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Pakistan's 3G/4G spectrum auction on Apr 23

You mean to say Pakistan still doesn't have 3G?!
we had 3G but for the transmission of data for ISPs now its going for mobiles and 4G license has been enquired by Zong. Now

dont need to tell me i am using it for past 2 years, 90% of cell use in pakistan is for poondi bazi
thats not true where you enquired the 90% figure from. And you guys living abroad are using it beyond that... no nead to mention we all know that.
we had 3G but for the transmission of data for ISPs now its going for mobiles and 4G license has been enquired by Zong. Now

thats not true where you enquired the 90% figure from. And you guys living abroad are using it beyond that... no nead to mention we all know that.

Gallop poondi bazi survey
care to explain why you guys are no 1 in **** search.
South Korea spending $1.5 billion for '5G' network - CNN.com
My friend who told 5G to be implemented? its still experimental and in beyond 2020 mobile communications technologies will be able to use 5G.
Always research well when you talk about some thing 3G and 4G are still the best mobile technologies any where in the world.
I have researched before posting, don't teach me, militarily US may be using it already as they always stay ahead of civil tech, and preparing never means implementing immediately, its about near future and 2020 also falls in this category.
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South Korea spending $1.5 billion for '5G' network - CNN.com
I have researched before posting, don't teach me, militarily US may be using it already as they always stay ahead of civil tech, and preparing never means implementing immediately, its about near future and 2020 also falls in this category.
Oh, US military is using 5G, how hilarious where did you got that news from? while the fact is that 5G is still in laboratory experiments. don't bullsh.it me i am a Telecommunication and electronics engineer and well updated.
as the link you shared its nothing but they are using the term 5G as a marketing strategy and marketing slogan at this point of time. no doubt they'll invest money because of future proofing but investing money doesn't mean its implemented!
even if you claim that then plz give us any source that US military or any one is using 5G?
We won’t be seeing 5G speeds any time in the near future, but when we do… it’s going to be a true game-changer. Currently there is no electronics or telecommunication device that complements the 5G standards. no manufacturer has even thought of implementing it in any device any where in the world, but it doesn't mean they'll never sooner or later we'll see that but not before 2020/
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Oh, US military is using 5G, how hilarious where did you got that news from? while the fact is that 5G is still in laboratory experiments. don't bullsh.it me i am a Telecommunication and electronics engineer and well updated.
as the link you shared its nothing but they are using the term 5G as a marketing strategy and marketing slogan at this point of time. no doubt they'll invest money because of future proofing but investing money doesn't mean its implemented!
even if you claim that then plz give us any source that US military or any one is using 5G?
We won’t be seeing 5G speeds any time in the near future, but when we do… it’s going to be a true game-changer. Currently there is no electronics or telecommunication device that complements the 5G standards. no manufacturer has even thought of implementing it in any device any where in the world, but it doesn't mean they'll never sooner or later we'll see that but not before 2020/

your post just shows how new comer you are with less knowledge, who invented internet? who used wireless tech first? ever heard of DARPA?? in tech US is ahead of everyone by miles.
your post just shows how new comer you are with less knowledge, who invented internet? who used wireless tech first? ever heard of DARPA?? in tech US is ahead of everyone by miles.
Don't get personal just answer what i asked originally, regarding new coming i came here in 2006 and you in 2013. just think for the rest on your own. you are living in illusion and i am talking about reality. i was referring to civilian us of 5G, and you are just bullsh.iting with no source and just lost in your past. grow up its 2014 now not the 80s era.
Don't get personal just answer what i asked originally, regarding new coming i came here in 2006 and you in 2013. just think for the rest on your own. you are living in illusion and i am talking about reality. i was referring to civilian us of 5G, and you are just bullsh.iting with no source and just lost in your past. grow up its 2014 now not the 80s era.

post reported for abusive language :angry:

if anyone think that US military is not using tech level of 5G then they are fools as history shows that their military communication and tech is always generation ahead from rest of the world.

civilian future of 5G:
South Korea to launch 5G service so fast users can download an entire film in just ONE SECOND | Mail Online
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