs to be fixed ASAP. When you allow your top military personnel to be brainwashed in US capitals this is going to be the outcome.

Pakistan is at a minimum close to an economic collapse without factoring the moral and social decay.

Majority of Pakistanis don't care. I think more people came out in the UK to protest against a war in another country, than the number of Paksitanis that came out against the illegal regime change in their own country. Given the much larger population of Pakistan compared to UK, it is really shameful. Pakistanis are responsible, they are lazy and don't want change.

It is a failed nation. Irresponsible and as the Americans once said incompetent.
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Dont worry DHA bach jae ga. In addition to Fauji companies and their golf courses.
The United States, India, and Iran are right to worry about the security of Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal, as military officers also begin to struggle to get by.

The narrative has started and now we know Imran Khan was right when he said the IMF and foreign nations will want to disarm Pakistan in return for a bail out. PDM and lifafas were claiming IK has commit treason for uttering those words. People should wake up and realize the real enemies of Pakistan are currently in charge.
Of course this corrupt country is going to collapse thanks to these corrupt Pakistan Army Generals and their imposed corrupt Politicians. These Army Generals are absolutely ruthless, Disgusting and shameless creatures holding 220 million people hostages.
Of course this corrupt country is going to collapse thanks to these corrupt Pakistan Army Generals and their imposed corrupt Politicians. These Army Generals are absolutely ruthless, Disgusting and shameless creatures holding 220 million people hostages.

You reap what you sow. The saying is full of truth.
The narrative has started and now we know Imran Khan was right when he said the IMF and foreign nations will want to disarm Pakistan in return for a bail out. PDM and lifafas were claiming IK has commit treason for uttering those words. People should wake up and realize the real enemies of Pakistan are currently in charge.

the only problem here is that Imran Khan had a chance to do something about it. If Pakistan lives within its mean it does not have to run to the IMF
IK will be back after these upcoming elections.

Talks are already in the works. Bajra getting a safe exit is the main condition. :coffee:
I hope that doesn’t happen.

That donkey needs to face the full wrath of the law. So that no one in the future dares to even think of overthrowing a sitting government.
This article seems to be part of the conspiracy leashed against Pakistan by US and it's local collaborators, lead by Mir Bajwa. First destruct a country and then start crying wolf.
The writer looks like a Jew from his name. I would say Imran is the person leading to the downfall of Pakistan.
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