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Pakistani man gets sexually harassed by girls in Karachi, blogs about the ordeal

Fact: You are speaking for all men when you clearly cannot. The man in the OP especially. If he didn't want it, it's irrelevant what you think about men wanting it or not. The concept of consent seems to be lost on you here that you keep making these irrelevant arguments.

Also fact: If a man didn't want the advances made towards him, he can file a complaint in most countries to get the woman charged with harassment.

Most members here seem to thurkis of the highest order to want to receive female attention in this particular way.

thats why im laughing.. and my post being quoted.
by Dawood Rehman | Published on June 4, 2016


KARACHI (Web Desk) – A young man says he was molested by a group of women in public on Tariq Road, one of the leading shopping areas in Karachi.

Saad Ilamdin, a social media blogger, shares his story with everyone to make people aware of the fact that women are not the sole victims of harassment in any country or society.
“Men get targeted too,” Saad wrote on Parhlo.com.
“No one believes men. They get mocked and ridiculed beyond measure. No one considers it a serious enough issue.
“Yet, I’m stating my story so people are aware that their young male kids need as much protection as females,” he added.

According to Saad, he was at Tariq Road on Sunday after work, looking for few things to buy. “You all know how crowded Tariq Road becomes after 6 pm, especially during Eid season. I was wandering around looking at shops when I saw a group of females approaching.”
Saad describes walking along the packed sidewalk, and encountering a group of girls.

“I moved to the side and stood still, out of respect so that the group could pass by. But unfortunately, one of the females moved her hand along my waist line!”
Saad goes on to say that one of women in the group also “groped him hard” and “walked away laughing”.
He describes being rattled by the incident. “I felt an immense amount of disgust and repulsion which made me leave the place immediately,” he wrote.
Later on Sunday, he took the issue to social media and posted a tweet about what happened to him.
However, his post was not received well by all quarters. While many Twitter users condemned the incident, others didn’t take him very seriously, calling him a “lucky lad”.

Whatever people on Twitter think about him, Saad also has a message. He says he wants people to know that sexual harassment is a common problem, and that being male or female, or looking or dressing a certain way does not bring it on or justify it in any way.

He continues: “The worst part was that I couldn’t do anything at that moment….Even if I had tried to stop them, they would have put the blame on me for harassing them, due to which nearby shopkeepers and other passerby would have beaten me to pulp,” describing the stigma surrounding men in crowded places in Pakistan, which left him with no one to seek help from.

“The thing is, that the society we live in, doesn’t recognize that men can be victims as well. But when faced with such situations, they are much [more] helpless than the women,” he wrote in his article.

it can happen to people of any gender.... i understand the disgust he felt.
This is a long standing urban legend in Pakistan that there are a bunch of girls 'molesting' lads , I think every college going lad in Pakistan has heard this story

Well, by now these girls would have surely grown up and become women??
Sexual assault is sexual assault regardless of gender!
You know, I bet every woman who complains about harassment must
You know, I bet every woman who complains about harassment must be one who is unable to talk to men or get asked out by men.

And most people on this thread are just making up fantasies as well. So it is your argument that is BS.

Yes yes, we should treat every female allegation of sexual harassment the same way.

You know, I bet every woman who talks about women's issues and whatnot must have had their heart broken by a guy and is taking their issue out on entire male population.
Lol dude I see women in Pakistan much more sincere and more dedicated and more courageous when it comes to express their feelings for their Crush, unlike men who do messed up things to attract girls attention. Government should ban movies from 1960-1990. Because heroes of these movies also used to do all the strange stuff to get girls attention and that stuff doesn't work anymore

...by women or a woman or even khatnay wala qasai :omghaha:
Rofl hahah:lol:


yeh lay aisssi ki taisssi rondoooon ki ab main hannssoon bhi na.

How do you???
Simple answer you train your family female with weapons and arm them.
LOL.. stop trolling. You don't know me, so fall back!

I figured it out.... this guy was groped by a transgender... sometimes you can't tell the difference unless you look closely.
This...!!! :tup:
Now we know why he took it to heart.
I did NOT do it, the system did, there's an indian member complaining about getting his post quoted, and i was only mildly reacting to your false accusations. Don't force me to use the language that might justifiably warrant "mind your language" because you oh so badly want to say that.
You've made three aggressive posts directed at me and I've let you get away with it. Be some more of an ahole and your earbuds will have taste of Punjabi.
Use some brain and ask yourself if it even serves any purpose to pin someone's post to another person and then reply to it.

Mama didn't teach you manners!? Just shows the quality (read: poor) upbringing!

Grow up kiddo. You ought to have checked your posts after posting, see that error and fixed it. I was assertive yes, but did you use words such as schoopid and ahole that you are resorting to.

'Earbuds will have taste of Punjabi' :crazy:
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Mama didn't teach you manners!? Just shows the quality (read: poor) upbringing!

Grow up kiddo. You ought to have checked your posts after posting, see that error and fixed it. I was assertive yes, but did you use words such as schoopid and ahole that you are resorting to.

'Earbuds will have taste of Punjabi' :crazy:
How about you start worrying about yours? It's beyond poor.
I will when you die. I did, it was fine and I was even waiting for his response. Those are slangs for situations when you don't want to come off as harsh. I said schoopid instead of stupid for a reason.
1) It was not my fault
2) I had no idea what you were talking about
3) Took me some time to figure out as the post got buried
4) You were quoting/accusing me nonstop being unclear and a total red asss
Lucky bast****
They need whole canister full of "TIDE" to clean this mess up the window

bohat bully baat hay. you are inviting ire of abdulabari :P
it can happen to people of any gender.... i understand the disgust he felt.
Aww that poor little baby couldn't stand up for himself
Aww that poor little baby couldn't stand up for himself
to be rediculed or worse have the blame come to him from those women's manipulation? society listens to women's complaints in these scenarios... not men,..
Well, I think this could be true, though it happens very rarely. I have witnessed something similar but only verbal comments were passed, happened to a friend of mine and I was there. But that was in a university on a lonely road :) so not sure if we can relate it here.
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