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Pakistani national, Sanaullah attacked in high security central jail

The jail officials should be suspended and enquiry has to be ordered. When other jails (in UP) beefed up the security, why could not these people do the same.
Yet again, pathetic response by our media, no mention of it.

The guy is in coma in a hospital in Chandigarh and the Indian media is showing more info about him than Pakistani.

lanat ho in sab media houses par.

That's understandable. Indian media is very pro-active. Hyper active sometimes.
Now this is interesting, the brainless Bhartti baboon, in a high security prison serving life sentence for murder,.....has an access to an axe.....with which he attacked the Pakistani citizen.

A day after Sarabjit's death, Pakistani prisoner beaten up by fellow inmates in Jammu jail

All the Indians were jumping up and down that how did the Pakistanis get a brick and termed it premeditated. Now isn't this a premeditated murder, the guy had a friggin axe!

How the heck did he get a axe? Arnab Goswami should now put his head in his a**...
The Pakistani foreign ministry has contacted Indian counterparts and sought consular access to prisoner in hospital.
bharati kuttays (indian dogs) are barking and the mods in a pakistan based forum are on drugs.

Haha buddy, dont get worked up by silly people. Mods, Webmaster that is has been actively looking this person's postings and has banned him already.
The Pakistani prisoner was attacked by a former Indian Army soldier, reported IANS.

What was the soldier of IA doing in a jail? Might have done something rich in all honored tradition of IA. :rolleyes:

Can't do a sh!t in Ladakh against China. B@stard tries to become a hero by attacking an innocent prisoner in the jail. Typical.
Really sorry for what has happened. This could have been easily prevented.
All the Indians were jumping up and down that how did the Pakistanis get a brick and termed it premeditated. Now isn't this a premeditated murder, the guy had a friggin axe!

How the heck did he get a axe? Arnab Goswami should now put his head in his a**...

They also recovred 100 different types of weapons from that jail operated by Indians.

Seems the jail houses many Kashmiris and Indian criminals in that jail are provided weapons to kill Muslim prisoners there

What was the soldier of IA doing in a jail? Might have done something rich in all honored tradition of IA. :rolleyes:

Can't do a sh!t in Ladakh against China. B@stard tries to become a hero by attacking an innocent prisoner in the jail.

He had killed his fellow Indian soldier
All the Indians were jumping up and down that how did the Pakistanis get a brick and termed it premeditated. Now isn't this a premeditated murder, the guy had a friggin axe!

How the heck did he get a axe? Arnab Goswami should now put his head in his a**...

Yea, @Indians, put your money where your mouth is.....you would put any drama queen to shame.
And when did that Goswami did ever pulled his head out of his backside.....no wonder all he sees is India. !!
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What was the soldier of IA doing in a jail? Might have done something rich in all honored tradition of IA. :rolleyes:

Can't do a sh!t in Ladakh against China. B@stard tries to become a hero by attacking an innocent prisoner in the jail. Typical.

He was in jail apparently for killing his fellow soldier. Please no cheerleading for Chinese here at least. This has nothing to do with China.

P.S-What is this latest Pakistani obsession with Goswami ?
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