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Pakistani rupee getting strong, soon to hit 150 against the dollar

i will be happy if its reached 120-110

I have done a linear graph for recovery of rupees based on various projects and investment Projections. If economy continues to stabilize and move toward growth, we might see rupee going down to 100 by 2023

PKR is highly undervalued...

DollarMaffia made billions by using MarasiMedia and created hype of Dollar going 180PKR...

FIA never investigated and common Paks ended up being Victim of Khottaism.

PKR's natural value should remian between 125 to 135.... for next two plus years... bringing it down after that gradually.

More important thing is to bring inflation down... current InterstRates are too high... around 10% is good for couple of years and then brought down gradually when Forex are more than DebtRedemption/Import Bill...

However, most important thing is to totally stop MoneyLaundering through hundi/hawala .... stop smuggling and make carrying foreign currency in cash a crime... money should be put in the Banks... this will flood the banking system with Dollars and will help PKR.

Maffia within FinMin needs to be dismantled which works for DollarTraders and StockBrokers...

Crubz on Imports is still quite weak... just consider mobile phones... 110Million Users in Pakistan and not made in Pakistan.... same goes for imported cloths... and abusrdity of a defaulting state ..DogFood...

Only edible oil...medicine and feul products must be allowed to import... rest at least 800% import duties... with smuggling ban.. we are in Positive Territory!!!

@ps3linux @PakSword

our system is rotten to the core.


only way to fix it is either go to harsh MarshalLawPlus plan or go toward Saudi system of public punishment.
FYI state bank lending is synonymous to govt printing unnecessary notes
TBH, still very difficult to understand. :ashamed:
to understand the effects over pricing of currency plz visit: (link)

In most simple term
1 - it will increase the cost of production and services in the country
2 - due to the increase value of money
3 - which mean services, labour, raw material and all other inputs produced in Pakistan will become expensive
4 - and imported good and services will become cheaper therefore imports will increase
5 - this will affect negatively the production and services within the country
6 - which will force local business to either shutdown, layoff, implement adjustments, restructuring, reduction, resizing resulting
7 - Slowdown of local economy
8 - which will further contribute in low consumption of goods and services in country triggering Recession
9 - increase Trade deficit
10 - which will consume the existing foreign reserves
11 - and to meet BOP commitments economy would be forced to take expensive foreign loan
12 - which will force the currency devaluation even if favourable adjustments of exchange rate are implemented
13 - local economy structure which was already suffering by negative effects of artificial overvaluation of currency will not generate the business locally on mass scale to address the situation
14 - as basic economic structure would take let's say 8-10 years to recover to normal status

BTW we have witness all these happening in Past few years in Pakistan .... Recall the era of DAR- Economy
I think it’s look reasonable on paper in ideal situation but considering Pakistan has high consumption market, and most of export products are lot cheaper than import products.

I would rather have food items and everyday goods not being exported and consumed internally for cheaper price, which will increase stander of living. I rather have cheap dollar so that Pakistan can import high tech, business, Defence and other equipment plus build dam and Payoff loans. I think Pakistan is losing more money by keeping RS cheap for a short term gain (short cut trick) then it would have gained by keeping it strong, via business, purchasing power and leverage.

RS needs to go back to 60- 70. Ideal would be 1.

is it possible Pakistan artificially bring back $$ to lest than 50. Pay of its loans and builds dams and than let it lose to devalue? :mamba:
What would happen to economy when it's time to payback these loans?

IMF loans, Saudi loans, Malaysian loans, Afghani loans, Syrian loans, Chinese loans, we have taken loans from every country on the map.

It's a surprise that economy is barely showing signs of recovery after these much loans and gigantic taxes.

Will the next government complain for 5 years how PTI destroyed the economy and kept economy artificially good when it comes time to finally repay these loans on gigantic Riba?

It seems Pakistan is heading that way. And this time, we don't have an auto industry, people have lost even more jobs, growth is lowest. Seems like Pakistan will probably become an African country after PTI is done with it
Key difference being Dar unnaturally kept the ruppee inflated when its actual worth had fallen thereby burning through precious foreign exchange to defend the ruppee.
Forget about economy, how Pak had survived with such Satanic proxy traitors, with a support base, at her helms????
They're just loan tranches being released to Pakistan from IMF, WB, ADB, etc. I don't know why PTI is portraying them as investments.
You must be kidding, being financial analyst I knew it from the day when Asad umar was replaced that those hard and harsh decisions will start paying off within a year.... And here it is......
I hope all predictions are proven wrong and by the end of 2020 it would he around 100$ once again. But for that all courpt people should be either killed or jailed.
You must be kidding, being financial analyst I knew it from the day when Asad umar was replaced that those hard and harsh decisions will start paying off within a year.... And here it is......

You're not a very good "financial analyst".
They're just loan tranches being released to Pakistan from IMF, WB, ADB, etc. I don't know why PTI is portraying them as investments.
You're not a very good "financial analyst".
You're not a very good "financial analyst".
Ah you are hurt.... You are actually in bughze imran

You are damn right.... He is in bughze imran nothing would help
Friday 13-December-2019:
£1 = 206.5827 PKR

Wednesday 1-August-2018:
£1 = 162.1146 PKR

Devalued by 54 Rupees for every pound in just 16-months.


Pathetic. Apparently all this damage was done to the currency deliberately to increase exports. (Export what exactly?)

Why not just devalue the rupee so it's £1 = 1,000,000 PKR like the Turkish Lira is. May that'll magically increase Pakistan' s exports to $100 billion within the next 3 and half years.
i will be happy if its reached 120-110
A realistic figure is145
Friday 13-December-2019:
£1 = 206.5827 PKR

Wednesday 1-August-2018:
£1 = 162.1146 PKR

Devalued by 54 Rupees for every pound in just 16-months.


Pathetic. Apparently all this damage was done to the currency deliberately to increase exports. (Export what exactly?)

Why not just devalue the rupee so it's £1 = 1,000,000 PKR like the Turkish Lira is. May that'll magically increase Pakistan' s exports to $100 billion within the next 3 and half years.

Hahaha .. GBP to PKR comparison! That too after GBP jumped against USD and EUR! Why don't you put in the August 2018 and Now conversion rates of GBP v USD & EUR?

Our imports are not in GBP! Stick with the currency we do international trade and that is USD!
Hahaha .. GBP to PKR comparison! That too after GBP jumped against USD and EUR! Why don't you put in the August 2018 and Now conversion rates of GBP v USD & EUR?

Our imports are not in GBP! Stick with the currency we do international trade and that is USD!

He doesnt even know which currency we used for import bill but whatever his master given to say and he take salary.
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