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Pakistani Troops Linked to Abuses Will Lose U.S. Aid

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Pakistani Troops Linked to Abuses Will Lose U.S. Aid

Pakistani Troops Linked to Abuses Will Lose U.S. Aid
Published: October 21, 2010

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration will refuse to train or equip about a half-dozen Pakistani Army units that are believed to have killed unarmed prisoners and civilians during recent offensives against the Taliban, senior administration and Congressional officials said Thursday.
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Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, Pakistan's military chief, ordered an inquiry into an Internet video that showed men in Pakistani military uniforms executing six young men in civilian clothes.
Video of the Killings Warning: Contains Graphic Images
The cutoff of funds is an unusual rebuke to a wartime ally, and it illustrates the growing tensions with a country that is seen as a pivotal partner, and sometimes impediment, in a campaign to root out Al Qaeda and other militant groups.

The White House has not told Pakistan of the decision, even though senior Pakistani military and civilian leaders are here for a series of meetings, according to officials from both countries.

The administration has briefed a few senior members of Congress, but it has not given them details about which Pakistani units will be affected by the suspension. One senior administration official said there was “a lot of concern about not embarrassing” the Pakistani military, especially during a week in which officials are here for the third “Strategic Dialogue” in a year.

The decision comes just as the two countries are trying to get beyond a sharp exchange after NATO helicopter gunships killed three Pakistani paramilitary troops, and Pakistan retaliated by shutting down a critical allied supply route into Afghanistan.

President Obama met Wednesday in Washington with Pakistan’s army chief, Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, and other senior Pakistani officials before leaving on a campaign trip to the West Coast, but the White House provided only a vague description of their conversations. Most of the strategic dialogue is focused on a range of subjects, including counterterrorism, nuclear security, flood relief and trade.

The officials who described the decision said it would affect some Pakistani Army and special operations troops supported by the United States that have conducted offensives against Taliban fighters in the Swat Valley and South Waziristan in the past year, the officials said. But the process is not over: some additional Pakistani units may yet be denied American aid, officials say.

The Leahy Amendment, a law that stretches back more than a decade, requires the United States to cut off aid to foreign military units that are found to have committed gross violations of human rights. It has been applied in the past to Indonesia and Colombia, but never to a country of such strategic importance to the United States as Pakistan.

“I told the White House that I have real concerns about the Pakistani military’s actions, and I’m not going to close my eyes to it because of our national interests in Pakistan,” Senator Patrick J. Leahy, the author of the amendment, said Wednesday from his home in Vermont. “If the law is going to have teeth, it has to be taken seriously. Pakistan’s military leaders have made encouraging statements about addressing these issues, but this requires more than statements.”

The United States spends about $2 billion a year on the Pakistani military, including money specifically designated for counterterrorism operations.

A senior Pakistani official who has been involved in discussions about the issue said the United States had conveyed its concerns about reports of extrajudicial killings, which he said Pakistan was addressing. But he said Pakistan had not been notified that any army units had been refused training or equipment. The United States government “has not threatened us with withholding of assistance or training for any of our military units on these grounds,” the official said.

Much of the administration’s review has been overseen by Adm. Mike Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, one of the administration’s direct contacts with General Kayani. Admiral Mullen has spoken to senior lawmakers, including Senator Leahy and Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts, the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, and assured them that the law would be followed, a senior military officer said.

Once strictures are in place, the government conducts inspections to make sure that the sanctioned units do not receive American training or equipment.

Admiral Mullen is acutely aware that the United States is in a difficult position on this issue, senior military officers said. He is pushing Pakistan to enter forbidding territory to take on Al Qaeda and the Pakistani Taliban — a point that Mr. Obama reinforced in his meeting with General Kayani — even as the administration is punishing Pakistani troops for human rights abuses.

A spokesman for Admiral Mullen, Capt. John Kirby, said in a statement Thursday night that the admiral had conveyed to General Kayani his “concerns about allegations surrounding the conduct of some Pakistani military units.” Captain Kirby said that Admiral Mullen “is comfortable that Gen. Kayani shares those concerns” and has taken steps to hold his commanders accountable for any abuses.

Part of the difference is a stark cultural gulf between Pakistani military units, especially the lightly trained Frontier Corps, and American troops. American officials have long suspected that some Pakistani units have killed unarmed detainees and their civilian sympathizers in revenge for attacks on military and police outposts.

The absence of a reliable court system to handle detainees also encourages battlefield justice, American officials say.

General Kayani, who is considered more influential than any civilian official in the weak Pakistani government, has begun to act on the American warnings, senior American officials said. He recently ordered an inquiry into an Internet video that shows men in Pakistani military uniforms executing six young men in civilian clothes.
Video of the Killings Warning: Contains Graphic Images
General Kayani said in a statement at the time that violations of army rules against extrajudicial killings “will not be tolerated.”

The Pakistani military has been accused of hundreds of extrajudicial killings. The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, a nongovernmental organization, said in June that 282 had been committed in the Swat region in the previous year.

But a senior State Department official said the Internet video seized the attention of senior officials at the White House and the State Department, and intensified discussions about how to deal with the issue. Some officials said the video might have also forced General Kayani to act.

“As General Kayani has said repeatedly in public and in private, professional standards and enforcement of those standards are the hallmark of a modern and successful military,” Tommy Vietor, a White House spokesman, said Thursday in a statement.

The White House’s most recent quarterly report to Congress on developments in the region cited continuing reports of gross violations of human rights in Pakistan. “There was some evidence that the Pakistani military has made initial steps to stop those abuses,” the report said. “However, despite U.S. engagement on the issue, reports of ongoing abuses continue to surface.”

Under pressure from the United States, the Pakistani Army in 2009 carried out an offensive in Swat in the northwest, and a year later in South Waziristan in the mountainous tribal regions along the border with Afghanistan. In each case, the army has struggled to conduct counterinsurgency missions that maintain public support while singling out insurgents and their sympathizers in the population.
Whats interesting is that Pakistan is always crying itself hoarse about Indian Army's excesses in Kashmir. I however havent seen any action/words by an official body of any country that is even 10% of the above. Goes to show how misplaced or unsupported are Pakistan's views and why..
As new military aid is announced, someone is already having ulcers.
US halts aid to some Pakistan military units

WASHINGTON: The Obama administration is withholding assistance to some Pakistani military units over concerns they may have been involved in human rights abuses, including extrajudicial killings and torture, a senior US official said Thursday.
The official said aid to a handful of Pakistani units believed to have committed, encouraged or tolerated abuses had been suspended under 1997 legislation championed by Democratic Sen. Patrick Leahy. The so-called Leahy Amendment bars US military assistance from going to foreign armed forces suspected of committing atrocities.

‘‘In accordance with the Leahy Amendment, we have withheld assistance from a small number of units linked to gross human rights violations,’’ the official said. ‘‘At the same time, we have encouraged Pakistan to improve its human rights training, and it is taking steps in that direction.’’

The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak publicly on the matter.

It was not immediately clear when the decision to withhold the assistance was first taken or exactly how many Pakistani military units were affected. The New York Times first reported the withholding of aid late Thursday.

Halting assistance to certain units will not affect broader US support for Pakistan’s military, which is considered key to counterterrorism efforts in the region.

The US is expected on Friday to announce a new military aid package for Pakistan worth about $2 billion over the next five years as it presses the country to do more to fight extremists there and in neighboring Afghanistan.

That announcement is planned at the end of three days of high-level strategic talks in Washington between top US and Pakistani officials, including Pakistani army chief Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kayani. Kayani has pledged to improve the Pakistani military’s human rights record in numerous discussions with US officials.

‘‘As General Kayani has said repeatedly in public and in private, professional standards and enforcement of those standards are the hallmark of a modern and successful military,’’ White House spokesman Tommy Vietor said in a statement.

‘‘These issues are part of our conversations with all militaries around the world with whom we work.’’ —AP

DAWN.COM | World | US halts aid to some Pakistan military units
The chief of Army Staff asked for inquiry, it will be a clear one. If proved that those killings were real responsible party will be dealt according to law.
US halts aid to some Pakistan military units

Friday, 22 Oct, 2010


The withholding of aid would not affect broader US support for Pakistan’s military, an official said.

WASHINGTON: The Obama administration is withholding assistance to some Pakistani military units over concerns they may have been involved in human rights abuses, including extrajudicial killings and torture, a senior US official said Thursday.

The official said aid to a handful of Pakistani units believed to have committed, encouraged or tolerated abuses had been suspended under 1997 legislation championed by Democratic Sen. Patrick Leahy. The so-called Leahy Amendment bars US military assistance from going to foreign armed forces suspected of committing atrocities.

‘‘In accordance with the Leahy Amendment, we have withheld assistance from a small number of units linked to gross human rights violations,’’ the official said. ‘‘At the same time, we have encouraged Pakistan to improve its human rights training, and it is taking steps in that direction.’’

The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak publicly on the matter.

It was not immediately clear when the decision to withhold the assistance was first taken or exactly how many Pakistani military units were affected. The New York Times first reported the withholding of aid late Thursday.

Halting assistance to certain units will not affect broader US support for Pakistan’s military, which is considered key to counterterrorism efforts in the region.

The US is expected on Friday to announce a new military aid package for Pakistan worth about $2 billion over the next five years as it presses the country to do more to fight extremists there and in neighboring Afghanistan.

That announcement is planned at the end of three days of high-level strategic talks in Washington between top US and Pakistani officials, including Pakistani army chief Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kayani. Kayani has pledged to improve the Pakistani military’s human rights record in numerous discussions with US officials.

‘‘As General Kayani has said repeatedly in public and in private, professional standards and enforcement of those standards are the hallmark of a modern and successful military,’’ White House spokesman Tommy Vietor said in a statement.

‘‘These issues are part of our conversations with all militaries around the world with whom we work.’’ —AP

DAWN.COM | World | US halts aid to some Pakistan military units
First off, nothing has been proven.

Secondly, if someone has violated discipline, the question of training them does not even arise. That person will have much bigger worries with respect to facing a Court Martial at the hands of the Pakistan Army.

Third, the concern expressed seems a little non-genuine when the US President himself agreed to keep pictures of CIA torture practices confidential. Shooting a captured militant vs. running large torture facilities over long periods of time... take your pick.

Fourth, I agree with one of the commenters above, at the end of the day this is nothing other than a weak smear campaign based on unsubstantiated news reports. Now that another $2.5B in military equipment is being considered for Pakistan, a lot of people are obviously losing sleep. Good.
its really funny that a country who completely ignored The Geneva Conventions while in Iraq & now in Afghanistan. whos military units have been and are involved in human rights abuses, including extrajudicial killings and torture accusing someone else of the same while nothing has been proved.
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