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Pakistanis lose, US wins

So as per you, Afghan Taliban are freedom fighters and TTP is a terrorist..??

How come and why?
Taliban are terrorist and freedom fighters. This progression (personal opinion) from freedom fighter towards terrorist continues since the USSR invasion.

TTP only terrorist
A terrorist is defined as someone who whishes to attain a political objective by using terror.

The Taliban have a stated objective of regaining control over Afghanistan which was snatched from them after 9/11. They are in open war against US and NATO forces. There are war crimes being committed on both fronts but by enlarge it is a war between an occupational force and the occupants. Most analysts now agree that the US will move out of Afghanistan after which the Taliban in some form or the other will regain control of Afghanistan. The Talibans political objectives do not clash with us hence it is not in our interest to confront them.

The TTP on the other hand have an objective of implementing their form of Islam in Pakistan by terrorizing the People of Pakistan. They are a direct threat to us and threaten our peace and stability. They intent to pressurize the goverment by acts of terror on civilians. They are terrorists as per the definition of terrorists. We will fight them and eliminate their organization because their presence is in conflict with our national interests.
Actually, it is Pakistan that is winning and the US that is losing. The US is just realizing what a huge stake Pakistan has in Afghanistan, and the US unfortunately does not understand the dynamics of how to run a country like Afghanistan. This is the reason why there are so many NATO and American troops are being killed on a daily basis, the US economy is drowning, the people are getting disgruntled. And things are only getting worse for the US.
may ALLAH curse pak govt and army if they start operation in NW

Dear Jahangeer Yousaf,

Does not propaganda spread by the Taliban and their mouthpiece attempt to brainwash us into ignoring the realities of their cruel actions? And we, as allies, do not strive against their propaganda and practices would we not be permitting the Taliban to continue to destroy lives on both sides of the border? That said, is now not the time for the US and Pakistan to accelerate their efforts in fighting insurgency and bringing justice to the families of thousands of innocent civilians who have been killed or maimed. The threat the Taliban pose to both nations is at a catastrophic level. The US and Pakistan need to work side by side and strategically plan actions in order to end all Taliban influence . Does this mean “allah” needs to curse Pakistani government for creating a safer environment for the nation and its people?
Different strategies are often discussed between allies, but the US does not “diktat” to our Pakistani allies. Does not the recent bombings in Peshawar and at the Sufi shrine cry a loud warning that there is no limit to extremism Does not the ongoing viciousness by extremists Taliban in the midst of the recent flood disaster prove how ferociously they are attempting to destabilize the nation? A US win is a Pakistan win!

LCDR Bill Speaks
DET, United States central Command
And we, as allies,

pakistan and the US not allies in any meaningful way

pak have been arm twisted into being a "US ally" - in other words we are "dancing with the devil"

as soon as the us is done they will dump pakistan, we know it, you know it
You dont even know about the situation there so best to shut your mouth.

You're from bharat not from the harsh mountainous terrain of Waziristan.

If U.S. and NATO can't defeat these guys, what makes you think Pakistan can defeat all these groups plus TTP terrorists plus deal with the country's worst natural disaster in history?

Why should Pakistan blindly shoot at every group? These groups never harmed any Pakistani, its only TTP that harms Pakistanis. Why should we give our enemy strength by making more enemies near our western border?

So far Afghan Taliban have condemned TTP for fighting Pakistani troops, but if Pakistani troops fight against Afghan Taliban then they'll join hands with TTP against Pakistan and it'll be an armageddon situation for Pakistan.

But you'll love that wont you because you're indian.
no dear unlike you pakistanis we Indians are not so obsessed with what happens to you or your country. if you live in peace good , if not then even better,infact we our only intrested in the development of our own country.
no dear unlike you pakistanis we Indians are not so obsessed with what happens to you or your country.

If you are not obsesses with Pakistan..then what are you doing on this thread...its kind of contradicting your statement.

infact we our only intrested in the development of our own country.

I agree with you here after all...India does have a Toliet problem in which it must control and a starving population....so it is variable that it concentrates on its own development.
If you ignore the terror on the other side of the border (it is in another country; no concern of ours) - it is a guarantee that it will spill over. Like a virus.

The border between Mexico and the U.S. is porous, but not 1/100th as porous as that between Pakistan and Afghanistan. The Mexican border towns have fallen into a horrific, violent chaos, with drug lords and their private armies doing battle with Mexican police. They are also murdering and terrorizing ordinary people. Not our (U.S.) problem, right? But it has begun to spill over into the U.S., and the violence is accelerating. Vicious Mexican drug gangs have begun to ply their trade in the U.S. border States. Part of the cause is the demand for illegal drugs in the U.S. and the money to be made.

With the Afghani Taliban, they export an ideology more than drugs, although they dabble with drugs to finance their operations. The effect is the same; misery and death. The TTP are their initial hooks into the people of Pakistan.

One ignores brewing trouble in a border State at one's own peril.
pakistan and the US not allies in any meaningful way

pak have been arm twisted into being a "US ally" - in other words we are "dancing with the devil"

as soon as the us is done they will dump pakistan, we know it, you know it

Your comments certainly state an opinion but whether it raises a legitimate concern or depicts the current state of affairs between the countries is a different story. Anyone following the recent chain of events would question, why would the US be offering $2 billion in military assistance to Pakistan along with $7.5 billion in civilian aid committed over the next 5 years? Let’s play the opposing advocate and see it as a strategy to accomplish US mission in the region. Then is “Pakistan’s arm being twisted into being an ally”? Once again let’s look at the recent chain of events, bombing at the Mosque near Peshawar, attack at the Sufi Shrine and the suicide bombing at the CID building! The conclusion, same enemy is willing to terrorize both nations and WOT is no longer US war but Pakistan is also in the midst. Do you still believe “Pakistan and the US are not allies in any meaningful way?”

The military aid to Pakistan by the US further enhances their ability to counter attack and conduct the ongoing training of the Afghan security forces to handle its matters and fight insurgency. This improved security along with rebuilding of the infrastructure proves our long term commitment to the AfPak region. US is taking all the necessary steps to ensure the common objective of eliminating terrorism is achieved and the terrorists will not just vanish, but be vanquished. So a joint US/PAK effort will be required to ensure the safety of our nations. Our growing partnership with Pakistan includes an extensive, and growing, number of exchanges and other direct engagement. I would offer for your consideration that this is not the level of effort the US would expend if our interests were, as you suggest, shortsighted. Our view is that our two countries have mutual interests beyond confronting the immediate threat of violent extremism, and can form the basis of an enduring relationship that benefits both Pakistan and the US.

LCDR Bill Speaks,

DET, United States Central Command

This talk of the Afghan Taliban being somewhat inclined to Pakistan is fickle at best. They are playing a cunning game with Pakistan. When was the last time you ever saw a statement condemning the numerous bombings in Pakistan? What about a radio address from Mullah Umar? He has no problem producing one periodically, stating his intentions. How about a fatwa from any one of their shura councils? You will never see any such thing. The TTP are their ideological cousins and have laid down roots upon which they can build upon. You will hear from time to time vague statements from the Taliban, about them being concerned with Afghanistan and not Pakistan but even those have dried up.

Osama and Ayman have already issued rulings to engage in Jihad with the Pakistani army, yet the Taliban were silent on this issue and with them giving them sanctuary the case against their duplicity is stronger than ever.

The good thing is that many Pakistanis hate the Taliban with the Sufis openly cursing them and we all know what the Shia think about them. Their time is coming.
no dear unlike you pakistanis we Indians are not so obsessed with what happens to you or your country. if you live in peace good , if not then even better,infact we our only intrested in the development of our own country.

Which is why Indians troll in every Pakistani forum, & even outnumber Pakistanis in Pakistani forums. Which is why they always wish ill for Pakistan in the international world, & always have the loudest voices in international communities against Pakistan. Because they curse everyone, calling anyone who has a favorable view of Pakistan (that could be a Pakistani or a Westerner) derogatory names.

They are not even ready to admit the good things about Pakistan, & are ready to believe in propaganda and misinformation from the Indian media than talk to an actual Pakistani, or actually go to Pakistan. Because they get so defensive about their own problems and blame Pakistan for all their internal problems, but obsess about everything in Pakistan. How many Pakistanis go to international forums and criticize Indian terrorism, as compared to the number of Indians? Negligible. Pakistanis watch Indian TV everyday, Indians aren't allowed to watch Pakistani TV.
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