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Pakistani Man Charged Over Shipments to Pakistan's Nuclear Program

Look man...Pakistan is never a failed state except on papers in the western world...not here...
regarding ure comment that I have fiction attitude...okay u can think whatever u like but whatever I wrote in my post is not fiction according to my knowledge or observations. I guess u might be living in the dream world..cuz u dont know about any threat anywhere ......I am amazed..Yes I cant blame u cuz ure knowledge is not the same as mine so u r right according to ure knowledge in ure conclusions...
If u dont believe me ...okay go and look into ure Torah and try to find out who is going to use "Brimstone" on ure country....and how it will be destroyed..
Afghanistan and Pakistan were and are peaceful countries before the western powerz entered here and started killing its pplz and tried to change their way of life...as a result u r ureself seeing the difference now...No power shold try to enforce its way of thinking on the other countries or its pplz especially...everybody knowz what is right and wrong for them...
Another thing u said US is twice as big than us and a super power...Okay ..Lets see and tell them to send more troops in Afghanistan/Pakistan for fight...Insha-Allah u will not see US on the face of the earth except only 52 states or maybe more than that..:agree: Regarding the current secret Terrorist business the US is doing in Pakistan I hope US will be our colony very soon Insha-Allah...just wait and watch...:woot::cheesy:

Another chapter in Star Trek. Come on, be serious. US was hurt by the terror attacks of 9/11, thousands of Americans lost their lives, the Pentagon was destroyed, and you are making a conspiracy theory out of it. Why it is so difficult for you to accept that Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda were behind these crimes? They are proud of it!

OK, I accept the challenge. Lets check my knowledge and you can feel free to correct me.

You claim that Pakistan is a peaceful country, but yet it initiated four major military conflict with India (48', 65', 71, and 99') without any provocation. The Army and ISI already began meddling in Afghanistan in 1973, 6 years before it was occupied by the Soviets and the the alarm went off in Washington. Pakistan was the only country which supported the Taliban regime by diplomatic and military means although that regime is a primitive one that stone women for being raped and conduct other atrocities. The last terror attack on Mumbai in 2008 was initiated from Pakistan with the silent support of ISI. Under Army instructions, Pakistan's senior nuclear scientist, AQ Khan, helped rogue regimes to develop nuclear weapons.

And you still think that Pakistan is a peaceful country?

How will you define a country that 60% of its people live on $2 per day, that do not enjoy comprehensive education (40% illiteracy) and social services; that its leaders are being killed (Liaquat ali Khan Zulfikar and Benazir Bhutto, Zia ul-Haq) and everyone afraid to investigate it too deeply; that was under military regime half of its independent years; that has more terrorists per square mile than any other country in the world. You know, if it walks like a duck and looks like a duck then... it is a failed state.

You argued, of course, that Pakistan is the victim, it is always the victim, isn't it? No matter what it does? Pakistan is never responsible for anything, right? It is time to change attitude and think constructively.
Another chapter in Star Trek. Come on, be serious. US was hurt by the terror attacks of 9/11, thousands of Americans lost their lives, the Pentagon was destroyed, and you are making a conspiracy theory out of it. Why it is so difficult for you to accept that Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda were behind these crimes? They are proud of it!

OK, I accept the challenge. Lets check my knowledge and you can feel free to correct me.

You claim that Pakistan is a peaceful country, but yet it initiated four major military conflict with India (48', 65', 71, and 99') without any provocation. The Army and ISI already began meddling in Afghanistan in 1973, 6 years before it was occupied by the Soviets and the the alarm went off in Washington. Pakistan was the only country which supported the Taliban regime by diplomatic and military means although that regime is a primitive one that stone women for being raped and conduct other atrocities. The last terror attack on Mumbai in 2008 was initiated from Pakistan with the silent support of ISI. Under Army instructions, Pakistan's senior nuclear scientist, AQ Khan, helped rogue regimes to develop nuclear weapons.

And you still think that Pakistan is a peaceful country?

How will you define a country that 60% of its people live on $2 per day, that do not enjoy comprehensive education (40% illiteracy) and social services; that its leaders are being killed (Liaquat ali Khan Zulfikar and Benazir Bhutto, Zia ul-Haq) and everyone afraid to investigate it too deeply; that was under military regime half of its independent years; that has more terrorists per square mile than any other country in the world. You know, if it walks like a duck and looks like a duck then... it is a failed state.

You argued, of course, that Pakistan is the victim, it is always the victim, isn't it? No matter what it does? Pakistan is never responsible for anything, right? It is time to change attitude and think constructively.

why you are using false flags ???
read what i said its very much related to the topic.
and btw the "ONE" country who did it has not right to question another country ;)

It is still not related to the topic which describes a man of Pakistani origin.

Of course we will continue to question your country where people have no value for life and use the N word so carelessly...I will not even dig into your proliferation record...

Call for nukes use over India dams

Call for nukes use over India dams

Pakistan Muslim League- Likeminded Punjab on Wednesday held a demonstration to condemn Indian designs to convert Pakistan into a barren land.

A press release issued here said the protestors came hard on Indian administration for constructing dams on its rivers merely to deprive Pakistan from any water. Addressing the gathering, former Member National Assembly Secretary Information Pakistan Muslim League-Likeminded Punjab Mian Mohammed Asif said India was blatantly violating the Indus Basin Treaty and it was a high time for the Pakistani government to use all options to save the country from water shortage.

He said India wasn’t taking the dialogue process seriously and if it didn’t mend its ways action should be taken against it.

PS: This was from Today's paper
Thursday, March 10, 2011
I think he was right to sell items to Pakistan - US courts can go lick his ... boots
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