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Pakistan's acquisition of Chinese J-10C fighter jets significant for both sides: analysts

He just base on his conclusion for J-10c based on perception. Nothing to do with facts.

Rafales AESA t/r modules less than J-10C. French electronic industries and research lacking behind China.
But electronic warfare industries of France are well ahead of China
China today is the Center of Electronics development and production all over the world.

For Example :
J-10C AESA Radar from NRIET is Much Superior than Rafale RBE2-AA AESA Radar.
J-10C AESA Radar from NRIET have 1,200 T/R Modules, while Rafale RBE2-AA only have 830 T/R Modules.

View attachment 821210View attachment 821212

For Reference :
APG-83 SABR in F-16 Block 70 Viper have 1,100 T/R Modules
APG-81 AESA in F-35 have 1,676 T/R Modules
AESA Radar on J-16 Heavy Fighter have 1,760 T/R Modules
AESA Radar on J-20 Stealth Fighter have 1,856 T/R Modules
Kid kid T/R modules are just one thing its doesn't matter much but they have a vast experience of designing and developing airborne radars, you're just starting developing and designing AESA
But electronic warfare industries of France are well ahead of China

Last time I check France didn't have any Capability to build such Massive Huge Radar like China have on their Type 055 Cruiser (Type 346B GaN AESA Radar) :smokin:

This Radar is so Fvcking massive

Kid kid T/R modules are just one thing its doesn't matter much but they have a vast experience of designing and developing airborne radars, you're just starting developing and designing AESA

You cannot win cross country race with 1,000 CC car engine against 1,800 CC Turbo.

Whatever your barking, the gap is too far away
Kid kid T/R modules are just one thing its doesn't matter much but they have a vast experience of designing and developing airborne radars, you're just starting developing and designing AESA
lmao, T/R modules doesn't matter much to AESA ??
Sure it's not everything but what do you have other than insistence they have 'vast experience' ?
Typical frenchy fanboy troller.

I use Data, you only barking & assumptions
What data you present? Counting T/R modules doesn't matter much and I'm presenting facts who has more experience of designing and developing airborne radars you or France?

lmao, T/R modules doesn't matter much to AESA ??
Sure it's not everything but what do you have other than insistence they have 'vast experience' ?
Look dude number of T/R modules is just one thing and doesn't matter much, experience that's matter to design AESA with experience
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What data you present? Counting T/R modules doesn't matter much and I'm presenting facts who has more experience of designing and developing airborne radars you or France?

Look dude number of T/R modules is just one thing and doesn't matter much, experience that's matter to design AESA with experience
J10c aesa has more T/R modules.

White&Green whatever : Bu bu but France has more experience.

France dont have Massive Huge Radar like China have on their Type 055 Cruiser (Type 346B GaN AESA Radar).

White&Green whatever : Bu bu but I really really really feel France has more experience !!
France dont have Massive Huge Radar like China have on their Type 055 Cruiser (Type 346B GaN AESA Radar).
And do you know French/Italian horizon class frigates they also have massive AESA and what technology they used nobody knows
And do you know French/Italian horizon class frigates they also have massive AESA and what technology they used nobody knows
China 055 destroyer used dual band AESA S and X Band which currently only deploy by USS Gerald Ford aircraft carrier. Horizon class AESA are a step below.

China EW capabilities are demonstrated by PAF JF-17 blk 2 during the 27 Feb 2019 LOC war. You can ask @Windjammer for more info. A main reason why PAF won the conflict.
Hot take there. J-10c should have superior radar. While we don't know the specifics for the radar of the j-10c, we know it has more engine power and a much larger nose cone to house a bigger radar. Technology wise, China has demonstrated it can build dedicated EW attack aircraft like the j16D so make your own judgement.

J-10C = Cost effective 4+ generation solution
Rafale F3R = Costly 4+ generation solution (performance maximization considerations)

J-10C is equipped with a single engine while Rafale F3R is equipped with two engines (more engine power).

"The most important of these sensors is undoubtedly the RBE2-AA AESA (Active Electronically Scanned Array) radar. The current RBE2-AA radar uses Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) T/R (Transducer) modules. The radar can scan an area of 140° and has a range of over 200 km. The high output power and long-range of the radar allows Rafale to use long-range air-to-air missiles like Meteor. Instead of a mechanically rotating antenna, the T/R modules on the radar array are electronically directed, independently of each other. Thus, the radar can operate in more than one mode at the same time. While searching and tracking air targets, it can simultaneously create a terrain profile for low-altitude flight and generate high-resolution maps for navigation and targeting."

Source: Defense Turkey (Volume = 15; Issue = 103; Year = 2020)

However, the J-10 doesn’t qualitatively overmatch the twin-engine Dassault Rafale, which has a superior thrust-to-weight ratio, and likely boasts a more capable AESA radar and self-defense jammer. Some cynics therefore claim the buy Islamabad’s inability to pursue other options, and at least one Pakistani politician has criticized a J-10 buy, arguing Pakistan should invest in domestically developed jets.

The Rafale offers certain advantages over the J-10, including highly advanced avionics, electronic warfare systems, and a potentially wider range of weapons, among them ramjet-powered Meteor BVR missiles, as well as superior all-round performance. Nevertheless, the Chinese fighter signals that the PAF is at least keeping pace with wider air combat developments by acquiring a similar ‘4.5 generation’ fighter. Furthermore, its combination of advanced sensors, including AESA, plus PL-15 missiles, would likely give it an edge over most of the IAF’s other fighter types in many situations.


J-10C is a fairly advanced jet fighter of its class and PAF can utilize it effectively against IAF when necessary. PAF is known to produce more capable pilots on average, and also has superiority in network-centric operations.

Link 17 is making it possible for the PAF to operate jet fighters such as J-10C and JF-17 variants in conjunction with AEW&C aircraft in network-centric capacity.

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Chinese J-16 platform is very impressive as well (performance maximization considerations). Credit where due.
lmao, T/R modules doesn't matter much to AESA ??
Sure it's not everything but what do you have other than insistence they have 'vast experience' ?
its not only about the number of modules but the tech used to make them, the materials, the engineering, everything. back end signal processing (algos and their hardware implementation) matters a lot as well. that is where the experience comes in, perhaps the guy you are replying to was unable to properly express what he meant.
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