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Pakistani response to Indian Nuclear Tests?

We will never test this time just replay viedeos of 28 may 1998 and enjoy because time is not in our faver now

We have far more Foreign exchange reserves when compared to 1998 to finance our imports and West is far more dependent on Pakistani help in Afghanistan, so I would say that Pakistan is in much better economic and political position to test then it was in 1998.:pakistan:

Our only major issue will be Mr. Unlimited %
i think pakistan dont need to test more bcaz we have already tested %101

now we should answer indian new tests with Plutonium Bomb or trojan bomb
and later indian wil say again they have failed test hehe
Guys can you think more than asking for money..... Is it the only credibility left to find out ways to ask for money again and again....

And then people say there are so many beggars in India. Lol

And yes Guys there is also a possibility that you try to threaten the world and the world gets threatened thinking that you may use their money to test and then stops the existing aid also
Hot tests will be necessary for number of reasons

  1. For validating a Pakistani thermonuclear bomb design. So far we have only tested low yield boosted fission devices.

  2. For validating a high yield boosted fission warheads for our long range ballistic and cruise missiles.

  3. Tests are also required if we want to use MIRV on our ballistic missiles in future to counter Indian painted ABMs.

  4. Lastly we need to test a nuclear devices based on plutonium.
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Hot tests will be necessary

  1. For validating a Pakistani thermonuclear bomb design. So far we have only tested low yield boosted fission devices.

  2. For validating a high yield boosted fission warheads for our long range ballistic and cruise missiles.

  3. Tests are also required if we want to use MIRV on our ballistic missiles in future to counter Indian painted ABMs.

  4. Lastly we need to test a nuclear devices based on plutonium.

what do u mean no country gives abms tech to other countries:disagree:

Does pakistan really really need to perform any more live tests----I think india should go ahead and do what it wants to and pakistan must take the high road this time----and get some donors to pay of its debts and get trade concessions.

The time is over for pakistan to conduct any more tests as for now. Pakistan does not need to prove any of its potency issues. Let india do what it wants to----if they want to be happy to conduct more---then be it. But I think----it will be a people relation disaster the world over and especially with japan and australia.

Does pakistan really really need to perform any more live tests----I think india should go ahead and do what it wants to and pakistan must take the high road this time----and get some donors to pay of its debts and get trade concessions.

The time is over for pakistan to conduct any more tests as for now. Pakistan does not need to prove any of its potency issues. Let india do what it wants to----if they want to be happy to conduct more---then be it. But I think----it will be a people relation disaster the world over and especially with japan and australia.

Makes a lot of sense but after taking so much concessions from west it will be a dead end for pakistan's Nuclear weapons program. It will be very very difficult for Pakistan to conduct any tests in future. I dont know if we really need any future tests but we should keep this in mind.
I don't think the Indian want to conduct any new tests - they do however; seek to elicit a insecure and 'ghairatmand" response from the Pakistani government and politicians, and in doing so, create a net negative PR campaign for Pakistan.

I must say that I'm generally impressed that the politicians and the people did not fall for the ploy - could it be that the population is maturing in the way it wants to handle the issue?
Let india do what it wants to----if they want to be happy to conduct more---then be it. But I think----it will be a people relation disaster the world over and especially with japan and australia.

Australia won't say anything. It doesn't want to jeopardize relations with the huge economic markets in India or China.

Especially after the recent Indian student bashing fiasco, Australia has been bending over backwards to please India.

Does pakistan really really need to perform any more live tests----I think india should go ahead and do what it wants to and pakistan must take the high road this time----and get some donors to pay of its debts and get trade concessions.

The time is over for pakistan to conduct any more tests as for now. Pakistan does not need to prove any of its potency issues. Let india do what it wants to----if they want to be happy to conduct more---then be it. But I think----it will be a people relation disaster the world over and especially with japan and australia.

I have to agree with the above as I smell a CHUHAA in this Indian chaal-baazi.

The Americans are currently poised to approve a huge financial package for Pakistan military hardware upgrades. The Harpoon-thingy did not work for the Indian lobbyists to block this funding and now they have come up with the Nuke test-thingy! Also the Germans are close to finalize the U214 deal etc.

Pakistan has no need to respond in kind provided India conducts a nuke test again. We have nothing to prove to the world about our potency in this field. 1998 was different as we had to announce our nuke ability for all and for the purpose of deterrence. No need to do that now just because Indians want to 'pop the nuclear corn' again!

Pakistan should however conduct, as I have indicated in a thread before, a Hydrogen Bomb Test in the designated site in the Arabian Sea but at a time of our own choosing.

This TIT for TAT with India is no longer workable or required anymore. :pakistan:
what do u mean no country gives abms tech to other countries:disagree:

I hope this would help

"We are cooperating with countries to bridge our technology gaps.

Dr V K Saraswat

He acknowledged the BMD system had received some help from countries like Israel (LRTRs Green Pine Radar System ), France (fire-control radars) and Russia (seekers).

Dr V K Saraswat

"We have done some thinking on cooperation with countries such as Russia, United States and Israel in this programme and we have taken their help also in developing some of the technologies, such as the 'Swordfish' radar for the BMD with Israel".

Dr V K Saraswat

This is just what they have accepted themselves so far
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My questions to everyone are

Will Pakistan be able to maintain minimum deterrence once India tests the high yield (200kt to 2MT) thermonuclear devices with Pakistan having only 10kt to 30kt Atomic Bombs?

Do you think that India will be deterred by these Pakistan Atomic bombs when it will have 10 to 100 times more powerful weapons?

In my opinion, as I have already said in my previous post that test will be a necessity if Pakistan is to maintain deterrence against India

Hot tests will be necessary for number of reasons

  1. For validating a Pakistani thermonuclear bomb design. So far we have only tested low yield boosted fission devices.

  2. For validating a high yield boosted fission warheads for our long range ballistic and cruise missiles.

  3. Tests are also required if we want to use MIRV on our ballistic missiles in future to counter Indian painted ABMs.

  4. Lastly we need to test a nuclear devices based on plutonium.

We have far more Foreign exchange reserves when compared to 1998 to finance our imports and West is far more dependent on Pakistani help in Afghanistan, so I would say that Pakistan is in much better economic and political position to test then it was in 1998.:pakistan:

Our only major issue will be Mr. Unlimited %

We do - the smaller more powerful plutonium based ones.

I completely agree with the AgNoStIc MuSliM that we will have to test advance powerful plutonium weapons if we want to maintain minimum level of deterrence
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