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Pakistan's Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircrafts

Any future purchase is most likely going to be KJ2000

"Chinese officials have claimed that the domestic radar is able to track more targets at greater ranges than the Israeli Phalcon radar which was offered in the late 1990s"

KJ-2000 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Or maybe Pakistan will set aside some money start its own project.
There is no need for a KJ-2000 based platform for Pakistan even into the future perhaps after 2025 but that too could be based on y-20 transport in making, Swedish AEW&C and KJ-2000/Y-8 based platforms are more than sufficient.
Any future purchase is most likely going to be KJ2000

"Chinese officials have claimed that the domestic radar is able to track more targets at greater ranges than the Israeli Phalcon radar which was offered in the late 1990s"

KJ-2000 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Or maybe Pakistan will set aside some money start its own project.

ANY sources for your 3 statements would be appreciated.

PAF is purchasing the KJ-200. They have no intention in purchasing the KJ-2000 due to many factors, one of them being restricted airframe availability.
The Israeli Phalcon is considered one of, if not the best AWACS in the world. Just because it was first inducted in the 90's does not mean that it is obsolete. It has been upgraded as time passes. China has developed its AESA radar only 3-4 years back and it will take time for it to mature.

Where you are right is that the PAF may start its indigenous program, but this will not be anytime soon as their requirements for 7-8 AWACS have already been met.
I agree with raveolution. PAF is not looking to use these AWACS/AEW&C globally so therefore we are not in need of any larger complicated, platform, PAF is satisfied with swedish and China AEW&C that Pakistan is still testing.
new variation Y8



We have been told for decades that Israeli pilots are the best. Their planes are the best. Their tanks are the best. Yet we do know that they are humans just like us, their planes crash or get shot down just like ours, their Merkava isn't unbeatable just like our tanks. We should not degrade them nor accept them as our superiors. We all are humans.
Yes bro.! Ure right....they r in superiority complex...all the time ....let them be happi....in their dreamz....:smokin:
Ive read somewhere, dont no how true this is, that the Israeli airforce used to call them selves the invincibles and then the war happened, the Pakistani pilots happened and the "invincible" was untagged.
And I have definitely read somewhere a statement by an Israeli air force personal that they seriously respect the PAF and its pilots as they believe that they are some of the best in the world. This is the proper way of discourse between the two: mutual respect.
Ive read somewhere, dont no how true this is, that the Israeli airforce used to call them selves the invincibles and then the war happened, the Pakistani pilots happened and the "invincible" was untagged.
And I have definitely read somewhere a statement by an Israeli air force personal that they seriously respect the PAF and its pilots as they believe that they are some of the best in the world. This is the proper way of discourse between the two: mutual respect.

They probably never did.. statements by Instructors teaching the IDaF from the USAF,RAF and other nations gave them the moniker of "some of the best pilots in the world"..
The fact that most Arab pilots were lazy bums who did not listen to even an ounce of their training.. ignored operational readiness exercises.. and flew using a rigid soviet doctrine that gave little in the way of pilot independence.. helped a lot as well.

The kills by PAF pilots were due to our better training.. and independent thinking.. the IDaF pilots did not expect initiative.. they had a pattern that worked on the Arabs.. but was useless against pilots taught to think aggressively in combat. And IAF did assist the IDaF in 73.. I suspect they were given a poor account of us by the then braggy Indians.. costing their allies in the IDaF..otherwise the IDaF would have adapted knowing there were better pilots operating in the area..

The reason why the IDaF pilots hold respect for the PAF .. is not just because of the 67 and 73 participation by PAF pilots.. but also because of impromptu training sessions together in the US. Some of the first batches of PAF pilots trained alongside IDaF pilots..
Verifiable by a former USAF instructor on another forum(most will figure out where).. during study groups.. brienfings.. etc..
PAF and IDaF pilots tended to stick together..(doesn't mean they went to bars or partied with the IDaF personnel.. but strictly professionally and academically)..showed similar mindset when it came to flying and air combat.
Its how the pilot training doctrine is developed... and how we are trained to fight..
This was back in the 80's..
Today's IDaF pilot is years ahead of the PAF guy simply because of the technological gap.. and having a twenty year lead in the new concepts of air warfare.. BVR, advanced EW.. etc. Although.. the pace at which the PAF is catching up on these trends has skyrocketed in the past 5 years.
and Silk is a 100% right.. we forget the Israeli's and the Americans.. along with us.. are still humans. nobody is perfect.. and nobody should be feared as such either..(although it doesn't mean being cocky and metaphorically ;picking a fight with a carbine armed guy using a knife.. as some...naive members here think and wish to do).

Now.. may we please stick to the AEW discussions..

I had to read the name of the poster twice just to make sure that it was not me----. Good job

I had to read the name of the poster twice just to make sure that it was not me----. Good job

welcome back MK with another funny avatar of yours lol ,was missing your criticizing comments (both constructive as well as destructive lol jst kidding)

and not to mention your signature line "my man"
This is off toipic but relates to what some of you have been talking about. About 7 years ago before me and family moved in to our new house mashallah i had come to find out that in our old neighborhood one of our neighbor's was a old israeli AF retd pilot i belive he was a capt that flew (kfir,F-4 & f-16 A's also tankers) and was living with his wife and kids in the US due to their own internel family problems back home so they moved from israel to the US. He now flies for american airlines . We become quiet friendly and as i would see him come home in his airline unform and asked him one day whom he flies for and come to find out he was a airline pilot for american airlines. Furthermore, i could tell that he was not a american when i spoke to him at times i told him that i great passoin for avation and for PAF, fighter jets in general etc... its then when he told me he was ex IAF i told him i had a great deal of respect for his IAF he smiled and just told me that IAF has great respect for PAF and its pilots and always has known what they are capble of which not only shocked me but made me proud not mention him and his wife loved desi food which my mom made for them twice thought i share my two cents this is a true story just goes to show you that what great respect IAF personal have for PAF and iam sure viseversa . I respect him till this day and often see him at times in the neighborhood grocery store and he always greats us the same way in a friendly manner after all we are all human end of the day .

P.s He also gave me a small model of kfir aircraft as a friendly gift which i have i will try to post a pic of it when i can .
i found this video on youtube, quiet old though.sorry if posted before

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