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Pakistani Marines!!

Operation Madad by SSGN and Pakistan Marines

Here is the most detailed series ever produced on Pakistan Marines ,Navy SEALs and SSG's ,their training and equipment
Enjoy it

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Does anyone else think this presenter is an idiot; he keeps calling them SEALS, they are NOT SEALS, they are SSG-N. And a handy "briefcase" handle on a FN Minimi?? Does he have a clue what he is talking about??
Secondly, as an objective observer I have to say I prefer the Indian Navy's MARCOS- they are better trained (2 years of hardcore training in ALL combat types- jungle,arctic,mountain,desert,amphibious,urban,CQB etc):


And the fact the MARCOS all cover their faces shows maturity and professionalism, not playing up for cameras.
Indian Navy Marine Cammandos (MARCOS)




Does anyone else think this presenter is an idiot; he keeps calling them SEALS, they are NOT SEALS, they are SSG-N. And a handy "briefcase" handle on a FN Minimi?? Does he have a clue what he is talking about??
Secondly, as an objective observer I have to say I prefer the Indian Navy's MARCOS- they are better trained (2 years of hardcore training in ALL combat types- jungle,arctic,mountain,desert,amphibious,urban,CQB etc):


And the fact the MARCOS all cover their faces shows maturity and professionalism, not playing up for cameras.
Indian Navy Marine Cammandos (MARCOS)




1. Its a thread about Pakistan Marine so don't ruin it by bringing India into it.

2. He is not a military professional so he just described the "whatever it is called" a Briefcase handle.

3. This thread is not VS thread...

4. Do covering face really make someone professional :rofl: I think Half of the forces I like don't cover there faces......

Un Professional Navy seals not covering there faces.

YouTube - US Navy Seals Tribute
1. Its a thread about Pakistan Marine so don't ruin it by bringing India into it.

2. He is not a military professional so he just described the "whatever it is called" a Briefcase handle.

3. This thread is not VS thread...

4. Do covering face really make someone professional :rofl: I think Half of the forces I like don't cover there faces......

Un Professional Navy seals not covering there faces.

YouTube - US Navy Seals Tribute

lol very well said bro.. specially the profesional part..
but the funny part is that this sad idiot has hide behind not one but two British flags to justify his love for Indian MARCOS..
too shy with his real flag :)
Does anyone else think this presenter is an idiot; he keeps calling them SEALS, they are NOT SEALS, they are SSG-N. And a handy "briefcase" handle on a FN Minimi?? Does he have a clue what he is talking about??
Secondly, as an objective observer I have to say I prefer the Indian Navy's MARCOS- they are better trained (2 years of hardcore training in ALL combat types- jungle,arctic,mountain,desert,amphibious,urban,CQB etc):


And the fact the MARCOS all cover their faces shows maturity and professionalism, not playing up for cameras.
Indian Navy Marine Cammandos (MARCOS)





You prefer MARCOS? Prefer for what? You rent them out, is that what you are saying?

Jeez man.

SEAL means SeaAirLand..............US navy calls their team SEAL, but if Pakistan or India or any nation uses the same term for their naval teams then it may not be wrong for they are trained in para-drops, sea and land assault.
My friend from the Isles; The role of PN Marines is not that of SEALS -- that group has evolved over time -- PN-M have yet to evlove with time and the roles that need to be filled keeping in view the overall mission of PN and its operational capabilities.

It would be unwise on anyone to compare the US Navy Seal with Marines or for that matter MARCOS.

Furthermore, covering ones faces !!!!! It all depends upon the role you are asked to perform -- you should know better than that!

Chinese, Pakistani and Nigerian marine special force corps have group photos taken during the multinational Naval Peace Exercise "Aman 09" in Pakistan, March 7, 2009. The Pakistan Navy's multinational Naval Peace Exercise "Aman 09" began on Friday in the southern port city of Karachi. The navies of a total of 12 countries took part in the exercises with their battleships, maritime aircraft and other forces.(Xinhua/Zha Chunming)

Chinese and Pakistani marine special force corps exchange knowledge of weapons during the multinational Naval Peace Exercise "Aman 09" in Pakistan, March 7, 2009. The Pakistan Navy's multinational Naval Peace Exercise "Aman 09" began on Friday in the southern port city of Karachi. The navies of a total of 12 countries took part in the exercises with their battleships, maritime aircraft and other forces.(Xinhua/Zha Chunming)

Pakistani marine special force corps (L) introduces a kind of bullet-proof vest to Chinese marine special force corps during the multinational Naval Peace Exercise "Aman 09" in Pakistan, March 7, 2009. The Pakistan Navy's multinational Naval Peace Exercise "Aman 09" began on Friday in the southern port city of Karachi. The navies of a total of 12 countries took part in the exercises with their battleships, maritime aircraft and other forces.(Xinhua/Zha Chunming)
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