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Pakistanis consume $1.2bn of heroin every year: UN


May 3, 2011
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Islamabad, June 25(ANI): Pakistanis consume 1.2 billion dollars worth of heroin every year, according to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.

The data on Pakistan drug consumption was released as part of the 2011 World Drug Report, the UNODP's flagship publication which compares global production, consumption, trafficking and prices of several different types of drugs, including opium/heroin, coca/cocaine, amphetamine-type stimulants and cannabis.

The report states that Pakistan's geographic location makes it vulnerable to the threat of drug usage and trafficking since Afghanistan produces almost 90 per cent of the world's opium and heroin, of which almost 40 per cent is trafficked through Pakistan, or over 35% of the global total.

According to a UNODC statement, the fact that poppy growing Afghan provinces- Helmand, Kandahar and Nimroz- neighbour Pakistan, it makes the country a lucrative trafficking route for Afghan opiates.

"Pakistan is particularly vulnerable to the trafficking of Afghan opiates and this poses a burden on public health, criminal justice and security systems," said Jeremy Douglas, UNODC Representative in Pakistan.

Douglas' thoughts were echoed by Pakistani government officials.

"During transition of drugs from Afghanistan to Pakistan, they are also consumed in the local market and, therefore, are a source of increasing addiction in our country," Narcotics Control Secretary Iftikhar Ahmed said.

"These drugs also benefit criminal groups along drug trafficking routes. Afghan opium production has resulted in negative social, health and economic consequences for Pakistan - we are a victim country," he added.

UN officials told The Express Tribune that the lack of border management also adds to the challenges of controlling the menace of drug trafficking in Pakistan. (ANI)

Pakistanis consume $1.2bn of heroin every year: UN - Yahoo! News

Why US / NATO could not stop the cultivation of Opium in Afghanistan? or they are themselves involved in generating Black Money from these drugs??
The report states that Pakistan's geographic location makes it vulnerable to the threat of drug usage and trafficking since Afghanistan produces almost 90 per cent of the world's opium and heroin, of which almost 40 per cent is trafficked through Pakistan, or over 35% of the global total.

If only 40 % goes thru Pak what route does the rest take ?
This is a very sad state of affair and is not at all something to laugh about.We have a lot of problems related to drugs in Pakistan and some of them could be eliminated by concrete measures from the Government.
now we know why india is investing heavily in afghanistan! to increase import of heroin

After the US invasion, the opium production has increased drastically.
This is a very sad state of affair and is not at all something to laugh about.We have a lot of problems related to drugs in Pakistan and some of them could be eliminated by concrete measures from the Government.

i say legalize it and tax it!! will help our nation in the long run!! however, drugs is less of an evil then young boys with AKs in hand!!!
i say legalize it and tax it!! will help our nation in the long run!! however, drugs is less of an evil then young boys with AKs in hand!!!

This statement is reflective of the social devolution that Pakistan is going through at the moment.
The US / Nato intentionally ignored the poppy fields in Afghanistan and let it grow. Isn't the hypocrisy? On the one hand they blame taliban that they are being financed from profits of drug trafficking, on the other hand they didn't bombard the drug laboratories. Most of the afghan govt. officials are found doing the drug business that include the senior police officials as well.

Why don't the US stops cultivation of opium to cut off main source of funding (as claimed) of terrorists? They wont, as they themselves have generated enough profits from heroin black market.
The foreigners themselves are making profit by trading opium. I know foreign forces very easily ridicule Afghans by saying we survive on opium trading while a fact is that export of opium from Afghanistan has ever been so popular since NATO's presence in Afghanistan. During Taliban opium was hardly a discussed topic.
yes indeed we have many youth on the streets who are hard drug users , this was just another gift of jihadis and their counter parts ..
indian states which shares border with pak are also facing same problem due to -india route of drug smuggling. i don't know what the hell has U.S done in 10 yrs to destroy drug business there.
indian states which shares border with pak are also facing same problem due to -india route of drug smuggling. i don't know what the hell has U.S done in 10 yrs to destroy drug business there.

Indian love drugs and "herbal"... few of my friends can't do any work without having them....

we also love liquor very much...
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