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Pakistan's Artillery Upgrade Discussions

Would it make sense to buy old stocks and spare parts from around the world to increase the numbers and service for the M1 and M115 or invest in the less expensive and proven 130mm type-59 field gun? Do we need more barrels to keep India at bay in the field of artillery?

Right now we are using a combination of both. Like we still use 25 Pdr in some areas. But otherwise, we are going for new ones.

Answer would be the same. Numbers wont and dont decide. Tactics, the way they are employed, that will decide. In 1965, our 4 Corps Artillery, though less in number, played havoc with Indians since it was employed as a punch. Indians, though superior in numbers, distributed theirs in penny packets. Kudos to Brig Amjad Chaudhary for that.
Right now we are using a combination of both. Like we still use 25 Pdr in some areas. But otherwise, we are going for new ones.

Answer would be the same. Numbers wont and dont decide. Tactics, the way they are employed, that will decide. In 1965, our 4 Corps Artillery, though less in number, played havoc with Indians since it was employed as a punch. Indians, though superior in numbers, distributed theirs in penny packets. Kudos to Brig Amjad Chaudhary for that.

What's the best tactical artillery move or reaction regarding the Indian bombardments in the Nheelum valley?
Send in the BATs to mow down a patrol party. Indian Army understands coffins very well. The most effective tool is to inflict casualties, not to waste the precious ammunition.

What's the best tactical artillery move or reaction regarding the Indian bombardments in the Nheelum valley?
Whats the number of towed artillery and self propelled artillery which is in service??????
Yes but India has introduced Dhanush to the theater now, so Pakistan will need to respond in kind or via some other way. I'd prefer guided projectiles at their FSBs for a one-time lesson.
GPS guided mortars are needed IMO.

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