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Pakistanis in North Korea (P.I.N.K.)

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Sir you always have an interesting logic stock,to say the least.
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I support socialism...

Everyone loves socialism bro.

Everyone does.

the problem is that humanity hasn't figured an easy way to pay for all the goodies that socialism ends promising.

this is why socialism has failed or resulted in utter collapse of economy like what has happened to NK, or Cuba.

socialism simply means living in your grand pappy's house where.
-- Granpappy pays bills, takes everyone to doctor, buys groceries,
-- Granmammy cooks and cleans for everyone, changes gran-kids diapers, keeps the house warm and stove on.

If you got such Granpappy and Granmammy, then you are living in socialist home.

For the rest of us, we have to work our @rses off to pay the bills and buy the expensive as heck groceries.

Everyone loves socialism bro.

Everyone does.

the problem is that humanity hasn't figured an easy way to pay for all the goodies that socialism ends promising.

this is why socialism has failed or resulted in utter collapse of economy like what has happened to NK, or Cuba.

socialism simply means living in your grand pappy's house where.
-- Granpappy pays bills, takes everyone to doctor, buys groceries,
-- Granmammy cooks and cleans for everyone, changes gran-kids diapers, keeps the house warm and stove on.

If you got such Granpappy and Granmammy, then you are living in socialist home.

For the rest of us, we have to work our @rses off to pay the bills and buy the expensive as heck groceries.


It might have not worked for N.K or cuba... but sure as hell did for the chinese and even communism (harsher form of socialism) did russia alot of good!
It might have not worked for N.K or cuba... but sure as hell did for the chinese and even communism (harsher form of socialism) did russia alot of good!

You didn't share your thoughts about Socialist Granpappy and Granmammy's house?


That was a serious question. And you thought I am pulling your leg?

ON to this comment:

1. Chinese socialism - aka Mao's misdirected killings of millions of chinese.
----- Socialism was utter failure

2. Russian socialism - HUGE failure, that resulted in utter collapse of the state.

Not sure what kind of books do you read my dear or just picked up Hazrat Carl Marx Alaih-e-salam as your prophet and never went back?

Not sure.

Please bring a better example than China or russia.

Thank you
You didn't share your thoughts about Socialist Granpappy and Granmammy's house?


That was a serious question. And you thought I am pulling your leg?

ON to this comment:

1. Chinese socialism - aka Mao's misdirected killings of millions of chinese.
----- Socialism was utter failure

2. Russian socialism - HUGE failure, that resulted in utter collapse of the state.

Not sure what kind of books do you read my dear or just picked up Hazrat Carl Marx Alaih-e-salam as your prophet and never went back?

Not sure.

Please bring a better example than China or russia.

Thank you

Reformed socialism made China the worlds fastest growing economy... Communism made Russia a super power ... and made the world bi polar...
.....Communism made Russia a super power ... and made the world bi polar...

C'mon dear.

I respect your posts.

But this comment about "bi-polar disorder" doesn't suit your level of intellect. Perhaps someone who has a high school diploma. but not you.

I am sure you have graduated from college. Right?

Reforms socialism made China worlds fastest growing economy... ..

Please read 16th and 17th century Shenghai.

You gotta study China if you love china. bro.

Study china.

You will be amazed what they achieved before communism's plague fell on them.

Study study study.

This is what Quadi Azam said. Don't you know? :lol:
C'mon dear.

I respect your posts.

But this comment about "bi-polar disorder" doesn't suit your level of intellect. Perhaps someone who has a high school diploma. but not you.

I am sure you have graduated from college. Right?

Please read 16th and 17th century Shenghai.

You gotta study China if you love china. bro.

Study china.

You will be amazed what they achieved before communism's plague fell on them.

Study study study.

This is what Quadi Azam said. Don't you know? :lol:

Whose asking you to make the same mistakes as those countries? a wise man learns from other peoples mistakes...
china's economy thanks to capitalism which is very much opposite the socialism and china reformed it is 1980s, before that they were having very less growth

russia had very less human development, all the money they took went to making weapons, USA performed a lot better then russia in terms of both military and human development

not to mention too much corruption in soviet russia and power in the hands of the military ate the empire alive
Whose asking you to make the same mistakes as those countries? a wise man learns from other peoples mistakes...

OK. Bro!

Wise man (ok somewhat junior-ish wiseman) is telling you that socialism is not sustainable without granpa's wealth. Thus it is a mistake a BIG mistake to even start socialism.

Just like it is a mistake to plan to live off of granpa's wealth (assuming he has some to leave for you to begin with).

But you keep on arguing for the sake of arguments.

That's not very nice thing to do to some one who respects you. Isn't it?

Pink: You're just like a pill, instead of making me better, keep making me ill.
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