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Pakistan's Blunder Of Not Joining The Yemen War:---

Well we are majority sunni so if we did pick a side, it would be obvious.

Our relationships with arabs isn't perfect but Saudi Arabia has done far more for Pakistan than Iran has.

Noone's saying fight a war for free anyway lol.

Would arabs reciprocate and send their troops to fight for Pakistan say against india??or America???
I kept my self away from posting on this thread but some posters(dying in muhas love) force me too..
If Iran use Shia proxies (Shia sect of Islam) and recruit people from all around the world (especially Pakistan) and destabilize whole region then that is OK …… Why is it because minority pity complex or is it because sectarian bias ?? If Iran watch her own interest and gave Chabhar to India and send Kalbhoshan Yadav to Pakistan then that is ok ???
I am not against it every country have right to watch her own interests ,, So why cant Pakistan .. What is wrong with Pakistanis (Here I am not talking about iranain mullah lovers) ,..
War is most profitable and economically great business from 1000s of years , Read fukin history.. Read how Iranian Shia (and Sunni) kings attacked Muslim Sub-continent and killed 1000s upon 1000s of people ..
Look at some benefits :

    • 1 Million B , B+ and A category visas for Pakistanis in GCC.
    • 30 to 40 Billion $$$ grants
    • Almost 100 Billion $$ (total from GCC) Investment In Pakistan
    • New Military basis
    • New military Eqm
    • Better international influence
Joining Yemen war does not mean attacking Iran or going to war with Iran … And Why Iran and Iran lover so pissed off of this idea , even iran said She have nothing to do with Yemen war..
Iran will sell Pakistan any giving day ,, Just check what they did with Us in Month Of Feb when we were almost going to war with India ,,,,,, Only pen declaration of war left by Iran..
You are absolutely wrong! There are 5m+ Pakistanis living in Iran, and not GCC, whose remittance is crucial at this juncture in time! Oh wait it's the other way around.
Would arabs reciprocate and send their troops to fight for Pakistan say against india??or America???

Make a deal with them, if we fight then the arabs must:

Pay wages for soldiers, pay for equipment, invest more in pakistan (both sides win in this one I guess) and possibly station a couple thousand troops in Pakistan.

We are their brothers but we don't fight a war for free.
STOP your shameless sectarian divide or I will thread ban you!
Madam @Dubious .. Please ask (open thread) from Irans lover about Irans behaviour when Pakistan almost had a war with India ….. What they have to say about it ? How Irans look after her own interest (relationship with India) ?? Why we cannot do that .. why when Pakistan try to look after her own interests Irans lovers (some Shia sectarian scums) bring Islam and sectarianism ??
I am not talking about iran and her proxies in Iraq , Syria .. Here I am strictly talking about Pakistan and Pakistani interests ..

You are absolutely wrong! There are 5m+ Pakistanis living in Iran, and not GCC, whose remittance is crucial at this juncture in time! Oh wait it's the other way around.
That blindness pissed me off...……. I am so much tired of mullah lovers ( here I only mean mullah lovers ,, that means not all of the Shia Muslims) …….
Unstable GCC means death to Pakistan...….. Why cant people see this very simple fact ??? WTF is wrong with people..
Would arabs reciprocate and send their troops to fight for Pakistan say against india??or America???
Please tell me explain this to people who regret about Pakistan not going to Yemen.

@MastanKhan @Khafee

Saddam hussian fought for Arabs with Iran his whole life how did GCC paid him?

Syria came to defend Kuwait from Saddam Hussain how did GCC paid them back?

Pakistan made the first nuclear bomb and came under sanctions how did GCC paid us back?

If you think that there would have been any payment to us for going to Yemen war then look at Arab history there will be none to us because all those who helped have been never helped back.
Madam @Dubious .. Please ask (open thread) from Irans lover about Irans behaviour when Pakistan almost had a war with India ….. What they have to say about it ? How Irans look after her own interest (relationship with India) ?? Why we cannot do that .. why when Pakistan try to look after her own interests Irans lovers (some Shia sectarian scums) bring Islam and sectarianism ??
I am not talking about iran and her proxies in Iraq , Syria .. Here I am strictly talking about Pakistan and Pakistani interests ..

That blindness pissed me off...……. I am so much tired of mullah lovers ( here I only mean mullah lovers ,, that means not all of the Shia Muslims) …….
Unstable GCC means death to Pakistan...….. Why cant people see this very simple fact ??? WTF is wrong with people..
I understand...But please address your questions and discussions with respect...That is the way of the Prophet!

And I agree that a stable GCC is good for Pakistan!

But please address your questions and discussions with respect...That is the way of the Prophet!
Why we should have joined the Yemen war

  • 150K troops mean money for 150K families.
  • Imagine Islamic version of NATO, where planes and militaries of Pakistan, Turkey, Saudia, UAE, Jordan,Morocco, Egypt etc etc can communicate and exchange information between each other.
  • Imagine projects for NESCOM, NDC , AWC
  • Imagine a tank whose engine is built in Sudia, chassis in Egypt, Electronics in Turkey and turret in Pakistan
  • We were going to be united under one flag after 100 years.
  • Soldiers can be used in Ghazaw-e-Hind

  • Treaty of Laussane will end in 2023, so Turks have 4 more years of peace before war.
  • In which ever country America want to go, first Al qaeda use to go there and now its ISIS. By the same logic We have Somali pirates to choke Bab-ul-madeb and we have military bases of US, France, Great Britain, Japan, Italy ,Saudi Arabia and China in Djiboutito keep those pirates in check. Turkey and UAE is in Somalia, why Pakistan can't be in Yemen?

  • For how long we will fight wars within our boundaries ?

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Please tell me explain this to people who regret about Pakistan not going to Yemen.

@MastanKhan @Khafee

Saddam hussian fought for Arabs with Iran his whole life how did GCC paid him?

Syria came to defend Kuwait from Saddam Hussain how did GCC paid them back?

Pakistan made the first nuclear bomb and came under sanctions how did GCC paid us back?

If you think that there would have been any payment to us for going to Yemen war then look at Arab history there will be none to us because all those who helped have been never helped back.
I think it is a 2 way straight!

Iran also didnt do anything when india was involved.....

Stop bringing in your Shia/ Sunni -ism when it comes to Iran and Saudi and think ONLY PAKISTANI!


Why we should have joined the Yemen war

  • 150K troops mean money for 150K families.
  • Imagine Islamic version of NATO, where planes and militaries of Pakistan, Turkey, Saudia, UAE, Jordan,Morocco, Egypt etc etc can communicate and exchange information between each other.
  • Imagine projects for NESCOM, NDC , AWC
  • Imagine a tank whose engine is built in Sudia, chassis in Egypt, Electronics in Turkey and turret in Pakistan
  • We were going to be united under one flag after 100 years.
  • Soldiers can be used in Ghazaw-e-Hind



  • Treaty of Laussane will end in 2023, so Turks have 4 more years of peace before war.
  • In which ever country America want to go, first Al qaeda use to go there and now its ISIS. By the same logic We have Somali pirates to choke Bab-ul-madeb and we have military bases of US, France, Great Britain, Japan, Italy ,Saudi Arabia and China in Djiboutito keep those pirates in check. Turkey and UAE is in Somalia, why Pakistan can't be in Yemen?

  • For how long we will fight wars within our boundaries ?

It was narrated that Ibn Hawaalah said: The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “This matter will end with you becoming massed troops: troops in ash-Shaam, troops in Yemen, and troops in Iraq.”

Ibn Hawaalah said: Choose for me, O Messenger of Allah, if I should live to see that.

He said: “You should go to ash-Shaam, for it is Allah’s chosen land, to which He will gather His chosen slaves. But if you refuse, then go to Yemen and draw water from your ponds, for Allah has promised me that He will take care of ash-Shaam and its people.”

Narrated by Abu Daawood (2483). Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Sunan Abi Daawood (2483).

  • Lets build the national army of Yemen
The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said,
‘An army of 12,000 will come out of Aden-Abyan. They will give victory to Allah and His Messenger sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. They are the best between myself and them.
(Al Mujam Al Kabeer, 11:56)
I dont think that hadith is real...India wasnt "india" back then! It was pieces of different kingdoms!
Pakistan made the first nuclear bomb and came under sanctions how did GCC paid us back?
You kidding ?? How old were you in 98 ?? Do you know what happened after tests ?? How GCC (KSA +UAE) helped us !!!!!!! Come on yaar .. above is simply too much …
And for rest of your post , That is our (people) main problem , wtf we have to do with what they do or did with this and that ????? We only have to watch our own interests..


Thank you :enjoy::pakistan::smitten:
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Make a deal with them, if we fight then the arabs must:

Pay wages for soldiers, pay for equipment, invest more in pakistan (both sides win in this one I guess) and possibly station a couple thousand troops in Pakistan.

We are their brothers but we don't fight a war for free.

Kindly ask our turk. Brothers how they were reciprocated for their blood by Arab tribes

Dont take me wrong

But Islam and Arab nationalism are two different and actually contradicting things...

I would go as far as saying that Badr and uhad were fights of Islam versus Arab nationalism
I think it is a 2 way straight!

Iran also didnt do anything when india was involved.....

Stop bringing in your Shia/ Sunni -ism when it comes to Iran and Saudi and think ONLY PAKISTANI!


I dont think that hadith is real...India wasnt "india" back then! It was pieces of different kingdoms!
The problem is Yemen has been declared as Iran but Yemen is not Iran they have their own identity. The very Houthis that Saudis fight today were Saudi allies against Iran. History my friend it has great lessons.
Well I think Pakistan did the right thing by not joining Yemen war.

In past, when Pakistan joined jihad against soviets, kalashnikova and opium was introduced in country. Then she joined US war on terror and we were introduced with suicide bombings and terrorist outfits.
Lesson learnt: do not join or meddle in someone else's war.
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