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Pakistanis pose as Indians after N.Y. bomb scare

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This statement tells couple things.
1) You are racist, which is evident.
2) Your hate about Indians is to extent that you have become blind
3) You do know little about India and types of people India has, from black to very fair.

you just wasted you post buddy..this guy has just anti india post in the entire thread..thank god Indians whom he hates are not like him.
LOL Americans must be blind to mistake him for indian.
No, just uninformed and out-of-practice at making race- or nationality-based distinctions. One more such attack and you can be sure we'll bone up on that awareness pretty quick, if only out of self-defense. That kind of recognition Pakistanis in America can do without.
Well after 911, the Pakistani disapora dropped sharply in US. I know an indian American who did say that after 911, things become different for all Asians in general. And he decided to move away.

It was saudis and Egyptian who did 911 but all arabs like those ones look like every other person from our and middle eastern countries.
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you just wasted you post buddy..this guy has just anti india post in the entire thread..thank god Indians whom he hates are not like him.

I know him longer then you do, for me someone with that kind of prejudice is not worth talking but sometime you lose patience.
How naive of them, posing as Indians and telling the media about it.
Like bringing Pigeons to the Cat.
Another pathetic attempt to capitalize and malign.

Honestly, its Pakistani's themselves who have maligned their image worldwide....

Indians abroad actually gel very well with Pakistani's (Not sure of the UK) since they go through similar circumstances ....They have no reason to play into petty politics and dick measuring duals that you and I indulge in on this forum......

So instead of blaming us, why not try to correct the fundamental problems that plague parts of Pakistani society.....This includes both the uneducated and the educated (Time Square Bomber).....

I can sense your ego is hurting but do note that this is not some Indian propoganda, but Reuters, a very reputable news source
This statement tells couple things.
1) You are racist, which is evident.
2) Your hate about Indians is to extent that you have become blind
3) You do know little about India and types of people India has, from black to very fair.

Agreed that Northern Indians are fair. But most of the migrants to U.S. from India are from central and southern Indians hence having dark brown skin. Northern Indians are not poor and don't want to leave.

But your Northern Indians are only as fair as Pakistanis.
In the past there have been a few Pakistanis on this forum itself, who had mentioned that a few disguise themselves as Indians to avoid stares and suspicious looks, would be better if they can post their experiences.......
This is all bakwas. I rather be called terrorist than be called indian.

Sure ...Go ahead..anyways there's no shortage of them (read terrorists) from the land you are coming from....Say hi and Give a slap to Faisal Shaizad...courtesy rest of the world.
So true. Indians are kalay saheh. Come to NY see the indians here. Absolutely Disgusting !!! :sick:

When Pakistanis themselves generalize,.....it shouldnt be too hard for them to digest the fact that the world is starting to generalize Pakistanis as terrorists......

Kinda glad that we dont look like Pakistanis I guess......That surely would land us a one way ticket to G-Bay..:)
A BS by an Indian which defines it all. There are many thousands of Pakistanis living in USA, Britain and Europe. They also hold many influential posts in those countries also. Even today in in Britain elections 6 Pakistanis have won on their respective constituencies. They didn't win elections by posing themselves Indians.:hitwall: If some individuals who have no self respect pose as Indians among hundreds and thousands of Pakistanis it doesn't mean that all or most Pakistanis pose as Indians. They are doing it to get the job but the bigger problem is that even after posing as Indian they still are muslims so still can't be save from persecution.

The people suffering with 9% GDP syndrome start jumping on their seats and start sharing this BS.


UK is a different permutation combination mate !
Pak community , though smaller in size has much larger voice due the simple fact that they are more evenly spread across the country .
Besides , their religious bodies ( as of the Bagladeshis ) are more influential in determining Muslim Opinion as compared to the influence Hindu Council on Hindus and Sikh Council on Sikhs .
I read the response from your fellow Pakistanis as an evidence of being infected from 'HATE INDIA' virus . Just a difference of perception , you see !
Agreed that Northern Indians are fair. But most of the migrants to U.S. from India are from central and southern Indians hence having dark brown skin. Northern Indians are not poor and don't want to leave.

But your Northern Indians are only as fair as Pakistanis.

You are incorrect...Most of the imigrants are from Southern india and Gujrat...and Gujratis are fair as hell....But then you will not realize that since the attention will always be on the brown skin and the fair skin guys easily blend in...Not that i give a damn **** .....
When Pakistanis themselves generalize,.....it shouldnt be too hard for them to digest the fact that the world is starting to generalize Pakistanis as terrorists......

Kinda glad that we dont look like Pakistanis I guess......That surely would land us a one way ticket to G-Bay..:)

LOL. The typical Indian looks like the sterotypical terrorists. Sorry but Sikhs and Indians in the U.S. and U.K. have gotten more verbal and physical abuse than any Pakistani, Iranian or Arab or Afghan. This is a fact.

In the U.K. Indians are subject to be called "pakis" more often than a Pakistani. Pakistanis rarely get this over there. :lol:
Agreed that Northern Indians are fair. But most of the migrants to U.S. from India are from central and southern Indians hence having dark brown skin. Northern Indians are not poor and don't want to leave.

But your Northern Indians are only as fair as Pakistanis.

Why do Pakistanis think they are bonified experts on the Indian demographic and diaspora?

There obviously is no source to back up your claim....nor one you can concoct....

I suggest you bail on this line of argument and stick to things you know best.....Pakistan and petty politics...
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