I call BS..Pakistani girls or most girls for that matter aren't that forthcoming..
That is not only erroneous, it is also part of what makes present day
feminism in the West overflow with ridicule when pretending all girls
to be
flowers and painting all mature women as respectable queens.
I worked security and bars for years. I couldn't relate a tenth of what
I saw and heard as it would be haram to decency standards in Umma.
Still, women are as forthcoming as men when allowed by society, trust me!
So ...
I take it you have been groped by females while out in public places?
Routinely as part of the job described above! In fact, when training
young "bouncers", you have to teach them not to let the admiring herd
get too dense around them as it slows their reactions / movements if an
emergency occurs.
There are even "crews" : groups of young lady friends that select guys
by majority vote and then all ... ...; again, trust me on that one!
its bullshit becuase women dont need to assault men.... a woman can go out and have sex with out any effort what so ever becuase of all the thirsty men out there especially in pakistan.
True but you miss the point by stating so!
When that group groped that guy in the OP, they were not
looking for
sex but
for control /power over men. The two are so little related
( although
they often coincide ) that many women exert control over their husbands
and get sex elsewhere, in all societies I may add.
In general, this habit of considering women as less of a sexual being
than men is a major source of cognitive dissonance in the battle of the
sexes saga and it's as wrong as forgetting that there are soft men who
are gentle or shy by nature and not at all warrior oriented, as must likely
be the case of the OP's protagonist.
And if we want perfectly equal societies, all these shades of manliness
and womanhood have to be allowed.
Last but not least, sexual harassment is in the eye of the behandled.
Great day all, Tay.