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Pakistanies paid for Indian hostages as well !

i read tribune every day and thing to do with criticizing Pakistan just watch Indians and the series of comments with condemnation... wondering where are all our concerned neighbours now a thanks could help on the national newspaper ::

link :: Somali pirates release Pakistani hostages – The Express Tribune

ET is filled with comments from Indians against Pakistan but on this particular news you have seen only 2 Indians one is saying Pirates should have been paid by the company and not others.

the other Indian has avoided to mention Pakistanis
ET is filled with comments from Indians against Pakistan but on this particular news you have seen only 2 Indians one is saying Pirates should have been paid by the company and not others.
the other Indian has avoided to mention Pakistanis

yeah i have noticed the remarks the good neighbor goes down the drain , when it comes to just thanking for Pakistani favors .... Itna choota dil ... lol
ROHTAK: Six Indian sailors are set to return home after spending nearly ten months in the captivity of Somali pirates in the Gulf of Aden after Pakistani human rights activist Ansar Burney secured their release by paying the ransom demanded.

Among the 22 hostages who had been freed by the pirates are four Pakistanis, one Sri Lankan and 11 Egyptians besides the two Indians from Haryana and one each from Himachal, J&K, Mumbai and Tamil Nadu.

The families of four sailors- Ravinder Gulia of Rohtak, Satnam Singh of Ambala, Prashant Chauhan of Shimla and MK Sharma from J&K had raised the issue up till the Prime Minister and had urged the Indian government but got nothing but assurances.

Sampa, wife of Ravinder Gula, said, "It's a bond of humanity cutting across boundaries that has saved the lives of our dear ones. I am all thanks to the Pakistan national Burney and even the Pakistan government which helped in the efforts to get the hostages released".

"I have just talked to my husband who informed me that he is likely to reach home in next 9-10 days. He says that all the sailors are in good health and have gotten out of the danger zone in the sea", Sampa said.

Samoa has been running from pillar to post and even had a heated exchange with some politicians during her efforts to get the government to help in securing her husband's release.

"My ten month agony has finally come to an end thanks to Pakistan human rights activist Ansar Burney's efforts. Even the Pakistan government has played a positive role in the process of getting the hostages freed as the sovernor of Sind state Ishratul Ebad raised funds to pay the ransom amount to the pirates. But the Indian government and politicians let us down", said Sampa.

"I have taken a personal vow to never cast my vote as these politicians have little concern for the miseries and grievances of the common people," she added.

She said that she had talked to several senior ministers who had flatly refused to extend help stating that they could not pay ransom as it was illegal.

"Is securing the human lives illegal? They refused to talk to the pirates to get Indian citizens freed. Had there been the relative of any politician or VIP among the hostages, the Indian government would have come to its knees to ensure his/her release and there have been such instances in the past. But the lives of the common man does not move them" she said.

According to reports, the Egyptian shipping company was to contribute $1 million, while Pakistan and India were to raise $500,000 and $600,000respectively. However, as the deadline loomed, Indian did not fulfill its end of the bargain.

Somali pirates had hijacked the Egyptian cargo ship MV Suez in the Gulf of Aden on August 2, 2010.

Families of Indian sailors unhappy with government - The Times of India

Neither Indian nor Pakistani govt (except the governor of Sindh) did anything significant for release of the hostages.

4. Social activist Ansar Burney played a vital role in ensuring the release of the hostages by way of negotiation and raising donations.

Both governor and ansar burney are pakistanis , and how come its not the govt .. at our end governor is employed by GOP.

8. Neki kar - Dariya me daal.

samandar main daal di , apni govt ko bolo as a curtsy thank you tu karday GOP ko officially
shame of!!! a country buying 10B of military hardware and not even capable to pay such so called small money for them... on the other side a country who even dont have economy spending money on the otherside hahahhahahah

Thanks to common people who have collected money for freeing innocent people.

we have seen on TV how people were collecting money on roads of Karachi . humanity wins
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it was mostly collected by Pakistanis. secondly the rest is said to be paid by bahraini company.

You may like to re-read my first point. A big thanks to all who have secured release of the innocent crew.

as far as the line in bold is concern so you mean we should have let these innocent people killed by pirates and should not have paid?

No, I mean, now that we (or Pakistan) has secured the release of the hostages, the world ought to act in unison to crush these mofo piracy, who will now be even more motivated to take hostages. This was a learning lesson from the plight of nearly one year of hell for some of the innocent sea-men.
Indian media has not cover such important news as it should have been.Very disappointing.It is understandable that indian government does not show interest to save even its citizen lives due to their political motives and their hatred but it is not understandable that the indian media can also play the same game.I guess indian media is not as azad as the Pakistani media in the democratic india.Overall indian response is very disappointing and heart breaking.

Proud to be Pakistan and its people, for sure their hearts are big.

You may like to re-read my first point. A big thanks to all who have secured release of the innocent crew.

No, I mean, now that we (or Pakistan) has secured the release of the hostages, the world ought to act in unison to crush these mofo piracy, who will now be even more motivated to take hostages. This was a learning lesson from the plight of nearly one year of hell for some of the innocent sea-men.

The problem is again the big game that is giving breath and energy to Somali pirates
Indian media has not cover such important news as it should have been.Very disappointing.It is understandable that indian government does not show interest to save even its citizen lives due to their political motives and their hatred but it is not understandable that the indian media can also play the same game.I guess indian media is not as azad as the Pakistani media in the democratic india.Overall indian response is very disappointing and heart breaking.

Proud to be Pakistan and its people, for sure their hearts are big.


oh come on. dont be childish. i dont care if they dont highlight it but all i care for is when they start spitting venom against Pakistan while commenting even on such a humanitarian news.
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