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Pakistani nukes are stored Here[Says Indian satelite Expert]

That website has been over-run by anti-Pakistan Indic mongols lol

They've invaded the social network, almost 40% of Quorans are indians. So it is not surprising that most questions that come up on quora are against Pakistan.
This guy @Rajfortyseven on twitter posts these google map pics.
Last time I checked him he was posting an Admin block pic of NILORE Islamabad,saying it's Pakistan's new TOKAMAK.
I didn't correct him.

Well it's good that you didn't because that is exactly where it is and it's no secret since it is a public programme with IAEA supervision.
Well it's good that you didn't because that is exactly where it is and it's no secret since it is a public programme with IAEA supervision.
IAEA has nothing to do with TOKAMAK.
Not even the United States is exactly sure where our nukes are including the world that's how secretive it is , so how can india know ? pathetic lamo.
Not even the United States is exactly sure where our nukes are including the world that's how secretive it is , so how can india know ? pathetic lamo.
That isn't entirely true. The only thing US (CIA & SOCOM) doesn't knows is exactly how many units are there at a given location at a specific time. The rest is relatively pretty easy to figure out.
That isn't entirely true. The only thing US (CIA & SOCOM) doesn't knows is exactly how many units are there at a given location at a specific time. The rest is relatively pretty easy to figure out.

Well then that only thing is a good enough secret now isn't ? and that's all it matters .
The answer is dead simple. Had it been that easy to capture Pakistani nukes we would have seen Uncle Sam on a visit long ago.

Uncle Sam doesn't care as long as you don't have ICBMs. And uncle Sam finds it easy to control your political and military elite with money than fighting a full fledged war and causing chaos and in process spend trillions. In reality, Americans helped secure your Nuke facilities according to Thomas Countryman. Don't forget how quickly Americans tracked your shipments to N korea.
NILORE had strategic important and it was a fenced town with no public access during that time. Those days are long gone. The assets have been shifted to other sites and the area is open as well. Don’t know what this guy is smoking to call it NEW facility after it have been abandoned. :lol:


Here is how it works----you targets 11 positions---the truth will come out about 1/2 of them from the public response---. Simple as that---.

Not the case even if the knew about few facilities which we exchange details on regular basis as per understanding they cant launch an attack since they know their facilities also with in our range, about warheads even US with mighty advantage over India cant figure out where exactly our warheads stored just google it u will find the reports that US admits they dont know how many and where Pakistani warhead stored.
Above article is enough for friday morning comic relief.

Son even 40 years back u dont have courage to do that when our programme just in the middle since u r leadership knows what could happen in retaliation.

Dont act like a headless chicken.

That was probably an open gutter next to u r window since uranium dont smell that bad but during process yellow cake is quite smiller with what u saw in gutter. Lols


We don't exchange info about missile launch sites---. Only where the nuc reactors are---.
The answer is dead simple. Had it been that easy to capture Pakistani nukes we would have seen Uncle Sam on a visit long ago. Pakistan knows what it is doing and we are doing a splendid job at that. Finding a needle in haystack would be easier than capturing Pak nukes. I can assure you.
U.S. has fielded most capable and extensive intel gathering apparatus that has global reach. Do you think all of that huge budget is invested on the usual stuff such as army, airforce, navy and nuclear assets? No.

U.S. [does have] considerable knowledge of nuclear-related developments of every nuclear weapons state in the world and Pakistan is not an exception. To give you an idea, an American security expert once disclosed (identity withheld) that no amount of shielding is enough to fool some American assets in detecting a nuke on the land and monitoring is on global scale.

However, knowledge does not translates into action unless the situation is dire.

U.S. will not attack Pakistan under any circumstances unless something really bad happens in Pakistan; for example, if militants seize a nuclear facility or two (which is unlikely).

Looking at nuclear facilities from a safe distance is easy. An attack implies that their is no turning back from it.
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Azeem hai woh banda jisko Gutter Pipes Warheads nazar ate hai :rofl:

my Super secret , unknown source say that Pakistan does not even have Nukes, we create this Hoax to make the fool out this world , and world actually believe, please believe me and don't ask for my sources cause its super secret and Classified ..

Here is how it works----you targets 11 positions---the truth will come out about 1/2 of them from the public response---. Simple as that---.


We don't exchange info about missile launch sites---. Only where the nuc reactors are---.
my bad.
noted and understood.
What people are forgetting is that Pakistan also used highly mobile TEL.
Exactly why India is investing in s400, Barack 8, PAD. AAD etc etc.

Best defense for Pakistan is restrict sayeed and azhar. Its also cost effective. My views expressed here are totally neutral.
Your Indian gibberish makes no sense.
Worry about the fat cow Agni which weighs 50 tons and isn't much mobile
What people are forgetting is that Pakistan also used highly mobile TEL.

With indian satellite capabilities and Russia, America and Israel there to help India monitor Pak TEL through satellites. Mobile TEL can be tracked and neutralized.

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