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Pakistani’s Not Allowed In “At Home” Chinese Restaurant Islamabad


Sep 25, 2009
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Courtesy: Pro-pakistan.com

On January 5th 2010, Tuesday night a group of five of us; two ladies and their respective husbands along with another family friend decided to try out this Chinese restaurant called “At Home” located in Islamabad, F-8-1, Street 30, House 12-A. As we made our way to the gate, we could see a large number of cars parked outside this restaurant/house. The gate was firmly locked and a waiter walked out of the front door, glanced at us from behind the closed gate and said “No Pakistani’s allowed”. We were obviously taken aback and politely asked him to call the manager. He refused and said that it was his job not to let any Pakistani’s inside. We were shocked, embarrassed and naturally lost our temper. Meanwhile foreign customers were walking in and out of the restaurant as us Pakistani’s stood disgraced. Harsh words were exchanged between us and the waiter and we walked off the premises feeling humiliated as never before.

‘At Home’ is apparently being operated by a Chinese woman. I am fairly certain that the restaurant is not registered with the relevant tax departments. It was later that we learned that not only is this restaurant illegal, as it is a commercial business in a residential area, but it also openly sells alcoholic beverages.

The reason for writing this letter is to highlight this important issue of discrimination against us in our own country. What was the point of gaining our independence if we are prevented from going somewhere in our own country and that too by a foreigner? So this is an appeal to the authorities and the general public to investigate and boycott this restaurant."

The above letter is taken from the Facebook page of a group that appeal against this act of of humiliation against us on our own land inside our own capital whose very name is “ISLAMABAD (The City where Islam Lives and Prospers or The City of Muslims). The letter is supposedly written by Syed Salman Shah

Few days back i was having a discussion with my brother and we reached a solid conclusion that the real irony of Pakistani’s is that they will never learn to fight for their rights! We will love to stand in long ques for Atta, Cheeni (Sugar) and Gas but we will never come out to stand for an hour infront of Parliament house to protest the illegal hoarding of such things. We will love to get slapped in public by our politicians but we will never stand up to fight for our rights.The most we can do is to take out our frustration here at Internet from the safety of our warm rooms sitting on a couch or lying in bed with our laptops on top of us.

This is the irony! Internet is always a medium of communication but revolutions are never brought on the net! Real revolutions are brought when the people come out on the streets and brace the cold and hot weathers to fight for their right in a peaceful manner.

Now the above mentioned facebook page protesting this injustice has 1900+ fans and they are mostly based in Islamabad. I wonder what will happen if those 1900 people come out for a peaceful protest outside this restaurant decided to stay there till the time their JUST demand of equal treatment is not fulfilled. Moreover, they should also raise up their voices against the illegal business of this hotel. I am sure just one day and this restaurant will be out of business since Foreigners will never go to the place which has security issues.

I am not dictating any illegal steps here or in favor of harming anyone business but at the same time we can not let anyone disgrace our beloved Pakistani’s any where in the world and not to speak inside our own country Capital City!

Pro-Pakistan joins this protest against this Stupid and unjust move by “At Home” Chinese Restaurnat and demand the Chief Justice of Pakistan to take a suo moto of this case and restore the rights of Pakistani’s inside their own land. Moroever, we also request all our readers to express their opinions here and to show their readiness to join us in a peaceful proteset against this move by the Chinese Restaurant in the capital city of Pakistan.

Facebook Page Link Protesting the “At Home” Restaurant
Pakistanis not allowed 'At Home' Restaurant F-8-1 Islamabad | Facebook
Courtesy: Pro-pakistan.com

On January 5th 2010, Tuesday night a group of five of us; two ladies and their respective husbands along with another family friend decided to try out this Chinese restaurant called “At Home” located in Islamabad, F-8-1, Street 30, House 12-A. As we made our way to the gate, we could see a large number of cars parked outside this restaurant/house. The gate was firmly locked and a waiter walked out of the front door, glanced at us from behind the closed gate and said “No Pakistani’s allowed”. We were obviously taken aback and politely asked him to call the manager. He refused and said that it was his job not to let any Pakistani’s inside. We were shocked, embarrassed and naturally lost our temper. Meanwhile foreign customers were walking in and out of the restaurant as us Pakistani’s stood disgraced. Harsh words were exchanged between us and the waiter and we walked off the premises feeling humiliated as never before.

‘At Home’ is apparently being operated by a Chinese woman. I am fairly certain that the restaurant is not registered with the relevant tax departments. It was later that we learned that not only is this restaurant illegal, as it is a commercial business in a residential area, but it also openly sells alcoholic beverages.

The reason for writing this letter is to highlight this important issue of discrimination against us in our own country. What was the point of gaining our independence if we are prevented from going somewhere in our own country and that too by a foreigner? So this is an appeal to the authorities and the general public to investigate and boycott this restaurant."

The above letter is taken from the Facebook page of a group that appeal against this act of of humiliation against us on our own land inside our own capital whose very name is “ISLAMABAD (The City where Islam Lives and Prospers or The City of Muslims). The letter is supposedly written by Syed Salman Shah

Few days back i was having a discussion with my brother and we reached a solid conclusion that the real irony of Pakistani’s is that they will never learn to fight for their rights! We will love to stand in long ques for Atta, Cheeni (Sugar) and Gas but we will never come out to stand for an hour infront of Parliament house to protest the illegal hoarding of such things. We will love to get slapped in public by our politicians but we will never stand up to fight for our rights.The most we can do is to take out our frustration here at Internet from the safety of our warm rooms sitting on a couch or lying in bed with our laptops on top of us.

This is the irony! Internet is always a medium of communication but revolutions are never brought on the net! Real revolutions are brought when the people come out on the streets and brace the cold and hot weathers to fight for their right in a peaceful manner.

Now the above mentioned facebook page protesting this injustice has 1900+ fans and they are mostly based in Islamabad. I wonder what will happen if those 1900 people come out for a peaceful protest outside this restaurant decided to stay there till the time their JUST demand of equal treatment is not fulfilled. Moreover, they should also raise up their voices against the illegal business of this hotel. I am sure just one day and this restaurant will be out of business since Foreigners will never go to the place which has security issues.

I am not dictating any illegal steps here or in favor of harming anyone business but at the same time we can not let anyone disgrace our beloved Pakistani’s any where in the world and not to speak inside our own country Capital City!

Pro-Pakistan joins this protest against this Stupid and unjust move by “At Home” Chinese Restaurnat and demand the Chief Justice of Pakistan to take a suo moto of this case and restore the rights of Pakistani’s inside their own land. Moroever, we also request all our readers to express their opinions here and to show their readiness to join us in a peaceful proteset against this move by the Chinese Restaurant in the capital city of Pakistan.

Facebook Page Link Protesting the “At Home” Restaurant
Pakistanis not allowed 'At Home' Restaurant F-8-1 Islamabad | Facebook

Before 1947, Britishers used a notification to stop Indians (including Pakistanis and Bangladeshis) from entering in a premises

Dogs and Indians are not allowed

Now Independent Pakistan have such notifications

Pakistanis are not allowed

Wake up guys fight for your right and get access in 'At Home' instead of condemning on PDF :pakistan::china: :smitten:
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Reminds me of the old South Africa. "Animals, Coolies (sub continent Asians), Kaffirs (Blacks) not allowed. Whites Only" If this is true then it is disgusting.
@ Amjad: if you have objection with the restaurant selling alcohal than you should not go their. It is private bussiness not a state office which is for every one. yes discrimination is bad and it is worst in US and EU.
In this case you must understand if you go in than their will be even more problems because of difference in cultural values.
On the other hand foreign guessts will also be uncomfortable, if you just go their as passive viewer..... trust me you will also feel complete allien. Those people go their because they got to meet each other in private. I bet you won't even like the food as foreign Chinese is different than what you are used to.
There are plenty of other Chinese to eat and no need ot make senselization out ofit.
Now Independent Pakistan (dependent on China and US) have such notifications

Typical indian. This will turn the whole thread into :flame::flame:
@ Amjad: if you have objection with the restaurant selling alcohal than you should not go their. It is private bussiness not a state office which is for every one. yes discrimination is bad and it is worst in US and EU.
In this case you must understand if you go in than their will be even more problems because of difference in cultural values.
On the other hand foreign guessts will also have problems if you just go their as passive viewer and can't share discussion. I bet you won't even like the food as foreign Chinese is different than what you are used to.
There are plenty of other Chinese to eat and no need ot make senselization out ofit.

Don't you think that it should be your decision to visit it instead of the owner's :tdown:

Do you advocate that Pakistanis should not be allowed in a restaurant or hotel owned by other national. Thats too in your own country :tdown:
Reminds me of the old South Africa. "Animals, Coolies (sub continent Asians), Kaffirs (Blacks) not allowed. Whites Only" If this is true then it is disgusting.

Correction: "Kaffirs" means anybody who considers there exist more gods in addition to Allah. It has nothing to do with ethnecity or skin color.

Don't get carried away with one one man's thoughts only. This is an issue to explore further and lets not conclude until more information is available in this regard. Thank in advance for keeping the senses up.
@Forum members living in Islamabad...... guys, go there and see if this is for real. Making reservations, I can understand but this behaviour should not be acceptable. This obviously is a individual incident and is no way representative of any community, but this business should not be allowed to run. Yours and Our elders fought and made sacrifices to ensure that we do not get such treatment. Distasteful, disgusting behaviour.......
^^^why are you so worried for the freedom in Pakistani resturants?
didn't you read my post properly....before asking questions?
It is private bussiness off limits.... we need to solve the matter of indians having soldiers in embassy against international norms.
we have to solve the issue of americans harrasing Pakistanis in streets which is public place... and disrespect policement which are public officials.
i know in india million places where only white tourists are allowed but not stinky people. will you go there?
^^^why are you so worried for the freedom in Pakistani resturants?
didn't you read my post properly....before asking questions?
It is private bussiness off limits.... we need to solve the matter of indians having soldiers in embassy against international norms.
we have to solve the issue of americans harrasing Pakistanis in streets which is public place... and disrespect policement which are public officials.
i know in india million places where only white tourists are allowed but not stinky people. will you go there?

Can you let us know some??
Please do not say USA embassy......:lol:
^^^why are you so worried for the freedom in Pakistani resturants?
didn't you read my post properly....before asking questions?
It is private bussiness off limits.... we need to solve the matter of indians having soldiers in embassy against international norms.
we have to solve the issue of americans harrasing Pakistanis in streets which is public place... and disrespect policement which are public officials.
i know in india million places where only white tourists are allowed but not stinky people. will you go there?

Are you saying that Pakistanis are stinky people so they are not allowed there?man have some respect on yourself at least or are you suggesting Indians are stinky..then we consider it as some one with high ignorance ranting here :tongue:
Well if the Chinese Restaurant does not want Business from Pakistani's....just stp going there....go and spend your money at some place better.

Whats the fuss about.
There are no Pakistanis in india and those who have ever visited india or worked with post 9/11 indians, know it very well.
now get out of this issue which is not related with you from miles.
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