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Pakistani Taliban chief's wife killed in missile strike

There was some drop in suicide attacks in Pakistan for last one month but it gona rise now.
Apparently some one do n t wants Pakistan stay out of violence.

---------- Post added at 02:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:20 PM ----------

Good riddance :tsk:

That what I am talking about US do n t understand these people. Woman got no power in tribal area. Killing woman and children make it worst.
What is between US army and Taliban’s if they both kill woman children?
Well it’s a fact US troops kill more civilians than Taliban.
its sad poor women is been killed who has nothing to with this ... Baitullah might have 3 others wives as a back up!
There was some drop in suicide attacks in Pakistan for last one month but it gona rise now.
Apparently some one do n t wants Pakistan stay out of violence.

---------- Post added at 02:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:20 PM ----------

That what I am talking about US do n t understand these people. Woman got no power in tribal area. Killing woman and children make it worst.
What is between US army and Taliban’s if they both kill woman children?
Well it’s a fact US troops kill more civilians than Taliban.

US is not killing women and children deliberately ,but in Pakistan drone attackes on innocient civilian is really shamefull.

drones are based on most advance technology , chances of mistake is negiligible .
The target was BM, obviousaly the Americans did not target his wife on purpose. But whenever i hear this bast**** name, my blood starts boiling and there is only one thing i want to see and that is see this a**hole die. Its payback time BM, you have caused enough misery in our country now we will bring misery on you. He did not care about all the innocent women and children he was killing, why should we? Its about time my fellow countrymen realize that we are fighting savages here, and to win against savages we have to fight like savages too.
poor woman (if she wasn't involved in baitu's terror ways). anyway, I doubt this news would even make that evil bastard flinch. Women to these people are slaves, there only to satisfy their needs and bear their children. He doesn't have any pleasant memories of vacation at a nice spot with her, a family picnic to long for etc. He has plenty of wives and mistresses to serve him.
What is between US army and Taliban’s if they both kill woman children?
Well it’s a fact US troops kill more civilians than Taliban.

It is not a fact that the US kills more civilians than the Taliban. THAT is a lie. See if you can prove your lie. If not, apologize for lying and misleading people with irhabi propaganda on this forum.
Now BM know how you feel if some one died in your familly. RIP

if found guilty

If??? - from his own statements he IS guilty. Lets recall all the innocents Baitullah cold bloodedly dispatched - lets recall the Pakistani soldiers they skinned alive, the soldiers they cut the throats of on the internet.

Guilty!! We deliver justice, not revenge, not retribution, JUSTICE!
It is not a fact that the US kills more civilians than the Taliban. THAT is a lie. See if you can prove your lie. If not, apologize for lying and misleading people with irhabi propaganda on this forum.

You need to stop promoting your crusader imperialist propaganda.
Women, children, elderly are all non-combatants and should not be killed, especially taking into account Islamic/moral principles

The Taliban does not feel that way. Their version of Islam is to kill them all and let God sort them out.

His wife was guilty, she knew who and what he was and did not turn him in to the authorities. Islam grants her the right of divorce, she chose to stay with him. She is an accomplice to mass murder via harboring a mass murderer so he can strike again. She after all had militant guards of her own (how was she alone with men not married to her unless the guards were enuchs?).
The weakest part of a relation comes when one of the person has to give explanation to prove the truth...

Chill: Predator Drones Kill More Civilians Than Terrorists - War on Terrorism - Zimbio

two different arguments there.

Argument 1- US kills more Pakistanis than the Taliban does. This is false, the Taliban/AQ kill more Pakistanis and Afghans.

Argument 2- US drone strikes kill more civillians than terrorists in a strike. This is true to an extent. The article you provided showed that 687 Pakistani's had been killed by drone strikes along with 14 senior Taliban/AQ figures. This is only partly true. Those 14 AQ/Taliban leaders had guards, family, guests, supporters and functionaries with them, so to call all 687 innocent civilians is dishonest. Only when there is a clean miss, or damage outside the target can we be sure that the casualties were innocent. If Mr Big Taliban is in a building and its brought down around his ears and kills him and everyone else in it, how many of those people with him could claim to be innocent? Certainly no one over the age of 14 or so.
Drone kills Mehsud’s wife
6 AUGUST 2009

By Mushtaq Yusufzai & Irfan Burki

PESHAWAR/WANA: Four people, including the younger wife of banned Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) chief Baitullah Mehsud, were killed and a few others critically injured in a drone attack on the house of Baitullah’s father-in-law in Zangara village of Laddha subdivision in the South Waziristan Agency (SWA).

Taliban sources close to Baitullah Mehsud confirmed the killing of his wife in the drone attack, but strongly denied the reports that the TTP chief too was killed in the missile strikes. “Yes, I can confirm this bad news about the loss of his wife,” said a senior Taliban commander, based in Mirali, North Waziristan Agency, who wished not to be named. He, however, denied reports that Baitullah Mehsud too was killed in the strike.

He said the second wife of the TTP leader and four children were injured but their condition was stable. Official and tribal sources told The News from the troubled tribal region that the US spy plane fired two missiles at the house of Ikramuddin Mehsud. They said the attack took place on credible information about the presence of the TTP leader in the house.

Some family members of Malik Ikramuddin told The News that Baitullah Mehsud often visited the house to meet his family members. However, they said they were not aware whether the Taliban commander was present in the house when it was struck at around 2am on the night between Tuesday and Wednesday.

Relatives of Ikramuddin were surprised over the accuracy of the target hit by the spy planes, saying the US aircraft hit the room where Baitullah usually stayed with his family. Officials said it was the first casualty of any close relatives of the Pakistani Taliban commander in US missile strikes.

His brother Yahya Mehsud was killed in mysterious circumstances in Bannu last year. Mohammad Iqbal, a nephew of Malik Ikramuddin, told reporters that a woman was killed and four children were injured in the drone attack on his uncle’s house.

He said Baitullah was not present in the house during the attack and thus remained safe. He said around 40 people, including the family head Malik Ikramuddin, were staying in the house when it was attacked. He claimed only one room of the large house was damaged in the missile strikes.

Baitullah married the daughter of Ikramuddin, a tribal elder from the Shabikhel branch of Mehsud tribe, in October last year. Baitullah, too, is from the Shabikhel Mehsud clan. Hakimullah Mehsud, deputy to Baitullah Mehsud, confirmed the attack on the house of his leader’s father-in-law, but denied the loss of his wife. “There is no truth in media reports that the said wife of Ameer Saib (Baitullah) has been killed in the drone attack,” the Taliban commander told media persons from an undisclosed location. He said Baitullah had already withdrawn his family from the area when the situation deteriorated as a result of the military operation launched by the government against them.

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