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Pakistani youth favors Sharia Law over Democracy.

With democracy we will eventually progress if we clean some of out the dirt(Corrupted politicans)

With just Sharia, we`ll go backwards, Economy will suffer; See Iran. We dont have huge oil recources so we`ll be doomed.

With a bit of Sharia(Some things need to be changed according to the situation today) and Democracy then it would be a good mix.

I hope Pakistan follows the Turkey model.

You have let your ignorance run free. Shariat only defines punishments for crimes, it may or may not have provision for other matters that can be amended/added/defined through fatwas obtained from council of learned religious scholars

I don't understand how sharia law and democracy are related to each other, arent, they different things like apples and oranges? What does , what does law have to do with the type of government you have...????

Finally......some one does understand the difference.

However, implementation of Shariat may influence politics as the punishments are not gentle such as minor fines :)
This is what democracy is, majority rules. If majority wants Sharia, be it. btw Sharia law and democracy are not mutually exclusive systems.

Absolutely. Pakistan must hold a referendum on this and implement Sharia ASAP. Pakistanis were promised an Islamic state by their founding father so why shy away from Sharia.
People love magic solutions. Neither sharia nor democracy is magic solution however.

Let them have the taste of Sharia, they will soon regret it but that will be too late...
People love magic solutions. Neither sharia nor democracy is magic solution however.

We are Muslims and we don't believe in Magic. We follow the system which is made by Allah and that is Sharia. Inshallah oneday we will be back on track.
Let them have the taste of Sharia, they will soon regret it but that will be too late...

When we have it, we rules the world and when we stopped implemented these laws for last 3 hundred years now people stop respecting us. In the history of Islam which is 1400 years old we were superpower more then 1100 years because we follow only one system i.e. Sharia (laws made by Allah)
You have let your ignorance run free. Shariat only defines punishments for crimes, it may or may not have provision for other matters that can be amended/added/defined through fatwas obtained from council of learned religious scholars

Finally......some one does understand the difference.

However, implementation of Shariat may influence politics as the punishments are not gentle such as minor fines :)

First you have to understand what Shariat is?. Its a complete system which not many people understand in todays world. Let me tell you first what is democracy is.

10 donkeys + 3 horses + 2 foxes= 15 total population.
vote cast 5 donkey + 2 horses + 1 fox = Winner is donkey because he have larger population for next 300 year. Result same as Pakistan today.

Now back to Shariah.

10 donkeys + 3 horses + 2 foxes= 15 total population.
because fox is wiser so they will make govt. and choose a leader.

In Islam they will asked best brain to come forward and lead the nation and as well as choose the leader amongst them. So ruler will be one of the best brain in the country and was chosen by best brain of the country.

Now tell me which one is best best Donkey or a fox? choose is your :azn:
First you have to understand what Shariat is?. Its a complete system which not many people understand in todays world. Let me tell you first what is democracy is.

10 donkeys + 3 horses + 2 foxes= 15 total population.
vote cast 5 donkey + 2 horses + 1 fox = Winner is donkey because he have larger population for next 300 year. Result same as Pakistan today.

Now back to Shariah.

10 donkeys + 3 horses + 2 foxes= 15 total population.
because fox is wiser so they will make govt. and choose a leader.

In Islam they will asked best brain to come forward and lead the nation and as well as choose the leader amongst them. So ruler will be one of the best brain in the country and was chosen by best brain of the country.

Now tell me which one is best best Donkey or a fox? choose is your :azn:

You do realize that I was advocating Shariat myself?? When it comes to religion, my belief is that no technological advancement/achievement can overcome divine law as that is law from the One who knows it all.

And what most of the ignorant do not understand about Islam and Shairat is that it is meant to make us good humans above everything else. In shariat, before implementation of corporal punishments, there has to be a welfare state where there is no need for anyone to steal or commit other crimes out of hunger or other basic necessities of life. Basically, once everyone is provided for by the state, if needed, than nobody has any excuse to commit any crime and crimes committed after that will be punished according to Shariat.
If they so demand it, they shall have it.

The only piece of thought they need to exercise is that Sharia is not a democracy. So once Sharia is enacted, there will not be any such surveys on what they want and what they don't.

It is a one way route - there's no coming back.

Sir, I think that we should make some efforts to facilitate our neighbors to achieve this divine system.

and, any way, they are going towards the same one way direction from many years, whether they like it or not.

Allah khaer kare....
If army even touched any of the civilians in the tribal areas, every media outlet in Pakistan would report it.

Unfortunately for you, Pakistan army has never touched civilians in the tribal areas except for a few misfits here & there

You cannot give me proof so instead giving me bullshit

Zarwan se jhooth mat bolo, wo sab samajhta hai
a great slap to mqm and there buddies(liberal facsist) Pakistan ka matlab kia? La ilaha il lAlla

Zarwan se jhooth mat bolo, wo sab samajhta hai
the taliban announce in local mosques that any tribal leaving the village will be killed along with his family they are made hostages that is why there are casualties

This thread should be forwaded to NINE ZERO :police:
April 5, 2013
In today’s Pakistan we have a
sense of disgruntlement,a
certain ennui as citizens feel
cheated of the land they were
promised. People would
blame it on Martial law and a
lack of democracy. Some
even long for Martial law
again. Pseudo-liberals in the
media and Aman ki Asha
lobby would keep harping on
that Pakistan was meant to
be secular to confuse the
Few days back,
Western media in particular
was taken aback to see the
results of a country wide
survey by the highly
esteemed British Council.
Absolutely alarmed by the
thought that Pakistan would
turn into Saudi Arabia they
tried to get the real picture,
which in fact is very simple.
Pakistani youth rejected
democracy and expressed
their preference for Islamic
laws and military rule. They
rejected corrupt parties and
38% wanted complete
Shariah laws. It is a sign of
the times. Less than a quarter
believed that democracy had
benefited in any way and only
29% felt democracy is the
best political system. Army
had 77% support while
civilian government 14%.
They want to elect leaders
who follow rules to the last
line, are honest and
hardworking; believe in social
equality and equal
opportunities for all.
Shariah is the code of
law for the Islamic way of life
which Allah has revealed for
mankind and commanded us
to follow. The word Shariah
means a clear straight path
or example. Shariah, or
Islamic law, is the code of
conduct for Muslims and is
based on two main sources:
The Qur’an and the Sunnah of
the Prophet. Shariah has two
other sources: Ijma
(consensus) and Qiyas
(analogy or reasoning on the
basis of similar
circumstances). These
sources must still be based
on the Quran and the
Sunnah. Ijma , or consensus,
applies to a situation where
no clear conclusion can be
made from the Quran and the
Sunnah. In this situation the
representatives of the people,
who are well-versed in the
Quran and the Sunnah, will
sit together and work out an
agreed formula to solve the
particular problem. Ijma
developed during the period
of the Al-Khulafa ur-rashidun.
Qiyas means a reference or
analogy or a comparison of
one thing with a similar one.
It is applied in circumstances
where guidance from the
Quran and Sunnah is not
directly available. A solution
to a problem is reached by a
process of deduction from a
comparison with similar
situations in the past.
Pakistan has had
Shariah Courts for the last
three decades and they run in
parallel with the conventional
courts. Islamic issues are
referred to them and it is a
very successful system.
Judges of the High Court and
eminent Muslim scholars
representing every Fiqah are
on Shariah benches together,
they carryout research on an
issue and come to the best
solution which can be
applicable in modern times.
Islam came as a way of life
and for all time, the method
of Ijtihad is there for
discussing and solving a
matter, by this process laws
can evolve and be more
flexible. The whole crux of the
matter is the interpretation
which should be agreeable to
all the schools of thought.
Islam favors moderation and
dislikes rigidness.
Our youth seems to
have lost confidence in the
country’s judiciary and courts
as they are lax and there are
huge delays, they even
stopped sentencing criminals
and let off some serious
offenders. A non-corrupt
Shariah law would be the
ideal way out of the mess
Pakistan is in today.
Pakistan is an Islamic
Republic according to our
Constitution, democracy has
failed and we need a new
system of government or an
Operation Cleanup before
forming a new government
and it is not necessary it
should be democracy any
more. It can be army rule , a
government of technocrats or
even Khilafat.
By Sabena Siddiqi
You do realize that I was advocating Shariat myself?? When it comes to religion, my belief is that no technological advancement/achievement can overcome divine law as that is law from the One who knows it all.

And what most of the ignorant do not understand about Islam and Shairat is that it is meant to make us good humans above everything else. In shariat, before implementation of corporal punishments, there has to be a welfare state where there is no need for anyone to steal or commit other crimes out of hunger or other basic necessities of life. Basically, once everyone is provided for by the state, if needed, than nobody has any excuse to commit any crime and crimes committed after that will be punished according to Shariat.

Well said Mav3rick excellent post....and yes youth favors sharia law and I am one of those followers..as democracy is just a degenerated form of oligarchy a/c to Plato's five regime..!!any law and order if not implemented in a correct way will definitely will not give us an effective result...There is nothing wrong with Sharia law..the problem is with us that wedon't have proper sense to implement the sharia system correctly and effectively.
Islam clearly states that education is compulsory for both men & women. As for rights, they are defined in details, not just as a woman but as a mother/wife etc.

By the way what is Hinduism stand on women education an women rights? Please also explain the cast system in Hinduism.

Caste system is based on the work the people does... Anyways it was cancer and it is completely abolished in cities and still present in some remote villages.

Reg Rights of women...
My great grand mother - Will NOT speak before my great grand father... What my GGF tells is the law above supreme court.
My grand mother - Will NOT sit before my Grand Father. But she had some couple of fights with my GF.
My Mother - Will NOT say my fathers name and still quarreling happens sometimes.
My Wife - Will call me by my name and if we fight the vessels will fly in the air!
My daughter - aged just 1.5 years wants to choose her own dress... If I force anything, she won't wear! She needs the toy which she points... let alone me using some kicks to discipline her... If I use a harsh word... She wont come near me for a week!
Caste system is based on the work the people does... Anyways it was cancer and it is completely abolished in cities and still present in some remote villages.

Reg Rights of women...
My great grand mother - Will NOT speak before my great grand father... What my GGF tells is the law above supreme court.
My grand mother - Will NOT sit before my Grand Father. But she had some couple of fights with my GF.
My Mother - Will NOT say my fathers name and still quarreling happens sometimes.
My Wife - Will call me by my name and if we fight the vessels will fly in the air!
My daughter - aged just 1.5 years wants to choose her own dress... If I force anything, she won't wear! She needs the toy which she points... let alone me using some kicks to discipline her... If I use a harsh word... She wont come near me for a week!

My 4 year old daughter is the same, she will not only buy her own clothes, she will explain the designs and color combinations of her dresses, purses, shoes and hair bands etc., my 6 year old son is the same. But I allow my children to do all that because of selfish reasons as it gives me great pleasure to see them happy. Furthermore, my actions are the actions of an individual and so far my daughter has far exceeded my expectations of her developing into a child with morals.....maybe it's our training, our culture at home or something in the genes/dna.

However, not every parent offers such liberties to their children. These are individual acts!
this survey is misleading. to start with the options given are inconsistent with the islamic worldview with respect of Democracy. Saleena Karim in her book Secular Jinnah has explained this very well.

For example, Jinnah had abhorred the ‘modern democratic form of Government’ in his address to the Hostel Parliament of Ismail Yusuf College (dated 1st Feb 1943) while demanding ‘a true democracy in accordance with Islam and not a Parliamentary Government of the Western or Congress type.’ Later in the same year, Jinnah said in his Presidential address at the Muslim League’s Annual Session (dated 24th April 1943), “I have no doubt that a large body of us visualise Pakistan as a people’s government.… The constitution of Pakistan can only be framed by the millat and the people.”

and this is the exact Islamic worldview with respect to the governance of the state.

if anyone asks me to choose between democracy and Shariah, i will choose Shariah because democracy is inherent to shariah and embedded in it. This is the concept which early Muslim League leaders understood very well. And they categorically avoided the idea of western democracy while propogating for an Islamic state with democratic mode of governance. Because to them, democracy itself was too open ended to be left as it is. for example, Liaquat Ali Khan, first PM of Pak said in response to the opposition in the first Constituent Assembly of Pakistan:

'You would notice, Sir, that the Objective Resolution lays emphasis on the principles of democracy, freedom, equality, tolerance and social justice, and further defines them by saying that these principles should be observed in the constitution as they have been enunciated by Islam. It has been necessary to qualify these terms because they are generally used in a loose sense. For instance, the western powers and soviet russia alike claim that their systems are based upon democracy, and, yet, it is common knowledge that their polities are inherently different.'
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