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Pakistani troops fire on intruding U.S. choppers

Pak troops did not fire on US helicopters: Pentagon
Updated at: 2353 PST, Monday, September 15, 2008
WASHINGTON: The Pentagon on Monday denied reports that Pakistani troops fired on two US military helicopters after they crossed into Pakistan from Afghanistan and forced them to turn back.

"I've checked into that and find it to be a spurious report," Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman told reporters. "Did not happen. I've checked all the places that would know about something like that and it doesn't appear to be accurate."

Earlier in the day, reports quoting Pakistani security officials said that firing by Pakistani troops forced US military helicopters to turn back to Afghanistan after they crossed into Pakistani territory in the early hours of Monday.

The incident took place near Angor Adda, a village in the tribal region of South Waziristan where US commandos in helicopters raided a suspected al-Qaida and Taliban camp earlier this month.

"The US choppers came into Pakistan by just 100 to 150 metres at Angor Adda. Even then our troops did not spare them, opened fire on them and they turned away," said one security official.

Pakistan is a crucial US ally in its war on terrorism, and its support is key to the success of Western forces trying to stabilise Afghanistan.
Pak troops did not fire on US helicopters: Pentagon - GEO.tv
I am speech-less and stunned.
this guys was either falsed emotion driven or had a agenda behind his speech

But this guy is challenging if any Pakistan's politician can visit that region. Also he is challenging if army can show a single dead body of taliban.
But this guy is challenging if any Pakistan's politician can visit that region. Also he is challenging if army can show a single dead body of taliban.

I am not sure meeting any of the 'challenges' he raises need to be addressed.

All the major news organizations have been covering the operation in Bajaur and have their journalists there, and have been verifying and reporting Taliban casualties through various sources, including local tribesmen.

Nowhere has this claim (of Hamid Mir's) been made (except by the Taliban, who also make similar claims after every encounter with NATO). Now the farce of an operation that was conducted in Khyber agency against Mangal Bagh was widely covered, and the lack of force was pointed out.

In this particular case, if the PA was trying to put up a show, it could have done the same - instead we see massive firepower, and validation from Maulvi Umer and Faqir Mohammed themselves that they were targeted, and that their men were killed but they managed to survive due to sheer luck since they were not in their vehicles.

All of this adds up to a lot of evidence that the PA has hit the militants hard in Bajaur.

Now as far as resentment is concerned, there has been collateral damage, and people have been made to flee their homes and become IDP's - that has to cause some resentment. However we also have the Salorzai tribe and others who have raised Lashkar's to combat the Taliban with the SF's.

I find Hamid Mir's views to be extremely prejudiced towards the Taliban POV. There is no rhyme or reason behind what he is arguing, and it contradicts the reports that have been filed by so many others from various organizations.

Is everyone but Hamid Mir lying here? His assertions are a bit outlandish in this case.

One other explanation could be that like with Mangal Bagh, there are some taliban commanders who have agreed to not fight the GoP, and they are unofficially being left alone, which is what Hamid Mir might be talking about.
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Agno, I told you all those who voted Sharif and Zardari are now dejected and those who were out spoken against army and Musharraf have lost their charm to media and now they have to discover new arguments and dimensions to cover the mess they created.
They respect Zardari for all his actions but never supported Musharraf. While in Musharraf's regime US never raided Pakistan.
Major difference is Zardari is not the right horse to bet for US. He will soon lose control simply because he has no respect. He can resort to target killings of his opponents as before but that will not be helpful for US cause.
US has axed its own feet by taking indian support in arming, training and developing TTP, which ironically are the murderers of BB.
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Please rethink what you wrote. US did raid during Musharraf time too.
No they never did.
Do u recount any such incident, when US soldiers crossed the line?
BTW, they never even mentioned about crossing the line.
Please rethink what you wrote. US did raid during Musharraf time too.

I think his point was about ground incursions where US SF broke down doors in Pakistani villages and killed people. Nevertheless, air or ground, an incursion is an incursion.
Thanks Blain2. I agree. Incursion is a incursion. American troops on ground or predators in air its all semantics.
Thanks Blain2. I agree. Incursion is a incursion. American troops on ground or predators in air its all semantics.

Sure it does but I was reffering to invasion by armed men.

Since now there has been a new situation developed by repulsing US raid. I suppose tribals did it without prior permission from govt. Does this means new front in WOT.
As we have witnessed that in Iraq and Afghanistan US had refrained using his own soldiers from beginning of conflict. Are we expecting to see Afghan or indian commandoes next landing in Pakistan in camouflage of US troops?
How is it possible to determine if the soldiers sitting in invading helicopter are of US origin?
Why fire in the air? Should have fired on them. They are the one that illegally cross our border without Pak Gov Approval. Its fully legal to fire up on them according to any international law's and standards. They have killed our soldiers in past havn't they?, and later just said sorry. Shoot em all down, and just say "Sorry, we thought it was the terrorists". If we do this 5-6 times, they will Stop (if they don't stop, then you already know that the war has begun). Grow some F...... BALLS... Mark my Words "Next time they wont come with only choppers", so we need to be 101% ready to face the growing threat.

1. Cut their food and oil supply and everything else that comes from PK + electricity that is sent to US and NATO bases on expense of the Pak people....
2. Shoot em down 5-6 times, and use the excuse tactics "sorry, we thought it was the terrorists"..
3. Spend some billions of dollars on Media worldwide.
4. Contact all Pak community leaders worldwide to gather economical and media support.
5. Join forces with IRAN, And all tribes that are against Us.
6. Stop the f... war on terror, and start fighting the KAFIR's.
7. Get Russia and china signedup on our side.
8. Use Nuke deterrent and get some long range missiles.
9. Join Iran to blow the hell out of ISRAELian M.F!
10. Give Nuke's to all Muslim countries for $$$ and use it to buy best goods from all over.
11. India may try to take advantage of this, so line up 100k forces along the boarder and
50-60 short and long range missiles with WARHEADs targeting every military, airbase,
major city in India, and give them no excuse. If they try as much cross 1m over our
boarder, Fire em all. That should keep them from taking any sort of advantage of
this situation. They will not dare to think of taking advantage. Desperate times demand
desperate measures..
12. Point Some short/long range missiles with warheads on NATO and US bases in
Afghanistan + Karzai's residens, iraq + all their naval vessels in Pak, indian and gulf
region + Israel (Agar marre ge to Sabb ko le karr marre ge)...
13. Grow some balls.. War has started what ever way you look at it. Some will say doing
all this is declaration of war, and a war we cant win. But if we do all i have mentioned
in this list, do you think any country in the world would want to start a war with
14. We need a Strong Leader. Eliminate all old, and get new Strong leaders.
15. Love and support your country no matter what.

With such measures, i am sure no FORCE on earth would Seriously Attack Pakistan.

*und maro Pain *odo ki...


Pakistan really needs to test a long range ICBM as soon as possible, that will have a sobering effect upon the Great Satan. If the Pakistani leadership does what Rehan has said there won't be any war with Pakistan at all, but of course the American friends in the Pakistani government do not want that, so they will try appeasement which will lead to a shameful surrender of Pakistan.
But this guy is challenging if any Pakistan's politician can visit that region. Also he is challenging if army can show a single dead body of taliban.
Anyone can just put forth big words like "challenge". He knows Zardari or Kayani won't come to Capital Talk and go like "Let's put some money on that".
If you go through google news you will find more than a handful of western commentators going WTF at Bush's decision to attack Pakistan.

So I guess its not all a lost cause. We shouldn't be sounding the war drums just yet.

I don't believe that it will come to full confrontation with the elections coming up in USA. Whatever is happening in FATA is the result of Mullen's strategy which imho is very much based on how he dealt with Iraq. :coffee:
I don't believe that it will come to full confrontation with the elections coming up in USA. Whatever is happening in FATA is the result of Mullen's strategy which imho is very much based on how he dealt with Iraq. :coffee:

Yeah but with Obama in power, dont expect any better either. Only a strong military responce will help americans come out of their clouded minds and understand that the world doesnt necessarily see things the way they do and Pakistan isnt iraq or afghanistan where they could just land and capture things up.
Testing an ICBM is the need of the hour. We need to get out of our strategy based on India alone and should see the real threat who under the disguise of this so callled friendship is stabbing Pakistan in the back and even threatning to attack.
Yeah but with Obama in power, dont expect any better either. Only a strong military responce will help americans come out of their clouded minds and understand that the world doesnt necessarily see things the way they do and Pakistan isnt iraq or afghanistan where they could just land and capture things up.
Testing an ICBM is the need of the hour. We need to get out of our strategy based on India alone and should see the real threat who under the disguise of this so callled friendship is stabbing Pakistan in the back and even threatning to attack.

Pakistan should seriously consider the last part of this post. America has been stabbing Pakistan for a very long time. India cannot be the main threat to Pakistan because without the economic and technological support of the west, India is nothing. Pakistan should have developed a strategy based on the real threat to Pakistan but unfortunately for too long Pakistan failed to do that. However, it's better late than never.
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