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Pakistani parents give government three-day ultimatum to evacuate children from China

Kailash Kumar

Oct 8, 2018
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Pakistani parents give government three-day ultimatum to evacuate children from China


February 19, 2020


Parents and relatives of Pakistani students in the Chinese city of Wuhan, where the outbreak of the COVID-19 coronavirus began, hold placards during a protest to demand Pakistan's government the evacuation of their loved ones in Islamabad on Feb. 19, 2020.

ISLAMABAD: Parents of Pakistani students in China gave a three-day ultimatum to the government on Wednesday to evacuate their loved ones from the coronavirus-hit country, warning to protest outside government offices in case the authorities failed to fulfill their demand.

The enraged parents heckled government functionaries at a meeting in Islamabad after the officials refused to evacuate students from China’s Wuhan city, the epicenter of the viral outbreak.

“We want the government to immediately evacuate our children from Wuhan. We don’t want to listen to their lame excuses anymore,” Muhammad Ashfaq, father of a student of medical sciences at the Wuhan University of Science and Technology, told Arab News.

About 500 parents gathered at a government-designated venue in Islamabad where Special Assistant to Prime Minister Imran Khan on Overseas Pakistanis Zulfiqar Bukhari and State Minister for National Health Services Dr. Zafar Mirza were scheduled to brief them about the well-being of their children stuck in China.

The worried parents and relatives of children asked the officials to bring the Pakistani students back to their country as soon as possible. They chanted slogans and booed the ministers off.

“We are giving them [the government] a three-day ultimatum to devise an evacuation plan,” Ashfaq said. “Otherwise, we will be left with no option but to stage sit-ins in front of government offices.”

Around 1,100 Pakistani students have been stranded in Hubei province, with the majority based in Wuhan, since the lockdown was enforced on Jan. 23. A total of 28,000 Pakistani students are enrolled in different Chinese universities, according to the foreign office.

“We are working very closely with your government to stop this virus from spreading here, and right now we are also looking after your community in China on a daily basis,” said the Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan, Yao Jing, while talking to Arab News. “We have to look after their concerns and tend to their difficulties for the time being. So far, you had six patients that have been confirmed but all of them have been cured and released.”

He added: “We are combating [the epidemic] in a very hard way and right now indications have shown that things are moving in the positive direction. At least we have less and less increased numbers of those confirmed and suspects [infected].”

However, the death toll from the coronavirus reached 2,004 on Wednesday while it has infected more than 75,000 people, with over 1,000 cases outside mainland China. No case of the virus has so far been confirmed in Pakistan, though it shares border with China.

The mounting death toll has raised concerns, with many students from Wuhan and their parents in Pakistan pleading with the authorities for weeks to get an evacuation started in the locked down areas.

After the viral outbreak, more than 20 countries moved to evacuate their citizens from China. But Pakistan’s government has refused to fly their nationals back from the quarantined cities in a bid to avoid the spread of virus.

“The government is consistently looking into the matter as to how we can protect our nationals in China from contracting the virus,” Dr. Zafar Mirza told the concerned parents at the briefing.

However, he plainly refused to evacuate the students from Wuhan city. “We will fly them back home at an appropriate time …. at this stage, it isn’t beneficial at all to evacuate them,” he said.

Mirza said the government was well aware of the parents’ concerns, but there are “host of reasons” for not bringing Pakistanis students back home.

emotional ... stay calm and trust Chinese doctors. Don't rush and jeopardize the life of rest of nation. They are under constant under observation.

Time to bring them home. If other nations can, so can we.

These people are our future, the few educated minds, and we're literally abandoning them.

Shame on this Government.

emotional ... stay calm and trust Chinese doctors. Don't rush and jeopardize the life of rest of nation. They are under observation. Pakistan has no resources to control such epidemic .

Every other country brought their people home. We could've even received Turkish assistance in thos regard when they were evacuating.

As always, Pakistan is not caring for its citizens abroad.

Other countries run and fight tooth and nail to make sure their people abroad are safe and brought home, by any means necessary. We just push it under the carpet.

Not a sign of a respectable nation at all.
At first, I was skeptical but seeing all other nations bring their people back, easily isolate them for 2 weeks, obviously we can do the same as well.

Just think how these people would feel about Pakistan after this. They aren't even back home, and we are telling them you're not valued here, and you're not welcome!

Complete idiots, that's what our politicians are.
emotional ... stay calm and trust Chinese doctors. Don't rush and jeopardize the life of rest of nation. They are under observation. Pakistan has no resources to control such epidemic .

Time to bring them home. If other nations can, so can we.

These people are our future, the few educated minds, and we're literally abandoning them.

Shame on this Government.

Every other country brought their people home. We could've even received Turkish assistance in thos regard when they were evacuating.

As always, Pakistan is not caring for its citizens abroad.

Other countries run and fight tooth and nail to make sure their people abroad are safe and brought home, by any means necessary. We just push it under the carpet.

Not a sign of a respectable nation at all.
At first, I was skeptical but seeing all other nations bring their people back, easily isolate them for 2 weeks, obviously we can do the same as well.

Just think how these people would feel about Pakistan after this. They aren't even back home, and we are telling them you're not valued here, and you're not welcome!

Complete idiots, that's what our politicians are.

Disagreed, what is the fuss about? They aren't in a war zone. It is a highly stupid move to risk spreading the virus by allowing a quarantined personnel back. The government should actively provide money and food instead, Pakistan has no facility to control the spread of this virus. Even India has managed to defeat this virus.
First Pakistan needs to save 250 million Pakistanis living under poor condition with all time high polio HIV malaria and many other viruses and diseases unkown to man kind and some pakistanis are pretending to be MR America. The fact that their are still 1 billion Chinese living in China and if they are not worried then Pakistanis should not be either. Its in Pakistan's interest to satisfy China first because without them Pakistan is a banana republic.
Disagreed, what is the fuss about? They aren't in a war zone. It is a highly stupid move to risk spreading the virus by allowing a quarantined personnel back. The government should actively provide money and food instead, Pakistan has no facility to control the spread of this virus. Even India has managed to defeat this virus.

Every other country has done it, including Nepal and Sri Lanka.

The government cannot provide them with sh*t. I know exactly how much this Government gives a **** about its foreign citizens. Zero fucks. They only want taxes.

You bring them gome, quarantine and isolate them for 14 days, then let them off if they don't test positive. Have we imported testing kits from Japan for display?

Here they're requesting to be brought back home. The embassy is refusing contact on this regard, and the President has the audacity after prolonged silence just to quote a Hadith out of context to justify it.

These politicians are incompetent and destroying our future.
Every other country has done it, including Nepal and Sri Lanka.

The government cannot provide them with sh*t. I know exactly how much this Government gives a **** about its foreign citizens. Zero fucks. They only want taxes.

You bring them gome, quarantine and isolate them for 14 days, then let them off if they don't test positive. Have we imported testing kits from Japan for display?

Here they're requesting to be brought back home. The embassy is refusing contact on this regard, and the President has the audacity after prolonged silence just to quote a Hadith out of context to justify it.

These politicians are incompetent and destroying our future.

Ok bring them home, if anyone who is infected brings it back and accidently manages to spread it to someone else and this chain continues, will you take the responsibility of the deaths of all the little children and old people? Because it will be on people like you.
All countries that have evacuated their citizens have the means to control, identify and make a cure for the virus.

Nepal, Sri Lanka, India, Phillipines, Uzbekistan, Brazil, Indonesia, Egypt... want me to name more?


Honestly, **** this government and all the people who support this decision of not bringing our own people home. As a person in a foreign country, the only thing I feel about this is that as always my life is expendable for them and their dollars, and that there is zero support for me from this Government.

Also, not surprised, previous Governments have had the same case. It's an issue with our people. We give zero fucks about our respect and pride. Thrown our peoples' lives like garbage.

Look at what happens in Western countries when a citizen of theirs is in a bad situation, their entire diplomatic mission is shaken up and they go into overdrive mode, doing everything possible to help their people.

Our response however is this: deal with it, Pakistan state is not interested in helping you.

That's all I have to say about this.

Ok bring them home, if anyone who is infected brings it back and accidently manages to spread it to someone else and this chain continues, will you take the responsibility of the deaths of all the little children and old people? Because it will be on people like you.

This is not my responsibility, it is the Government's responsibility and they're failing at their responsibility. Needless to say, don't expect anything from your youth if you refuse to even value their lives and concerns, and the only thing the embassy does is shuts them down, and the president has the audacity to keep silent, not respond and only tweet after prolonged time.

Assholes, I hope these people rot in hell.
Time to bring them home. If other nations can, so can we.

These people are our future, the few educated minds, and we're literally abandoning them.

Shame on this Government.

Every other country brought their people home. We could've even received Turkish assistance in thos regard when they were evacuating.

As always, Pakistan is not caring for its citizens abroad.

Other countries run and fight tooth and nail to make sure their people abroad are safe and brought home, by any means necessary. We just push it under the carpet.

Not a sign of a respectable nation at all.
At first, I was skeptical but seeing all other nations bring their people back, easily isolate them for 2 weeks, obviously we can do the same as well.

Just think how these people would feel about Pakistan after this. They aren't even back home, and we are telling them you're not valued here, and you're not welcome!

Complete idiots, that's what our politicians are.
Grow up...
Nepal, Sri Lanka, India, Phillipines, Uzbekistan, Brazil, Indonesia, Egypt... want me to name more?


Honestly, **** this government and all the people who support this decision of not bringing our own people home. As a person in a foreign country, the only thing I feel about this is that as always my life is expendable for them and their dollars, and that there is zero support for me from this Government.

Also, not surprised, previous Governments have had the same case. It's an issue with our people. We give zero fucks about our respect and pride. Thrown our peoples' lives like garbage.

Look at what happens in Western countries when a citizen of theirs is in a bad situation, their entire diplomatic mission is shaken up and they go into overdrive mode, doing everything possible to help their people.

Our response however is this: deal with it, Pakistan state is not interested in helping you.

That's all I have to say about this.

This is not my responsibility, it is the Government's responsibility and they're failing at their responsibility. Needless to say, don't expect anything from your youth if you refuse to even value their lives and concerns, and the only thing the embassy does is shuts them down, and the president has the audacity to keep silent, not respond and only tweet after prolonged time.

Assholes, I hope these people rot in hell.

Why is it the governments responsibility? They have already shown that they have no confidence on handling this virus so why put the pin on them?

It is people like you who want to make really idiotic decisions and put at risk MORE lives of our country men. You want to take them out of the quarantined zone and country that can actually help them and treat them quickly so they are CURED for life. You want those people here at the mercy of OUR doctors?

What happens if in those 14 days someone tests positive? You going to ship them back to China?

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Grow up...

Grow up? You're telling me to grow up. Hahaha.

Every other country is evacuating their citizens and people, and Pakistani state is telling its people that "you're on your own."

I think you need to grow up.

Why is the governments responsibility? They have already shown that they have no confidence on handling this virus so why put the pin on them?

It is people like you who want to make really idiotic decisions and put at risk MORE lives of our country men. You want to take them out of quarantined zone and country that can actually help them and treat them quickly so they are CURED for life. You want those people here at the mercy of OUR doctors?

What happens if in those 14 days someone tests positive? You going to ship them back to China?


Isolate them, we have isolation wards, we have test kits, we have doctors, we have all the facilities to quarantine and treat.

Is Sri Lankan Medical system better? Is Vietnamese system better? Is Uzbek system better? Is Egyptian system better?

Let's get real. Our people and all politicians give zero fucks about their people abroad. In Pakistan there's an increasing sense of frustration, and anxiety due to this Government and their ignorance of public concerns, and false promises, and this is reaching to citizens abroad too, take my word on it.

No longer interested in arguing. Just know that when your youth loses confidence in state, then there is no future.

Thank you.
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