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Pakistani Trans Community Just Celebrated The Country's First Trans Pride Parade

You need education.

Trans are people, human beings. They're born with these traits. What else are you going to do? - kill em?

Trans marriages are allowed according to a comprehensive fatwa.

They are not "gay" you know .

Education? On what exactly.. I never said I have something against them nor do I remember saying I denounce trans marriages. They are human beings understand, but quite frankly parading on the streets is just uncalled for.

I understand your support for this particular community, but No need to be offended. Only a forum, only views, learn to respect them and relax.
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In countries like Pakistan where bigotry and dehumanizing people is said to be a ‘’difference of opinion’’ these trans people came out on streets to give out a major statement that they cannot be erased.

On Saturday December 29th 2018, the trans community of Pakistan celebrated the country’s first trans pride parade in Lahore

Source: Queeristan / Facebook

They also lauded the government for passing the bill on the rights of trans individuals
A press conference was held at Lahore Press Club on Saturday where the members of trans community demanded the implementation of trans rights bill.


Source: Queeristan / Facebook

They community also celebrated their existence with a medley of colors and fun in a small pride march

Source: Queeristan / Facebook
They carried out a rally on the streets of Lahore and honestly it is just so amazing (and pretty).

It was the first ever Trans Pride March in the history of Pakistan.


Source: Queeristan / Facebook

When it comes to representation of LGBTQ community in the country, the ground realities don’t really match the government’s efforts
Most cisgender (straight) people of Pakistan were clueless about the parade.

Faizan Fiaz @Faizan_Fiaz

Pakistan’s first Transgender Pride March took place in Lahore yesterday and no one noticed??


1:02 PM - Dec 30, 2018

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It’s not all bad though, as those who found out that the first ever trans pride parade of Pakistan happened were pretty excited
They were hoping for Pakistan to become a country where everybody can have equal rights and opportunities.


Via: Twitter

Trans pride march is all about solidarity, and trans visibility and everybody should be celebrating that
Some people are admiring the courage of these people because Pakistan still unfortunately remains a country where tolerance of anything other than a Punjabi Sunni Mard is pretty low.


Via: Twitter

Recently Pakistan has been making strides in the acceptance of the trans community and state level
The country is, in fact, being hailed as one of the most progressive around the world forTransgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act and has shown acceptance of trans community in public spaces with people like Marvia Malik and Kami Sid becoming mainstream public figures who aren’t caricatures of their true self.


Source: dawn.com
Do you see Pakistan becoming a country in near future where trans and other gender identities are accepted and celebrated? Let us know in the comments.
Good , every human has right to live with dignity .Thanks to imran Khan govt .
In Iran we call them either koon kon/ kooni/koonde......you are one of the three.... Lol

Kooni is general like fag
Koon kon is the one who gives
Koonde is the one who receives


No other way to describe the situation. Our city of Qazvin is world famous for kooni activities......:astagh::astagh:
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Live and let live friends; all are god's creations.

"Trans" people or whatever the heck they are called, should be placed in a mental asylum. Few weeks in the correctional institute should knock some enlightenment into their heads—a permanent return to their biological gender.
Let us start with the mullahs first if you dont mind.
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