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Pakistani women gives a great reply to India and Pakistani media

I read a story of some purushottam ,a pakistani hindu king who they say almost defeated alexander.but i feel tht is also some fabricated story.tht bastrd might have run with his tail between his legs when he saw mighty alexanders army.its really shame tht pak had not even produced one,not even one great emperor like chandra gupta maurya,asoka or shivaji in its entire written history.since time immemorial they are habituated to accept others dominance without any resistance

In keeping with Pakistani political trait, after Alexander whipped Raja Purshottam's rear, the Raja accepted becoming a vassal state of Alexander's kingdom doing the bidding of his Ghora King. Doesn't that remind you of the current relationship vis a vis Pakistan and the USA ? :D
all my above posts are in response to razpaks comment saying tht his country has ruled us for 1000 yrs.i just showed him what his true history is

Yup @RazPak needs a history lesson. She seems absorbed in this idea that Pakistan ruled India for a 1000 years and then the British came along and liberated India and confined Pakistan to the junkheap it currently is :D
In keeping with Pakistani political trait, after Alexander whipped Raja Purshottam's rear, the Raja accepted becoming a vassal state of Alexander's kingdom doing the bidding of his Ghora King. Doesn't that remind you of the current relationship vis a vis Pakistan and the USA ? :D

very true.mentality of any nation builds up thru many centuries.this is the reason pakistanis have very low desh bhakti
What she is saying is nothing we don't say here on the forum.
Indians talking garbage again.

Still bitter about their forefathers being absolutely mutilated by us.

Remember Indians we left many of your cities people-less.

Our tribes accepted Islam because it is word of God and proceeded to conquer the rest of Hind along with other Muslim armies.

All listed massacres have been in modern day India apart from when British killed many in Peshawar and the initial wars with Bin Qasim near Karachi and Lahore.

Your history is littered with death and enslavement. I am not surprised you are bitter, I would be to. but thankfully by the grace of God my forefathers were the victors and conquerors.

Sometimes I think Indians, its not your fault, you are but a product of your environment. A 1000 years of enslavement and plundering must take its toil on your psyche.

Don't worry Pakistan is just getting started, you had your turn to make peace but instead you split us in half, burnt our ancestral records, and caused misery in our lands to this very day. This will have a very heavy price to pay.

May God have mercy on your souls.
Indians talking garbage again.

Still bitter about their forefathers being absolutely mutilated by us.

Remember Indians we left many of your cities people-less.

Our tribes accepted Islam because it is word of God and proceeded to conquer the rest of Hind along with other Muslim armies.

All listed massacres have been in modern day India apart from when British killed many in Peshawar and the initial wars with Bin Qasim near Karachi and Lahore.

Your history is littered with death and enslavement. I am not surprised you are bitter, I would be to. but thankfully by the grace of God my forefathers were the victors and conquerors.

Sometimes I think Indians, its not your fault, you are but a product of your environment. A 1000 years of enslavement and plundering must take its toil on your psyche.

Don't worry Pakistan is just getting started, you had your turn to make peace but instead you split us in half, burnt our ancestral records, and caused misery in our lands to this very day. This will have a very heavy price to pay.

May God have mercy on your souls.

I am tempted to reply that was only the starters we served on you. Ummm did you ever pause to consider whether your forefathers were the conquered and the converted instead ? Placating yourself by rewriting history isn't going to alter the truth you know :D
I am tempted to reply that was only the starters we served on you. Ummm did you ever pause to consider whether your forefathers were the conquered and the converted instead ? Placating yourself by rewriting history isn't going to alter the truth you know :D

It is a nation that is so ashamed of its history that it teaches a different version to its students. And they call us bitter.
Well that's very true. There's no way we can be together and friends. Since I am living in other country. I come across with so many Pakistani and other nationalities. I have no doubt to say Pakistani are the people who are most Narrow-minded, Cheater etc etc. It's not only because of I'm an Indian, every other nationality hates them. Why are people like this?? As soon as you talk with some Pakistani, they always got short cut to make money. You people are Joke!!!
I am tempted to reply that was only the starters we served on you. Ummm did you ever pause to consider whether your forefathers were the conquered and the converted instead ? Placating yourself by rewriting history isn't going to alter the truth you know :D

The funny thing is your historians are revisionists, after Independance they scuttled around trying to re-write the history of the sub continent because they were ashamed.

Like I mentioned Debal and Narahembad have been the only 2 flashpoints when Bin Qasim landed in Sindh and went upwards.

The 4 tribes that make up Pakistan accepted Islam as word of God. You think it is "conversion", but for us at that time we didn't really care for your ridiculous pagan traditions and our hearts and eyes opened when we discovered the glory of monotheism.

Some scholars say the people in modern day Pakistan back then were enforced to be in Hindu empires, they had no choice, some also say you did horrific things to people there also. So we saw it as a source of liberation from your oppressive belief system.

The "sword by religion" theory that your historians invented is refuted by many scholars, it is simply an excuse to hide your pathetic past.
i repeat pakistanis have always been chickens(that includes hindus too who ruled it for thousands of years).aryans,huns,scythians,persians,greeks,mongols,afghans,turks aah i cant count the number of people fukd that part of the sub continent for centuries.and what did they do?took everything lying down.tht land hasnt produced even one great emperor in its entire history.what a shame
Seriously they need to tell real history to the kids instead making weapons. It make me laugh when I read their posts. Totally people of failed state!!
hahaha you pakistanis were the first people to bow before the foreign invaders whenever an attack happened on india;right from the time of aryans to recent mughals u people accepted defeat without any fight.shame on you people.had it not been for ur cowardice the fate of indian sub continent would have been different

The Aryans were not simply invaders, unlike other conquerors; they modified the demographics of the north western region of the Sub-Continent & the culture of most of the region too. Had it not been for them, there would have been no Vedic civilization, neither would there have been any technological advancements as a result of that civilization seeing as the Harappans collapsed due to a variety of factors. We wouldn't even be speaking our current languages if it weren't for them. Keep in mind that a vast majority of people in the north western & to some extent northern regions of the Sub-Continent descend from them, even if some of them no longer resemble them entirely in appearance.

I read a story of some purushottam ,a pakistani hindu king who they say almost defeated alexander.but i feel tht is also some fabricated story.tht bastrd might have run with his tail between his legs when he saw mighty alexanders army.its really shame tht pak had not even produced one,not even one great emperor like chandra gupta maurya,asoka or shivaji in its entire written history.since time immemorial they are habituated to accept others dominance without any resistance

The people who fought against the Greeks in the north western regions of the Sub-Continent were Aryans or the descendants of Indo-Aryans themselves. There was less mixture at that time, so I am guessing the Aryans were still around in their purest forms. King Porus fought bravely against Alexander the Great. In fact, Alexander was so impressed by him that after capturing his kingdom in Punjab, Alexander asked Porus how he would like to be treated. Porus's response was: "the way one king treats another king". It was because of that Alexander the Great returned to him his conquered Kingdom provided they become a protectorate of the Macedonian empire.

By the way, the Greeks were well aware of the Aryan heritage of the Indus. Alexander the Great had even planned an attempt at population dispersion throughout his empire to get the Indo-European tribes to mix up, but he died before being able to accomplish that. The descendants of the Indo-Aryans were the first to resist every invader that tried to enter the Indus. The people of Sindh fought bravely against the Islamic invaders as well, as was their right to do so. We follow Islam today, because we believe in it, similar to how loads of Muslims in your own country follow Islam. By the way, Asoka the Great, as far as I know, descends from Vedic Aryans.
The funny thing is your historians are revisionists, after Independance they scuttled around trying to re-write the history of the sub continent because they were ashamed.

Like I mentioned Debal and Narahembad have been the only 2 flashpoints when Bin Qasim landed in Sindh and went upwards.

The 4 tribes that make up Pakistan accepted Islam as word of God. You think it is "conversion", but for us at that time we didn't really care for your ridiculous pagan traditions and our hearts and eyes opened when we discovered the glory of monotheism.

Some scholars say the people in modern day Pakistan back then were enforced to be in Hindu empires, they had no choice, some also say you did horrific things to people there also. So we saw it as a source of liberation from your oppressive belief system.

The "sword by religion" theory that your historians invented is refuted by many scholars, it is simply an excuse to hide your pathetic past.

Dude fcuk Hinduism and religion. We ain't crying us a river here because you converted. I have many Muslim and Christian friends in India whose families also converted at some time or another. Infact I have Muslims and Christians in my extended family. Point is that they didn't convert via the point of a sword as your people did. Main point was already posted above. You guys were chicken whether you were Hindus, Buddhists or Muslims. Don't come here brow beating us into believing what a superior bunch of people you are to us when your history says otherwise
Some scholars say the people in modern day Pakistan back then were enforced to be in Hindu empires, they had no choice, some also say you did horrific things to people there also. So we saw it as a source of liberation from your oppressive belief system.

The "sword by religion" theory that your historians invented is refuted by many scholars, it is simply an excuse to hide your pathetic past.

I don't think the ancient people in the geographical boundaries of modern day Pakistan were forced to do anything, neither were they oppressed by their pagan rulers. They were doing fine, they eventually converted to Islam slowly over time. There were no mass conversions. Pakistan was geographically closer to the Caliphates & to the Sunni Persian dynasties, that lead to a greater Islamic influence from those areas. The majority of people converted because they believed in the religion, although I do not deny the possibility of few forced conversions either. Contrary to popular beliefs, many Islamic empires weren't Utopian, & like any other society; they had their share of flaws.
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