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Pakistani women in abusive marriages in Canada

Only for idiots multiculturalism is a failure
What else explains why SCandinavia and other western countries have higher per capita income and quality of life than US despite US being the most powerful country to ever exist? What else explains that? why cant multicultural US do better than these homogehous societies?

When you "import" "skilled labor", it comes with culture also..
What else explains why SCandinavia and other western countries have higher per capita income and quality of life than US despite US being the most powerful country to ever exist? What else explains that? why cant multicultural US do better than these homogehous societies?

When you "import" "skilled labor", it comes with culture also..

Agreed I live in NYC the epitome of American multiculturalism and liberalism it's so overrated local politics is depended on Democratic primaries which cater to non English speaking immigrants also subway smells like piss Scandenvia isn't as homogeneous as it once was the post WW2 order and Americanization of Western and Northern Europe destroyed them culturally they imported cheap labor from Asia,Eastern Europe,and Africa since I would say Iceland and Switzerland they are better at the indexes as well

@Nein could explain about the wonders of "multiculturalism" in Sydney or any city in Australia
What else explains why SCandinavia and other western countries have higher per capita income and quality of life than US despite US being the most powerful country to ever exist? What else explains that? why cant multicultural US do better than these homogehous societies?

When you "import" "skilled labor", it comes with culture also..
It is not because of the homogeneous or heterogeneous rather the economic systems. USA is pure capitalist society so at one end you have Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, etc while on the other you have bums & homeless people. Furthermore, USA is a country of 300+ million people while all Scandinavia is less than 20 million so the per capita resources are much higher.
Do you know that US per capita is higher than Scandinavian countries but the issue is the huge disparity since most of the wealth is concentrated in a very very tiny segment of the society so rest of the people earn less on average than a person in Scandinavia
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Agreed I live in NYC the epitome of American multiculturalism and liberalism it's so overrated local politics is depended on Democratic primaries which cater to non English speaking immigrants also subway smells like piss Scandenvia isn't as homogeneous as it once was the post WW2 order and Americanization of Western and Northern Europe destroyed them culturally they imported cheap labor from Asia,Eastern Europe,and Africa since I would say Iceland and Switzerland they are better at the indexes as well

@Nein could explain about the wonders of "multiculturalism" in Sydney or any city in Australia

I feel Western culture is inherently protectionist and anti-foreigner. It goes back to how they present their history: Rome-Carthage wars, Graeco-Persian wars, Attila and Huns, Crusades, Spanish Reconquista, Ottoman domination of Eastern Europe and reaching Vienna, WW1/WW2/Cold war anti-Russian anti-German propaganda.

You only need look at the play between Whites and Blacks in the US and other countries, there is something inherently deeply wrong with the European and Western mindset when it relates to race and skin color. They simply cannot accept others.

Western societies need cheap labor and immigration to keep from total collapse, this is why there is leniency to allow cheap labor from Latin, South America and educated labor from Eurasian, African countries.

Have you seen the way Mexicans work in agriculture and construction? There is no way a White American will work with that much efficiency, with less pay, and finish the job in the shortest time possible.

Now look at the Arab Gulf, which entirely relies on foreign labor for everything. Most of the wealthy Arabs cannot even manage their own businesses and rely on Pakistani, Iranian, Turkish, Egyptian businessmen.

Fact is that Japan and South Korea have realized that their labor and population shortage has begun affecting their economies. They can no longer rely on only their nationals, and will have to implement a system to bring in foreign workers permanently or on a temporary basis.

Even Europe needs new labor and new immigration, precisely because it has rejected its Muslim population, due to political fascism and making them a bogeyman for any terror attack.

They created the migrant crisis and are benefitting the most. It may have gotten out of hand, but It’s not our problem.

I’m sure they would prefer Christian Black Africans to their indigenous Muslim Pakistani, Algerian, Turk, Moroccan populations.

We need to worry about our own countries and how to advance them, not get a headache thinking of the mountains of problems which the West has put on itself. The whole system is collapsing.
It still happens I was at a family friends wedding in the Bronx the other day they couple paired up were the same caste Rajput it still happens not sure was arranged

I agree if you lived outside of Pakistan the customs and class of people change as people attain higher degrees of learning,different lifestyles and also attain a higher standards of living but its not just with Pakistanis very common in all parts of Asia as well

On Polygamy in the west well I think it should be legal I will make compromise for westerners if you let LGBTQ folks marry why not let folks have polygamy marriage so those folks are not ostracized as the others deal everyone wins.:-)

Agreed with OP

Same with my parents my issue with arranged marriage is not the process or the cultural customs its when Parents get Pushy with their kids to marry young or marry quick this may have been right 60 years ago but the uncles and parents need to learn the current trends sadly are getting worse and should understand many do but the problem is ego, and frankly selfish motives for a child this is the same problem with careers a different topic for another time, when you use coercive means than you forcing them to get married this wrong many Pakistani parents in the west dont understand how frustrated young men get annoyed when asked because marriage is personal responsibilty you will be living with the partner not your parents this why like I mentioned before many Pakistani males are marrying out because they are annoyed by constant pressure by their parents and the stupid castes, and family politics and drama there should be thread on the flaws of Pakistani parenting some other time however I say if you in the position I am in be respectful in front of parents and older uncles they mean good maybe wrong creating fitna is bad I just keep my head down in respect may Allah(swt) help our youth to stay true to their identity keep families together eventhough disagreements may occur

True its just genetics of some people

You cant have people with different lifestyles living in one place too many cultural clashes which is boiling a lot in the west

There is no such thing as arranged marriages as people in other parts of the world understand it.
In our society it is just parents helping with weddings or advising on marriage candidates.

What is so hard to understand here?

Not all men are bad not all women are bad but listen to both sides before making a call
Agreed with you, both sides of the story needs to be taken into account before forming an opinion/judgement.
The story sounds, based on an incrimination of other parties, by the first party. For transparency, we must consider the 2nd parties POVs, rather than jumping to conclusions.
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