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Pakistani Military Still Cultivates Militant Groups - More US Propaganda

So if you really believe in 'Video confessions', lets start here:

So the terrorist, from Afghanistan, claims he is being paid 20000 rupees for every Pakistani soldier he kills.


In case you can't understand the second video, the LeJ terrorist is claiming that India funds their terrorist operations in Pakistan.

Shall we start here then? No double standards now ...

Time to take action or with the concerned people. But this is no way concerned to the topic we are discussing.

When did Musharraf claim he was supporting terrorists?

Refer this thread

If you can confront them then please go ahead and do so on the relevant thread. Merely claiming you can do so is childish.

One has to accept that he has disease, so that a medicine can be served. If they want to die without reveling the disease, its their fate.

None of the above addresses the central point being raised by Pakistanis here, that the allegations against the ISI and PA are unsubstantiated and unverified, and will remain so until credible evidence is provided.

So your conclusion is that these terrorist's are independent and they are not inspired by religion. The Army doesnt have anything to do with them. Good you can live with this nice dream, I dont want to distrub that.

When you wake up, please read this link
The ISI and Terrorism: Behind the Accusations - Council on Foreign Relations

You may also dismiss them as mere allegations and continue your sleep.
The struggle for the freedom of Kashmir cannot be labelled as terrorism. The Christians played this game in muslim countries and in the world before in the name of coloialism. People in India that were against the British were labelled terrorsts and taken to Malta (The Gutanamo Bay) of the British. French played the same game and so did the Germans, Dutch, Spanish etc. Now when Christians rise in Indonesia they are freedom fighters and UN grants them autonomy and UN grants the Christians a new country in Sudan.

What Israel does is never terrorism since they have all the US Politicians in their pocket. Kashmir will be free andd the India will have to accept the 2 oustanding UN resolutions on Kashmir.

I should agree with you, even the poor LTTE were labelled as terrorists by the Christians. Villain, Evil Christians. Thanks for pointing it out.
Time to take action or with the concerned people. But this is no way concerned to the topic we are discussing.

Refer this thread

One has to accept that he has disease, so that a medicine can be served. If they want to die without reveling the disease, its their fate.

So your conclusion is that these terrorist's are independent and they are not inspired by religion. The Army doesnt have anything to do with them. Good you can live with this nice dream, I dont want to distrub that.

When you wake up, please read this link
The ISI and Terrorism: Behind the Accusations - Council on Foreign Relations

You may also dismiss them as mere allegations and continue your sleep.

Accussing the ISI is a propoganda and failures of western intelligence cannot be blamed on ISI. The whole world knows that the US, British and Western Countries though play this drama of democracy but support Kings, Dictators and terrorists.

(01) Manual Noriaga was a graduate of a US Military School
(02) Fidel Castro was allied with the CIA at first and then turned against the CIA
(03) Who gave Saddam Chemical Weapons and training?
(04) OBL we know who created him for sure

So the US has more links with terrorists than anyone on this planet. If you deny it then lets see some facts.
Accussing the ISI is a propoganda and failures of western intelligence cannot be blamed on ISI. The whole world knows that the US, British and Western Countries though play this drama of democracy but support Kings, Dictators and terrorists.

(01) Manual Noriaga was a graduate of a US Military School
(02) Fidel Castro was allied with the CIA at first and then turned against the CIA
(03) Who gave Saddam Chemical Weapons and training?
(04) OBL we know who created him for sure

So the US has more links with terrorists than anyone on this planet. If you deny it then lets see some facts.

Manual Noriaga - true, so what. He got punished by a US Court and enjoying his life in France.
Fidel Castro,Saddam - Any substantial links or proof?
Saddam/OBL - you know who killed him?.

Personally I am against Iraq invasion and killing of Saddam and I really appreciate Castro for able to survive this long.

Thanks for pointing these things out. When we realized that the policy we are following is not wroking, we changed course. Took the opposite stance and gained on them. The same thing your army has to do. Thanks again.

On a lighter note, I am not dismissing these things as allegations. We Introspect, accept our failure, change course. Its a good process, why can't your army join this process?
Time to take action or with the concerned people. But this is no way concerned to the topic we are discussing.
See what I meant about 'double standards'.

This is relevant - you have video footage of militants confessing to Indian support for carrying out terrorism and being paid in Afghanistan to kill Pakistani soldiers. Will you then, using your own standards, condemn the Afghans/Indians/US for sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan?

Once we can establish a 'standard', we can continue with the allegations against the ISI and see if the evidence supporting them comes up to the same level.

I am aware of that statement by Musharraf, it is you who needs to revisit it. Musharraf never admitted to supporting Haqqani in any way, he only stated something the ISI and PA has said repeatedly, that the ISI maintains contact, not support, with various militant groups in order to contact them in case of hostage release etc.

Even Petraeus, back in an interview in 2008-09 addressed this issue, and agreed with the Pakistani position, and said that even the CIA maintains contacts with various groups - but contacts does not equate support, it simply means 'lines of communication, if necessary, are open', and almost every nation's intelligence has them.
One has to accept that he has disease, so that a medicine can be served. If they want to die without reveling the disease, its their fate.
Nice, but completely irrelevant. You have to prove that one has a disease first. When there is no credible evidence supporting your position, why do you expect us to simply take American/Western propaganda as the Gospel Truth.
So your conclusion is that these terrorist's are independent and they are not inspired by religion. The Army doesnt have anything to do with them. Good you can live with this nice dream, I dont want to distrub that.
I said nothing about religion - but the fact of the matter is that they are operating using the porous Afghan borders with Pakistan, Iran and the CAR's, and using funds from the Arab world, drug trade, gun running, smuggling, extortion, kidnapping etc. to finance their operations.

So yes, unless you provide credible evidence indicating otherwise, these groups are operating independently, whatever their ideological leanings.

When you wake up, please read this link
The ISI and Terrorism: Behind the Accusations - Council on Foreign Relations

You may also dismiss them as mere allegations and continue your sleep.
I'll read the link, but please also try and offer excerpts from articles that support whatever point you want to make.
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