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Pakistani Taliban vow tough guerrilla war


Oct 29, 2009
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Pakistani Taliban have started a guerrilla war against the army and will wage a tough, protracted fight in the insurgents' South Waziristan stronghold, a Taliban spokesman said on Tuesday.

The army went on the offensive in South Waziristan, a lawless ethnic Pashtun region on the Afghan border, on October 17, aiming to root out Pakistani Taliban militants behind a wave of violence in urban areas.

The offensive is closely watched by the United States and other powers embroiled in Afghanistan, as South Waziristan's rugged landscape of barren mountains, patchy forest and hidden ravines has become a global centre of Islamist militancy.

Soldiers have been advancing into the militant heartland from three directions, have captured a string of important bases and entered the Taliban headquarters in the town of Makeen, the army said.

But Taliban spokesman Azam Tariq played down the militants' losses.

"They are capturing roads while our people are still operating in the forests and mountains," Tariq told Reuters by telephone from an undisclosed location.

"We have started guerrilla war against the Pakistani army. We've carried out several actions against the army and inflicted heavy losses on them," he said.

According to army figures, 486 militants have been killed since the offensive began while 48 soldiers have died.

There has been no independent verification of casualties as reporters and other independent observers are not allowed into the war zone except on an occasional trip with the military.

The violence has unsettled trade on Pakistan's stock market and the main index was 1.07 percent lower at 8,840.58 at 0752 GMT in thin trade.

Tariq vowed a long, tough fight.

"They thought they would capture Waziristan easily but the fight in Waziristan will be tougher than in Kashmir," he said.

Indian security forces have been battling separatist guerrillas in the disputed Muslim-majority Himalayan region of Kashmir since 1989. Tens of thousands of people have been killed.

The militants have stepped up attacks in town and cities since the offensive was launched, killing several hundred people.

Asked about the attacks, most carried out by suicide bombers, Tariq said: "Whoever harms our movement will be given a lesson."

The government says Tariq's real name is Raees Khan Mehsud and has offered a reward of $5 million (3 million pound) for information leading to his capture "dead or alive."

The government has also offered rewards for 18 other top Pakistani Taliban members, including leader Hakimullah Mehsud.

Pakistani Taliban vow tough guerrilla war | World | Reuters
Pakistani Taliban have started a guerrilla war against the army and will wage a tough, protracted fight in the insurgents' South Waziristan stronghold, a Taliban spokesman said on Tuesday.

we're waiting !!!
bring it on !!!
These cowards just keep claiming we did this and that blah blah .. The fact is they are retreating and their leader (hakimullah mehsud) is asking them to hold ground or they'll be sent to hell. Its a falling army now,their top leadership is gone and now there is no one to hold them together,although there are going to be some resistant pockets in near future but the show is about to end, and now the center of insurgency is shifting from Pakistan to India (moast rebel's activities).

From talibans here i mean TTP (tehreeq-e-taliban-Pakistan)
As usuall PA is doing a great job and showing the world their capabilities, but the TTP leadership must be captured in order to finish the foreign funded TTP once for all.
These deceptive TTP thugs are always boasting and making hollow claims !!!!
its nothing new !!!
It was funny to have read a report in The Daily Times of Islamabad that Hakimullah has issued a fatwa for the retreating Taliban from SWA to stay and fight the 'devil' enemy and not to retreat like shameless cowards.

All this from an unknown location and in the comfort of his own hide out well away from the conflict zone. Seems like the coward TTP leadership is trying to push an equally coward bunch of local criminals-for-hire who have realized that why be the fodder for a bunch of goons who themselves hide while encouraging others to fight on! Great Leadership from the Taliban and this leadership is issuing threats for a tough gorilla war??? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Freakin' PUSSIES!
These miscreants will be booted out very soon, I hope.

The main benefit for those TTP wala Talibans in SWA is that they're close to Afghanistan. Whenever they wish, they go beyond the border and then boomerang. They equally get support of those RaW backed agents from across the border. While it was a bit different during Swat operation.
But never underestimate an enemy especially when it has support from major global players like India, America and Israel.
But never underestimate an enemy especially when it has support from major global players like India, America and Israel.

You are right, we do not which is the reason of our continued success in suppressing these pussies in their strong holds!

Again not so much a doubt about US and maybe Israel as the great gamers, but India still remains a novice and quite exposed in its espionage efforts in the areas of Swat, and SWA etc.
But never underestimate an enemy especially when it has support from major global players like India, America and Israel.

Well, I did notice that the OP is an Indian who posted the article, almost with glee it seems.
Asked about the attacks, most carried out by suicide bombers, Tariq said: "Whoever harms our movement will be given a lesson."
this guy's got a big mouth, watch when he gets arrested, just like muslim khan. Put a big size 12 army shoe up his ***.
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TTP and Al Qaeda leadership may be hidding in Indian held Kashmir ?

Enemy of enemy is friend:D
lets wait and see the real test will be when the people return and are we going to be able to provide them with better living conditions or not.

Let these clown say what they will i dont think even their own ranks are now listening to what they are saying that is why hakimullah is making such statements.
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