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Pakistani Man Charged Over Shipments to Pakistan's Nuclear Program

spoken like a true naive person. brother u have caught only one. do u think these intelligence operatives are operating with " i m a CIA operative " tag that u will immidately identify and catch them.

these people r trained to be invisible. i bet if u can catch even 10 in one year.

P.S. too much of jingoistic rant shows low level of intellect. pls do remember in future.

Hey man ..u dont have to worry about that ..How we gonna catch them ...We already got the list of them and know exactlty under what cover they r working and what they r doing so We already know the game...Insha-Allah we gonna make example out of them:woot::cheesy:
Hey man ..u dont have to worry about that ..How we gonna catch them ...We already got the list of them and know exactlty under what cover they r working and what they r doing so We already know the game...Insha-Allah we gonna make example out of them:woot::cheesy:

again jingoistic rant. do u think ISI wd not have caught them if they knew the details. if they catch five more, it will put tremendous pressure on US and will increase bargaining power of pak.

my question to u. does ISI release list of people they r watching to common people? stop jingoistic rant.
again jingoistic rant. do u think ISI wd not have caught them if they knew the details. if they catch five more, it will put tremendous pressure on US and will increase bargaining power of pak.

my question to u. does ISI release list of people they r watching to common people? stop jingoistic rant.

Hey I am a small jingoistic rant or fool or whatever u think I am happi about that...as u said above...it doesnt matterz me..:)...Hey what u think that we will give u the list:disagree:....but anywayz Alhamdolillah the game is going great ..u just watch and see...we r not going to show our all cardz at once...We gonna strike when the iron is red hot and nobody be expecting our strike...umm. Our strike will be a surprise...Insha-Allah..:woot::cheesy:
Hey man...Who cares abot the US ..does it have any human values...they killed their own 3000 pplz in 9/11 and now running Terrorist training camps in Afghanistan/Pakistan tribal areas with hundreds of Davis's running around supplying nukes and biological weapons to them so that they can kill millions of pplz around the world...I think US shold be broken down to 52 states and UN should send it forces over there so that no terrorism originates from there...:woot::cheesy:

Keep this attitude of fiction on current affairs, it brought Pakistan to its contemporary failed situation. The US has only double number of people than Pakistan, and it is a superpower. Do not you think there are some serious problems over there in your side?
Baltimore , nuclear doesn't that sound familar, sound like another TomClancy Novel - Sum of All fears

Keep this attitude of fiction on current affairs, it brought Pakistan to its contemporary failed situation. The US has only double number of people than Pakistan, and it is a superpower. Do not you think there are some serious problems over there in your side?

The only attitude of fiction on current affairs that is greatly emitting, is the idea of Palestinan stones (QUITE LITTERALLY) do more harm than phosphorus chemicals bombs and the idea of stealing lands from a sovereign, peaceful and law abiding people is ............acceptable.
This is a violation of International Law and the Vienna Convention! He must be immediately released free Mr. Akhtar is a Pakistani diplomat with full level diplomatic immunity in acceptance with Washington.

Will they?
They would make propagandas and catch someone imune as to counter their so called diplomat 'Raymond Davis'.
Baltimore , nuclear doesn't that sound familar, sound like another TomClancy Novel - Sum of All fears

The only attitude of fiction on current affairs that is greatly emitting, is the idea of Palestinan stones (QUITE LITTERALLY) do more harm than phosphorus chemicals bombs and the idea of stealing lands from a sovereign, peaceful and law abiding people is part of the norm.

This is the problem? The land? For some reason I do not believe you. Tomorrow there will be some other excuse.
Another Nail in the coffin. I know I know you think its funny--- but this " proliferation stigma" is stuck to Pakistan and this time it ain't because of the WOT.

You Know- if I was Pakistani or if Indians did this crap- I would be all over their case. Seriously, what has happened to you guys? ... that you are actually advocating and condoning something that is detrimental to your image , which is already in the crapper. Come on guys, you are smarter than that...

:cheesy: how its proliferation on our part ???? lolzzz or may be you meant proliferation on part of Americans who sold him .

BTW the last time we saw an Indian was convicted of shipping nuclear secrets from US to China
This is really strange.

Pakistanis condemn Raymond Davis, one can understand that.

But why all this praise and support for Nadeem Akhtar and his deeds? Anything that is wrong is wrong, be it in your interest, or anyone else's. Is that too hard to understand? Or perhaps most Pakistanis have forgotten that Pakistan is still the US's ally in the WoT. A 'tit-for-tat' attitude with your biggest financier is not a very good idea.

Nadeem Akhtar is not some undercover spy, just a smuggler working on his personal interests. Would you like to support a smuggler? When the Americans do not support the acts of Raymond Davis, I wonder where all this 'reactionary' support for Nadeem Akhtar is coming from.

Pakistanis here condoning Nadeem Akhtar's deeds remind of the lawyers who showered rose petals on Mumtaz Qadri.
:cheesy: how its proliferation on our part ???? lolzzz or may be you meant proliferation on part of Americans who sold him .

BTW the last time we saw an Indian was convicted of shipping nuclear secrets from US to China

lies!!!! B2 is a plane not any nuclear secret.
So not one of you think this can actually be true?:woot:

why not. it could be as much true as in 2008 when an Indian man pleaded guilty in US Court to transferring sensitive items to India in collaboration with Indian embassy for possible use in ballistic missiles, space launch vehicles and fighter jets.

:azn: so we are surely in race lolzzz
Keep this attitude of fiction on current affairs, it brought Pakistan to its contemporary failed situation. The US has only double number of people than Pakistan, and it is a superpower. Do not you think there are some serious problems over there in your side?

Look man...Pakistan is never a failed state except on papers in the western world...not here...
regarding ure comment that I have fiction attitude...okay u can think whatever u like but whatever I wrote in my post is not fiction according to my knowledge or observations. I guess u might be living in the dream world..cuz u dont know about any threat anywhere ......I am amazed..Yes I cant blame u cuz ure knowledge is not the same as mine so u r right according to ure knowledge in ure conclusions...
If u dont believe me ...okay go and look into ure Torah and try to find out who is going to use "Brimstone" on ure country....and how it will be destroyed..
Afghanistan and Pakistan were and are peaceful countries before the western powerz entered here and started killing its pplz and tried to change their way of life...as a result u r ureself seeing the difference now...No power shold try to enforce its way of thinking on the other countries or its pplz especially...everybody knowz what is right and wrong for them...
Another thing u said US is twice as big than us and a super power...Okay ..Lets see and tell them to send more troops in Afghanistan/Pakistan for fight...Insha-Allah u will not see US on the face of the earth except only 52 states or maybe more than that..:agree: Regarding the current secret Terrorist business the US is doing in Pakistan I hope US will be our colony very soon Insha-Allah...just wait and watch...:woot::cheesy:
why not. it could be as much true as in 2008 when an Indian man pleaded guilty in US Court to transferring sensitive items to India in collaboration with Indian embassy for possible use in ballistic missiles, space launch vehicles and fighter jets.

:azn: so we are surely in race lolzzz

All I can say is stick to the topic...so if one country does it does it absolve what this Pakistani has done?
All I can say is stick to the topic...so if one country does it does it absolve what this Pakistani has done?

read what i said its very much related to the topic.
and btw the "ONE" country who did it has not right to question another country ;)
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