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Pakistani women in abusive marriages in Canada

Cross breeding does that....

South east Asians are more like island ...its hot there too...people they have less hair...

The South Asians had hundreds of yrs of Mongol rule..cross breeding with Arabs Persians and turks....so yea they can be hairy....
My cousin is like that
He is like 19 and has hair on his knuckles

Pakistanis marry only other Pakistanis in arranged marriages, but again it’s a misnomer as potential spouses may like each other initially and usually have final say.

These days not so much restricted by tribe, ethnicity, or province.

It still happens I was at a family friends wedding in the Bronx the other day they couple paired up were the same caste Rajput it still happens not sure was arranged

What do you expect ? Pakistani origin women raised in Western countries in an arranged marriage with some pakistani guy. oil and water do not mix.

replace pakistani with non-pakistani. it is the same story :(:(:(

I agree if you lived outside of Pakistan the customs and class of people change as people attain higher degrees of learning,different lifestyles and also attain a higher standards of living but its not just with Pakistanis very common in all parts of Asia as well

Interesting. I remembered watching a story on polygamy and how there is no law enforcement in Canada to stop it. How can a case like you described exist as the same time as what is being presented in the video, they are like opposite ends of the spectrum.

See the video and I would like to know your opinion

On Polygamy in the west well I think it should be legal I will make compromise for westerners if you let LGBTQ folks marry why not let folks have polygamy marriage so those folks are not ostracized as the others deal everyone wins.:-)
Two sides to every story so not buying it
Agreed with OP
Thats what my parents say too.

But my parents preferably want me to marry Pakistani Muslims, which I accepted for obvious reasons.

Exactly there are two sides to a coin and a story. So I am not buying garbage stories from the internet.

The Internet is full of crap.

Huh what do you mean by Arranged Marriages?

Arranged Marriages in our society is quite different to the understanding in the western societies.

Arranged marriage just means parents supervise the marriage ceremony, or merely advise on the marriage partner you choose.

The media likes to obfuscate this to confuse the peoples in other parts of the world.

I have to ask what is Arranged Marriage?

There is no such thing really. Just Parents overlooking the marriage ceremony or Nikah. Thats it!

So bloody stupid!

Same with my parents my issue with arranged marriage is not the process or the cultural customs its when Parents get Pushy with their kids to marry young or marry quick this may have been right 60 years ago but the uncles and parents need to learn the current trends sadly are getting worse and should understand many do but the problem is ego, and frankly selfish motives for a child this is the same problem with careers a different topic for another time, when you use coercive means than you forcing them to get married this wrong many Pakistani parents in the west dont understand how frustrated young men get annoyed when asked because marriage is personal responsibilty you will be living with the partner not your parents this why like I mentioned before many Pakistani males are marrying out because they are annoyed by constant pressure by their parents and the stupid castes, and family politics and drama there should be thread on the flaws of Pakistani parenting some other time however I say if you in the position I am in be respectful in front of parents and older uncles they mean good maybe wrong creating fitna is bad I just keep my head down in respect may Allah(swt) help our youth to stay true to their identity keep families together eventhough disagreements may occur

What r u smoking

My cousin is like that
He is like 19 and has hair on his knuckles

True its just genetics of some people

What r u smoking

You cant have people with different lifestyles living in one place too many cultural clashes which is boiling a lot in the west
You cant have people with different lifestyles living in one place too many cultural clashes which is boiling a lot in the west

It depends more on the environment.

Early Islam absorbed a lot of diverse cultures, and everyone lived in peace as universal justice and equality was the law.

The West is a quasi-multicultural society as it assigns rank, worth, and importance to people based on skin color, race, class, occupation, and ethnic origin.

For a true multicultural and most importantly just society, look at the Ottoman, Mughal, and Safavi empires where all citizens were equal before the state. Even sectarian (Sunni-Shia) differences were no business of the state.

Minorities like Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Armenians, Greeks, etc. were respected and honored with distinction.

As a matter of fact, they may have been too tolerant contributing to their eventual decline through Western proxy warfare.
News like this make headline stories without knowing the full truth and men's side of story is totally ignored. I know a woman just like her divorced after 8 years in Pakistan and then came to Canada with her Children and remarried here in Canada. I was very sympathetic to her at first (she is very close relative) but then same started in her 2nd marriage and she would tell my wife about her situation that its her bad luck that she gets in the exactly same situation...I was more sympathetic this time until I first hand saw the situation in their home and then I was more sympathetic to her husband. You cannot have bad luck twice in a row, there must be something wrong with you if you do. I have seen quite a few household destroyed by woman of the house that now stories like this feel bullcrap to me.

by the way more and more woman are coming to Canada on pretext of marriage then within a year divorcing their husbands.
It depends more on the environment.

Early Islam absorbed a lot of diverse cultures, and everyone lived in peace as universal justice and equality was the law.

The West is a quasi-multicultural society as it assigns rank, worth, and importance to people based on skin color, race, class, occupation, and ethnic origin.

For a true multicultural and most importantly just society, look at the Ottoman, Mughal, and Safavi empires where all citizens were equal before the state. Even sectarian (Sunni-Shia) differences were no business of the state.

Minorities like Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Armenians, Greeks, etc. were respected and honored with distinction.

As a matter of fact, they may have been too tolerant contributing to their eventual decline through Western proxy warfare.

The West is a Multicultural society not quasi the problem is when you mix in neo-liberal capitalism, with degenrate morals in a society its a toxic cocktail, the US, Canada,Australia are torn countries they let in everyone in the world yet still cant unite its people under one flag so every few decades or a century it has to come up with new identity the reason why you see Western Europeans mainly the UK,France,Spain,Belgium, Netherlands, Germany etc is they were nation states until post WW2 era their corporations and the Americanization through Hollywood and American occupation of Europe led to a change the bringing of Turks,Asians, Pakistanis,Arabs and Africans was travesty for European Whites and the immigrant groups as they were promised they would be there temporary but no it lead to ghettos than class divides loss of national identity, Japan and South Korea both East Asian countries have low fertilty rates since like the 1970s and 1980s yet you are not seeing a complete ethnic replacement of Japanese and Koreans in fact they are one of the most homogenous societies and cultures in the world their immigration for low skilled work targets mainly closer cultures too why Europe cause powers behind want to see a "Clash of Civ" scale and for companies "cheap labor"

For a true multicultural and most importantly just society, look at the Ottoman, Mughal, and Safavi empires where all citizens were equal before the state. Even sectarian (Sunni-Shia) differences were no business of the state.

Minorities like Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Armenians, Greeks, etc. were respected and honored with distinction.

As a matter of fact, they may have been too tolerant contributing to their eventual decline through Western proxy warfare.[/QUOTE]

The Brahmins were not put down and the Mughals failed to centralize big mistake the Ottomans took in Jews from Catholic Spain in the 1400s big mistake as @Nein said the multicultural order led to the decline of all those empires
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The Brahmins were not put down and the Mughals failed to centralize big mistake the Ottomans took in Jews from Catholic Spain in the 1400s big mistake as @Nein said the multicultural order led to the decline of all those empires

The Empires were declining in relation to the West and with dynastic in-fighting, while stronger European powers exploited and brainwashed minority populations to resist and overthrow their rule.

Strong leaders were not there when they were needed, so the fabric of society unraveled. Yet it was our kismat from Allah swt and according to His plan.
News like this make headline stories without knowing the full truth and men's side of story is totally ignored. I know a woman just like her divorced after 8 years in Pakistan and then came to Canada with her Children and remarried here in Canada. I was very sympathetic to her at first (she is very close relative) but then same started in her 2nd marriage and she would tell my wife about her situation that its her bad luck that she gets in the exactly same situation...I was more sympathetic this time until I first hand saw the situation in their home and then I was more sympathetic to her husband. You cannot have bad luck twice in a row, there must be something wrong with you if you do. I have seen quite a few household destroyed by woman of the house that now stories like this feel bullcrap to me.

by the way more and more woman are coming to Canada on pretext of marriage then within a year divorcing their husbands.

This is where the uncles and Pakistani Parents dont understand they may left Pakistan in the 1970s and 1980s when the country was more conservative a lot of these Pakistani pseudo-liberals dont understand Pakistan from like 1947-late 1990s was pretty socially conservatives despite nightclubs and beer being advertised and pics of bigger cities with a "cosmopolitan" feel the society was more Islamic and Conservative my father grew up in those times he says Pakistan is more liberal now than its have ever been anyways if you expect to import a "Dulhan doll" in 2019 and being pushy with your kid good luck you been fooled

The Empires were declining in relation to the West and with dynastic in-fighting, while stronger European powers exploited and brainwashed minority populations to resist and overthrow their rule.

Strong leaders were not there when they were needed, so the fabric of society unraveled. Yet it was our kismat from Allah swt and according to His plan.

It was variety factors not just one this is why culturally homogenous or ethnically homogenous states have less issues
Most Pakistanis will accept any rishta, as long as it is a Muslim.

Only exception may be BD and Indians. But then again Muhajirs/Biharis will marry them.
Aren't Bihari Muhajirs too? Why we would marry Indians and Bangladeshis
Aren't Bihari Muhajirs too? Why we would marry Indians and Bangladeshis

Just an observation of some of the diaspora and MQM types, not necessarily all.

Same would go to N leaguer Aman ki asha nonsense.
Here comes one
this thread has turned into a woman bashing thread, so talking sense here will be pointless.
will it not?
the general impression being given here is that "not all Pakistani men are bad"
"but yes, all Pakistani women are bad"

the day Pakistani women started demanding their rights, and started questioning their abusive relationship, they turned bad.
It was variety factors not just one this is why culturally homogenous or ethnically homogenous states have less issues

Wasn’t our ideal state, Riyasat e Madinah, a cosmopolitan multicultural multiracial society?

That was one of the critiques of the Pagan Quraish.

For Muslims, it may not be so important to create a racial or ethnic homogenous society, but a society which is based on Islam and has a heavy emphasis on Islamic history as an origin.

Would you classify Muslims as one cultural identity?

In the 1990s, I remember Pakistan was divided very strictly by provincial lines and provincial nationalist groups held power.

Now in 2019, intermarriage, increased migration between provinces, and a renewed need/desire for unity in the face of multiple enemies and suffering has merged Pakistan into a unified nation state. Islamic

Nationalist PTI’s victory and the mainstreaming of KPK and FATA into the center of Pakistani politics has totally abolished the old paradigm which governed Pakistan.
You cant keep 100 or so ethnic groups together.

If people do want Sharia in their country who do you think is the biggest obstacle??? It is the minorities themselves.

Muslims in their own countries cant even implement laws because it will offend minorities and after that minorities will start crying like bitches.

The better multiculturalism goes the better.

So many of our empires collapsed due to so many ethnic groups and religious minorities who backstabbed the state while at the same time crying about a fake persecution.

Armenians do this they are like the Turks oppressed us for 1000 years while at the same time they were a prosperous community this defies logic.
Both times husbands were abusive -- :sick:
I think she was a troublemaker both time :enjoy:
It depends more on the environment.

Early Islam absorbed a lot of diverse cultures, and everyone lived in peace as universal justice and equality was the law.

The West is a quasi-multicultural society as it assigns rank, worth, and importance to people based on skin color, race, class, occupation, and ethnic origin.

For a true multicultural and most importantly just society, look at the Ottoman, Mughal, and Safavi empires where all citizens were equal before the state. Even sectarian (Sunni-Shia) differences were no business of the state.

Minorities like Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Armenians, Greeks, etc. were respected and honored with distinction.

As a matter of fact, they may have been too tolerant contributing to their eventual decline through Western proxy warfare.

What happened a lot of our empires collapsed due to these ethnic groups.

Japan and South Korea do not have 100 or so ethnic groups hence why you barely see ethnic or race wars in the country.

Japan was able to industrialise so fast is because of this. Japan had only one ethnic group which was the Japanese they were all loyal to the state while the Ottoman Empires industralisation was always cut short due to the loyalty of ethnic groups and the constant rebellion of them.

Abdulhamid II said I was not able to unite state while Japan was able to because they did not have a lot of ethnic groups while Abdulhamid II said how can I unite the Turk, Bulgarian, Armenian, Jew and the Greek together.
Wasn’t our ideal state, Riyasat e Madinah, a cosmopolitan multicultural multiracial society?

That was one of the critiques of the Pagan Quraish.

For Muslims, it may not be so important to create a racial or ethnic homogenous society, but a society which is based on Islam and has a heavy emphasis on Islamic history as an origin.

Would you classify Muslims as one cultural identity?

In the 1990s, I remember Pakistan was divided very strictly by provincial lines and provincial nationalist groups held power.

Now in 2019, intermarriage, increased migration between provinces, and a renewed need/desire for unity in the face of multiple enemies and suffering has merged Pakistan into a unified nation state. Islamic

Nationalist PTI’s victory and the mainstreaming of KPK and FATA into the center of Pakistani politics has totally abolished the old paradigm which governed Pakistan.

Pakistan Provincialism was because of the lack of centralization and the allowing of ethnic parties first pre 1971 we let the Bengalis traitors under Mujib create ruckus we did cause they our "Muslim" brothers I am mixed on the break up of East Pakistan in 1971 first off we were not hard on miscreants back then its only after we learned other Muslim countries follow their own national interests that a unified Pakistani nationalism was able to form also the proxy conflict from sectarian sponsors in Iran and Saudi unified our nation as well
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