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Pakistani officials furious over ‘Homeland’


Mar 16, 2012
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By Jamie Schram


Mandy Patinkin plays former CIA honcho Saul Berenson during a tight spot of season four of "Homeland."

December 27, 2014 | 12:03am

Claire Danes is lucky no Emmy voters live in Islamabad.

Pakistani officials are furious with Showtime after watching the fourth season of its hit show “Homeland,” which they say portrays their country as an ugly, ignorant, terror-plagued “hellhole.”

The diplomats took copious notes of every slight while binge-watching all 12 episodes — including the lack of greenery in the depiction of the nation’s capital, Islamabad.

They complained directly to producers of the Emmy-winning drama, but their gripes fell on deaf ears, Pakistani sources said.

“Maligning a country that has been a close partner and ally of the US . . . is a disservice not only to the security interests of the US but also to the people of the US,” Pakistan Embassy spokesman Nadeem Hotiana told The Post.

One of their beefs is that the show — which stars Danes as CIA Agent Carrie Mathison on assignment in Pakistan — trashed a diplomat’s image of the capital as a bucolic oasis.

“Islamabad is a quiet, picturesque city with beautiful mountains and lush greenery,” one source said. “In ‘Homeland,’ it’s portrayed as a grimy hellhole and war zone where shootouts and bombs go off with dead bodies scattered around. Nothing is further from the truth.”

The cable show’s “Islamabad” scenes were actually filmed in Cape Town, South Africa.
Pakistani diplomats also called out the show’s producers for misrepresenting their language.

“The Pakistani characters portrayed in the show speak English like Americans would,” a source said. “Also, when the characters in the show speak Urdu, the accent is far from the local accent.

“And the connotations of some of the Urdu words that are used are out of place.” The biggest gripe is that the show depicts Pakistan as undemocratic and allied with terrorists.

“Repeated insinuations that an intelligence agency of Pakistan is complicit in protecting the terrorists at the expense of innocent Pakistani civilians is not only absurd but also an insult to the ultimate sacrifices of the thousands of Pakistani security personnel in the war against terrorism,” a source said.

“Our culture embraces Western society. Pakistan believes in the democratic system of voting in our presidents.”

“Pakistanis never embraced the dictators who, in the past, ruled the country because they took over the presidency through violent means.

“Homeland’ makes it seem that Pakistan has contempt for Americans and its values and principles. That is not true.”

Season Four wrapped up its final episode last Sunday.

The show’s publicist referred The Post to Showtime representatives, who did not respond to requests for comment.

Hotiana said he just wished the producers had spent more time getting their facts straight. “A little research would have gone a long way,” he said.

Source: Pakistani officials furious over ‘Homeland’ | New York Post

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Hollywood portrays Pakistan as some Moroccan desert town or some Indian slum.

Homeland should have done even 5 minutes of research on Pak landscape
Watched Zero Dark Thirty...and got to know that Arabic is fluently spoken in the streets of Rawalpindi and also in Abbottabad!

Pretty surprising, guess I have been living in the wrong country.

producers and directors should at least put these basic things right.
LOL these guys there are not worried because they trashed Pakistan as a country's image but are 'concerned' because they didnt show Islamabad lush green and the accents were fake?

So much for embracing the democracy and American values.......only to find out yr not accepted there:enjoy:

This is a clear cut warning to all those Mummy-Daddy/ Burger Families of both Military and Civil bureaucracy who in the name of democracy and freedom are embracing the 'alien' cultures and believes.
Watched Zero Dark Thirty...and got to know that Arabic is fluently spoken in the streets of Rawalpindi and also in Abbottabad!

Pretty surprising, guess I have been living in the wrong country.

producers and directors should at least put these basic things right.

Perhaps they really want to depict Pakistan in such a manner? I don't think this is a mistake at all. This is deliberate. Any actor/director knows what he/she is filming about. Remember, this is an Emmy-winning TV drama! Not some amateur B-rated TV serie.
Watched Zero Dark Thirty...and got to know that Arabic is fluently spoken in the streets of Rawalpindi and also in Abbottabad!

Pretty surprising, guess I have been living in the wrong country.

producers and directors should at least put these basic things right.

I don't know which is worse, portraying Pakistan like that or expecting Americans to know something about the outside world?
Perhaps they really want to depict Pakistan in such a manner? I don't think this is a mistake at all. This is deliberate. Any actor/director knows what he/she is filming about.
Why would you think so? What motive might they have? What objectives do you think they might hope to accomplish? And whom do you think are involved or responsible?
Why would you think so? What motive might they have? What objectives do you think they might hope to accomplish? And whom do you think are involved or responsible?

In simple terms. Certain quarters in the US simply abhor Pakistan. That sums it up really.

You are not going to tell me that all this just happened unknowingly.
That's hollywood and American media for you. Credibility and truth don't matter when it comes to propaganda.
In simple terms. Certain quarters in the US simply abhor Pakistan. That sums it up really.
But why would that be? Why would certain quarters hate Pakistan? What is there for them to hate? Besides the complicity you are implying is of pretty large proportions.
But why would that be? Why would certain quarters hate Pakistan? What is there for them to hate? Besides the complicity you are implying is of pretty large proportions.

What could be of larger proportion? Portraying an entire city as a terrorist hell hole whilst this is totally false and fabricated? Or the fact that the US blames Pakistan for all the problems in this world? Your questions don't make any sense.

This deliberate attempt exposes something about a certain mindset. There is no other reason for portraying the national capital city and Pakistan itself in such an ill manner.
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