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Pakistanis joining Arab security forces



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Apr 18, 2017
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Hi all, I'm writing an article looking at the cultural/historical/religious/political links between Pakistan and gulf Arab states and how they result in Pakistani citizens joining the army or police in these countries. I have some information on the Omani army recruiting soldiers from Baluchistan which was part of the deal when Gwadar was sold to Pakistan in 1958. Also, thousands of former Pakistani soldiers/police have joined the security services in Bahrain. I may also mention Raheel Sharif's new position in Yemen.

I want the article to be accurate, so I was wondering what people here think about Pakistanis joining Arab forces and why they do it. Also, if anybody has further information on the topic or any personal experience I'd be very happy to learn more.
Hi all, I'm writing an article looking at the cultural/historical/religious/political links between Pakistan and gulf Arab states and how they result in Pakistani citizens joining the army or police in these countries. I have some information on the Omani army recruiting soldiers from Baluchistan which was part of the deal when Gwadar was sold to Pakistan in 1958. Also, thousands of former Pakistani soldiers/police have joined the security services in Bahrain. I may also mention Raheel Sharif's new position in Yemen.

I want the article to be accurate, so I was wondering what people here think about Pakistanis joining Arab forces and why they do it. Also, if anybody has further information on the topic or any personal experience I'd be very happy to learn more.
there are many factors regarding this matter as i have been there in those countries for seven years . i can tell you some of reasons.
1... Arabs has big part of land to cover but dont have enough population to cover all area of life they had to recruit the numbers to secure the land before, after 1980z they mad agreement with USA and UK.... agreement to provide cover to some of Arabs countries against some other arab countries and payments was in oil... which started failing after 2002.Europe and USA with Saudia and some other countries like Israel started funding some groups it include Iran and Russia oppsit side against each other like 1970. but this planing started failing because USA has lost police man rol in region. rise of Russia and iran make them worry.
second and most important thing Arabs are not professional people. they need hard core people with experience war. no country is better then Pakistan in that regards. Pakistani suits them because no culture difference.
one of main agreement between UK and oman for 40 year. it was finished in 2010. it was bas on development and security. when it was finished uk wanted to renew but oman did not wanted in result the
uk companies reduced the oil production which hurtled Omani economy badly. then they made agreement again in some areas.
with Bahrain. Population is mostly shia. and king is suni... in that case Pakistan suits them as well. because Pakistani has both type of Muslims in army. i hope it gives you some insight info

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