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Pakistanioo jaldee say baat sunain---help needed


Apr 1, 2015
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This poster needs help in this regard. He cant setup a thread, so doing on his behalf. Plz help him out.

Guys sorry for spamming as i cant create a thread, can someone from pakistan please help me, i want to send money for the poor people in my town, i was wondering how much is it for a family to survive monthly in pak rupees, as in what are the living costs of an average family. can someone from pak please help me i want to send money amd want to plan my stuff, so in short how much in rupees is it enough for a poor family of 6-10 members toeat and survive in a month? Thanks

This poster needs help in this regard. He cant setup a thread, so doing on his behalf. Plz help him out.

Thanks bro i appreciate it ☺ if every persob living abroad staryed tp help atleast 5-10 poor familys in there localities it would be so good and all the duas you can imagine :)
Thanks bro i appreciate it ☺ if every persob living abroad staryed tp help atleast 5-10 poor familys in there localities it would be so good and all the duas you can imagine :)
You have a good heart so I really appreciate your desire.

There is one electrician I know living in my city. He is about 50 years old and spent all his fortune treating his daughter who was suffering from blood cancer and died few years ago. He is doing two jobs since past 20 or so years, 1) working in a local factory at day time and 2) electricity related repair work in the neighbourhood during evening and night to earn bread and butter.

I met him couple of months ago and he said he was about to beg from the people he knows since all his life for the marriage of his other daughter as he is got nothing left and his other daughter is now engaged and soon to get married. We requested him not do that as it will only lower his statue before the people and just accept gifts from the neighbourhood, whatever they will give him and we will bear whatever the cost of food for his daughter's wedding. He told me it's only few thousand rupees all together as he is a poor man and won't be inviting more than few people and will be doing the marriage function in one of our local marriage hall running by our community, free of cost. So if you want you could help him as I know plenty of such people in my city. Every good deed that you do is counted and providing food to one family for the whole month is a really good deed but may be you would consider something like I have mentioned above.

I also know somebody who is suffering from Hepatitis C and last time when I went to Pakistan, my mom told me that his son and daughter were recently sent for blood test and they both also came positive for hepatitis C or B (I am not sure). He did spend a lot of money for treatment of his son and daughter and daughter is probably better now. But my mom told me that his "only" son could not be cured after completing the course. He is such a cutie and is probably 18 years old and was studying in the college. He is now told by the doctors that liver-transplant is the only option for his survival and his family stopped the treatment thinking they cannot afford the cost of treatment and now pretending to be as normal as ever.

I was really frustrated to know this fact and was willing to help him as much but unfortunately the cost is likely to be ranging somewhere between 40,000 to 80,000 dollars so I couldn't do much about it. If you have money and heart to help the poor, there are plenty of needy people around you.
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You have a good heart so I really appreciate your desire.

There is one electrician I know living in my city. He is about 50 years old and spent all his fortune treating his daughter who was suffering from blood cancer and died few years ago. He is doing two jobs since past 20 or so years, 1) working in a local factory at day time and 2) electricity related repair work in the neighbourhood during evening and night to earn bread and butter.

I met him couple of months ago and he said he was about to beg from the people he knows since all his life for the marriage of his other daughter as he is got nothing left and his other daughter is now engaged and soon to get married. I requested him not do that as it will only lower his statue before the people and just accept gifts from the neighbourhood, whatever they will give him and I will bear whatever the cost of food for his daughter's wedding. He told me it's only few thousand rupees all together as he is a poor man and won't be inviting more than few people and will be doing the marriage function in one of our local marriage hall running by our community, free of cost. So if you want you could help him as I know plenty of such people in my city. Every good deed that you do is counted and providing food to one family for the whole month is a really good deed but may be you would consider something like I have mentioned above.

I also know somebody who is suffering from Hepatitis C and last time when I went to Pakistan, my mom told me that his son and daughter were recently sent for blood test and they both also came positive for hepatitis C or B (I am not sure). He did spend a lot of money for treatment of his son and daughter and daughter is probably better now. But my mom told me that his son could not be cured after completing the course. He is such a cutie and is probably 18 years old and was studying in the college. He is now told by the doctors that liver-transplant is the only option for his survival and his family stopped the treatment thinking they cannot afford the cost of treatment and now pretending to be as normal as ever.

I was really frustrated to know this fact and was willing to help him as much but unfortunately the cost is likely to be ranging somewhere between 40,000 to 80,000 dollars so I couldn't do much about it. If you have money and heart to help the poor, there are plenty of needy people around you.
Wow aether!! U are amazing!
You have a good heart so I really appreciate your desire.

There is one electrician I know living in my city. He is about 50 years old and spent all his fortune treating his daughter who was suffering from blood cancer and died few years ago. He is doing two jobs since past 20 or so years, 1) working in a local factory at day time and 2) electricity related repair work in the neighbourhood during evening and night to earn bread and butter.

I met him couple of months ago and he said he was about to beg from the people he knows since all his life for the marriage of his other daughter as he is got nothing left and his other daughter is now engaged and soon to get married. We requested him not do that as it will only lower his statue before the people and just accept gifts from the neighbourhood, whatever they will give him and we will bear whatever the cost of food for his daughter's wedding. He told me it's only few thousand rupees all together as he is a poor man and won't be inviting more than few people and will be doing the marriage function in one of our local marriage hall running by our community, free of cost. So if you want you could help him as I know plenty of such people in my city. Every good deed that you do is counted and providing food to one family for the whole month is a really good deed but may be you would consider something like I have mentioned above.

I also know somebody who is suffering from Hepatitis C and last time when I went to Pakistan, my mom told me that his son and daughter were recently sent for blood test and they both also came positive for hepatitis C or B (I am not sure). He did spend a lot of money for treatment of his son and daughter and daughter is probably better now. But my mom told me that his "only" son could not be cured after completing the course. He is such a cutie and is probably 18 years old and was studying in the college. He is now told by the doctors that liver-transplant is the only option for his survival and his family stopped the treatment thinking they cannot afford the cost of treatment and now pretending to be as normal as ever.

I was really frustrated to know this fact and was willing to help him as much but unfortunately the cost is likely to be ranging somewhere between 40,000 to 80,000 dollars so I couldn't do much about it. If you have money and heart to help the poor, there are plenty of needy people around you.
Thats so sad :'( in my village theres many poor families too, im from up north btw jhelum/azad/gujranwala sides but i reside in uk, i eas thinking of sending around 30k rupees for 5k for 6 different families, do you think thats enough, i mean they survive somehow already but i know 5k isnt much but its still something right, what do you think? I wanna help as many families as possible and not just 1 or 2 thats why i want to spread it to 5+ families i will send them money every month because Alhamdulillah i get paid around £1300 after tax and i can afford to send 200-300 pounds..
Thats so sad :'( in my village theres many poor families too, im from up north btw jhelum/azad/gujranwala sides but i reside in uk, i eas thinking of sending around 30k rupees for 5k for 6 different families, do you think thats enough, i mean they survive somehow already but i know 5k isnt much but its still something right, what do you think? I wanna help as many families as possible and not just 1 or 2 thats why i want to spread it to 5+ families i will send them money every month because Alhamdulillah i get paid around £1300 after tax and i can afford to send 200-300 pounds..
oh so you want to send them regularly. I advice you to reconsider your approach as many people tend to become lazy that way. Help the needy randomly, don't give them hope of regular checks coming from you as they may get addicted to it
oh so you want to send them regularly. I advice you to reconsider your approach as many people tend to become lazy that way. Help the needy randomly, don't give them hope of regular checks coming from you as they may get addicted to it
I would partially disagree with you e.g a widow who's not able to send her kids to school for lack of money can do so if someone regularly sends her the money.

At op you should try to find a family or families with orphans as they deserve more than others.

As per Islam the most deserving are the one we call sufaid posh who doesn't beg but live in really harsh conditions and among the best are who are religious too and haven't lost hopes in creator after all the cruelties of life finding such families are difficult but if you an it would be nice to support them until their kids are of a age to earn after getting some education .
Thats so sad :'( in my village theres many poor families too, im from up north btw jhelum/azad/gujranwala sides but i reside in uk, i eas thinking of sending around 30k rupees for 5k for 6 different families, do you think thats enough, i mean they survive somehow already but i know 5k isnt much but its still something right, what do you think? I wanna help as many families as possible and not just 1 or 2 thats why i want to spread it to 5+ families i will send them money every month because Alhamdulillah i get paid around £1300 after tax and i can afford to send 200-300 pounds..

Find out ways to teach them how to make money. Plus you make 1200 pounds a month? Thats not enough to take on responsibility of taking care of someone else every month. Listen to what @Aether has said, it is not the same sort of world that we grew up in. Buy a sewing machine for one family each month.
I would partially disagree with you e.g a widow who's not able to send her kids to school for lack of money can do so if someone regularly sends her the money.

At op you should try to find a family or families with orphans as they deserve more than others.

As per Islam the most deserving are the one we call sufaid posh who doesn't beg but live in really harsh conditions and among the best are who are religious too and haven't lost hopes in creator after all the cruelties of life finding such families are difficult but if you an it would be nice to support them until their kids are of a age to earn after getting some education .
The exceptions are there but I would advocate fighting the battle of life on your own. Relying on others resources is not a good habit of human being. There are millions of needy in Pakistan, many of them windowed so you can't help all of them. If you are fulfilling the need for 1 widow for the rest of your life, there are countless other, more needy widows around you. All you gotta do is either create job opportunities for them such as buying them a sewing machine as recommended by @forcetrip or fulfilling her present financial needs.

Allah knows about your future, 1300 pounds is not a big amount in UK, I guess he is not married and paying housing rent, council tax, car insurance or home mortgage etc so whatever he can afford today doesn't have to be the same case after 2 years. So if she is been relying on his income and he can't pay her in future, it will be even more difficult to start her life from scratch.

PS: I know somebody, A teacher who taught me once upon a time, father of 3 daughters (all married except 1) and a lone son who is medical rap in Pakistan and earning good money but was no longer living with his father after marriage. His nephew used to send him about 50,000 rupees from UK each month to fulfil his financial requirements and if the date got delayed for 3-4 days he would be worried and start calling him in UK. He helped him for years... and one day his nephew didn't pick up the phone so he got worried again... phoned him for days but there was no contact with him. He took so much stress that he got heart attack and died.

His nephew learned about him and was really painful and the reason for not picking up phone was revealed that he was himself admitted in the hospital in London for weeks and there are hardly any signals in UK hospitals so he wasn't able to communicate with him.

He was also living his life happily before he started receiving monthly allowance from his nephew
Hmm, i mean what kind of businesses i could help them with and what kind of cost are we looking at?
Hmm, i mean what kind of businesses i could help them with and what kind of cost are we looking at?
oh actually you want to send the money in your town only so why not consult with your kith and kin living over there?

They would be able to help you identify the most needy in your neighbourhood. If I go by your way of thinking, even 1000 rupees per person will help the poor but anything above 5000 rupees cash is a significant help. It's a 1 month of rent for small house or good enough to fetch them food for a whole month depending upon the size of the family.

If you do want to help them start a business, it is mostly targeted individually on your next visit to Pakistan because it may end up in wrong hand otherwise. Many self-employed people has business assets worth only 20,000 rupees and they easily earn as much per month by buying items from the shop, for example mustard oil from the shop and repackaging them in small bottles to resell it at retail shops and bakeries.

It would depend on the existing business or skills of your local needy man or needy women so you will have to look around one for yourself.
oh actually you want to send the money in your town only so why not consult with your kith and kin living over there?

They would be able to help you identify the most needy in your neighbourhood. If I go by your way of thinking, even 1000 rupees per person will help the poor but anything above 5000 rupees cash is a significant help. It's a 1 month of rent for small house or good enough to fetch them food for a whole month depending upon the size of the family.

If you do want to help them start a business, it is mostly targeted individually on your next visit to Pakistan because it may end up in wrong hand otherwise. Many self-employed people has business assets worth only 20,000 rupees and they easily earn as much per month by buying items from the shop, for example mustard oil from the shop and repackaging them in small bottles to resell it at retail shops and bakeries.

It would depend on the existing business or skills of your local needy man or needy women so you will have to look around one for yourself.
Bro your a good person, thanks for trying to help me gain swaab, believe it or not im 21 years old, anyways in the previous posts you mentioned a man who was a electrician, i want to send him 5000 rupees bro is there anyway i can send you money and you can pass it on to him on my behalf? And regarding sending money every month and people becoming lazy, believe me i really feel gutted and upset of how they are living, i went to pak last year and that visit after years has really affected me and made me realize of how much im blessed with, so it doesnt really bother me if they become lazy although i dont want them to but i just want them to live life maybe a little better its soo sad for them :(
Bro your a good person, thanks for trying to help me gain swaab, believe it or not im 21 years old, anyways in the previous posts you mentioned a man who was a electrician, i want to send him 5000 rupees bro is there anyway i can send you money and you can pass it on to him on my behalf? And regarding sending money every month and people becoming lazy, believe me i really feel gutted and upset of how they are living, i went to pak last year and that visit after years has really affected me and made me realize of how much im blessed with, so it doesnt really bother me if they become lazy although i dont want them to but i just want them to live life maybe a little better its soo sad for them :(
I respect your passion and generosity towards humanity. It is not about money, it is the intentions that really counts.

I will speak to my mom and find out about the date of marriage, I remember my mom telling me to not bother about him as she will be taking care of it but I will speak to her and talk about your share of participation.

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