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Pakistanis/Muslims - Please Sign This Petition

Abu Zolfiqar

Rest in Peace
Feb 12, 2009
Reaction score
Will My Sign Solve the Issue, I always Wonder do such petitions have any effect on Countries like Israel and India or any other country on Planet earth ?

BTW: I will sign it anyway
Will My Sign Solve the Issue, I always Wonder do such petitions have any effect on Countries like Israel and India or any other country on Planet earth ?

BTW: I will sign it anyway

that's why i said "for whatever its worth"

it takes all of 2 minutes to sign
guy sitting in islamabad says Indian govt is selectively rescuing people....
I dont think even pakistanis will agree with such assesment here..

141 signatures so far (out of 859 needed)

For whatever its worth - sign it and share with friends. Confirm when you've signed.

Ask India to remove restrictions on international relief groups so they can provide relief to victims of historic flooding in Kashmir.

some background: Kashmir Floods: People Come To Their Own Rescue By Basharat Ali
Red Cross is athorised to do help in relief work, so whoever wants to provide help can provide it through them. Infrastructure is not still 100% till now, and there is lack of manpower to move the relief material to needy people. And locals are able to connect to masses directly, even much easily than defence personnal. So I don't understand what this petition implies for. What I am getting from headline is that you want free movement of outsiders(foreigners) without checks. I think dear that neither it will possible nor phisible because what really needed is there is requirement of local guides and constant movement of the relief material. How do you propose to this problem?
Will My Sign Solve the Issue, I always Wonder do such petitions have any effect on Countries like Israel and India or any other country on Planet earth ?

BTW: I will sign it anyway
Dear do you think, is there any risk of terrorists trying to sneak in this part of our country and spreading more chaos using this proposed petition as a shield? Is there urgent need of relief material or manpower or bringing infrastructure on line? and how will these international relief agencies help the Indian government in solving the problems given above? Are these orgnisations able to provide relief on their own and do they know localities of Jammu and Kaahmir? How should Indian government insure that only genuine relief agency people are able to get clearence and not problem creaters? Thank you.

guy sitting in islamabad says Indian govt is selectively rescuing people....
I dont think even pakistanis will agree with such assesment here..
Naah situation is bit different here. NDRF is tasked to rescue important people on priority while military has been tasked to save migrants and locals alike. In initial 2 days priority was given to migrants to move them out of Kashmir while providing food and medical supply to local people. Now when most of migrants have been shifted out, priority is given to locals with the help of local guides by army. That's how we are managing here.
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meanwhile Kashmiri's has rejected Indian aid

Yes, please do sign the petition and let us know how much of you care for Kashmiris !!!
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