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Pakistan's ambassador ignores Pakistan, Why is China not in picture? Biggest victory of Pakistan's i

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@waz A clueless kid's blog - and we have a thread. Wow, simply wow.

Someone needs to ask him what was the conv that took place between Shah Mehnmood and MBS on the 6th of August.

Yes I asked him and he says it's not his, well...But anyway no more posts from blogs.
Yes I asked him and he says it's not his, well...But anyway no more posts from blogs.
On and Of people post from OpEd's which is way different to a blog.

Blogs as well as random tweets by self styled analysts, firing arrows in the air, should be seriously looked into.
@waz A clueless kid's blog - and we have a thread. Wow, simply wow.

Someone needs to ask him what was the conv that took place between Shah Mehnmood and MBS on the 6th of August.

Pakistan does not need empty words, they need financial and military support. AND that is not given in the blink of an eye.
agreed, financial support will only come from Saudi Arabia , if it ever will , no other country , not even china will provide Pakistan that . while Pakistan is sure of getting support from Saudi Arabia.

I post from this blog because i largely agree with it , content is sometimes good sometimes bad but the kid does know how to make a sensational title.

آپ اگر کچھ عقل حاصل کریں تو کوئی بدتمیزی کی کسی کو ضرورت نہيں پڑے گی
mr zulu was very abusive in his language so i reported him , mods deleted the portion of his post so it will not make sense anymore.

@Khafee @waz since i am being discussed i feel compelled to drop in, first of all this is not my blog , second of all i do agree with it a lot which is why i post from it and in the past few days repeatedly, as it is very active in past few days ,
discussions have been started on much less on this forum and if you dont think its worth it , you can simply just ignore it , i have seen discussions starting on one line here so dont tell me its against rule......... BTW is it not what this forum is for?
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